Safety for truckdrivers

Increasing agression and violence against truckdrivers by illegal migrants and criminal gangs around Calais and along the roads in Europe provide unsafe situations for the drivers. We demand that wecan carry out our work safely


Truckdrivers, employers relatives and anyone who uses the European highways


increasing aggression and violence  against drivers by illegal immigrants and criminal gangs along the highways through Europe provide unsafe situations for the driver.

the drivers are abandoned by the authorities in a scandalous way

there have been drivers wounded and even deadths and this has to stop immediately 

and requests:

Drivers demand a quick and effective response from the government against this increasing aggression

safe parking with adequate space and effective police supervision is absolutly necessary.

it has been enough, we demand our right to a safe workplace


ChauffeursNieuwsLogo1.JPGOn the 29th of August we hand overvthis petition in Brussels to the European Parliament members