Urgently repair streetlights in Ward 25 Ekurhuleni!

We, the residents of Ward 25 in The City of Ekurhuleni, more specifically in Pomona, Bredell, Glen Marais, Benoni Agricultural Holdings, Marister Agricultural Holdings, Zesfontein Agricultural Holdings, greater Putfontein Agricultural Holdings including Lillyvale, Hillcrest, Mayfield and surrounding areas are tired and frustrated due to the lack of repairs of street lights in these areas.


As per the current Service Level Standards (E4.2-E4.3), the turnaround standard is 24 hours. We hereby petition the MMC for Water, Sanitation and Energy, Cllr Tiisetso Nketle and the Executive Mayor, Cllr Mzandile Masina, to urgently intervene to ensure the Department adhere to the service level standards and to ensure the department has the necessary staff, tools, materials and vehicles to effectively deal with all street light complaints within the 24 hours Service Level Standards. In addition, we demand the urgent appointment of street light contractors to ensure the adequate functioning of street lights to the community. 

DA Ekurhuleni Cllr, Pieter Henning    Contact the author of the petition

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