Urgently repair and upgrade road surfaces in Ward 25, Ekurhuleni

We the residents of Benoni Agricultural, Marister, Petit, Zesfontein, Hillrise, Putfontein, Cillvale, Nestpark, Bapsfontein, Tweefontein, A/H,Hillcrest A/H, Mayfield Ext 8,9 and 11 (Ward 25) and other affected suburbs in the City of Ekurhuleni, hereby petition the Executive Mayor of the City of Ekurhuleni, Cllr Mzandile Masina, and the MMC for Infrastructure Servvices, Cllr Masela Madihlaba, to urgently intervene to ensure that all gravel roads and poorly maintained tar surfaced roads in the said areas are maintained and potholes been fixed.


It is the Constitutional right of rate-paying residents to receive decent and ongoing service delivery. Many roads have not been maintained for more that 12 months. NO PLANT AND EQUIPMENT CONTRACTORS ARE IN PLACE. Various email complaints and correspondence to all senior officials in the City of Ekurhuleni have been totally ignored.

The lack of decent service delivery is seriously affecting the confidence of residents that the City of Ekurhuleni is a SMART AND DEVELOPMENTAL CITY .

Democratic Alliance Ward Councilor in Ekurhuleni, Cllr. Pieter Henning    Contact the author of the petition

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