Urgently repair streetlights in Ekurhuleni!

We, the residents of the City of Ekurhuleni (CoE), would like to raise concern around the lack of repairs of street lights in our communities. Across the municipality, communities are plunged into darkness due to non-operational streetlights. Despite residents logging numerous calls with the Call Centre, on the 13th of January 2021, the CoE stated via its Twitter social media channel (CoE_Call_Centre) that “street lights are not a priority to be repaired during the lockdown”.


This raises great concern around the safety of residents as it is the responsibility of the Metro to safeguard residents within available resources by ensuring street lights work. According to section E8 of the current Ekurhuleni Customer Service Standards, the turnaround time for repairing a streetlight is 24 hours. We hereby petition the MMC for Water, Sanitation and Energy, Cllr Tiisetso Nketle and the Executive Mayor, Cllr Mzandile Masina, to urgently intervene to ensure the Energy Department adheres to the service level standards as required and ensure the department has the necessary staff and resources to effectively deal with all street light complaints within the required 24 hour service period.

We demand the urgent and speedy appointment of street light contractors to ensure the adequate functioning of street lights in our communities.

DA Ward Councilor in Ekurhuleni, Cllr. Alta de Beer    Contact the author of the petition

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