Tycehurst Hill Parking Restrictions - NEPP Proposal
Dear Neighbours,
Following our application for the introduction of parking restrictions on Tycehurst Hill, the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) have sent across a proposal for the road which has been produced following the receipt of the previous petition, plus representations made from residents to our councillor Chris Pond.
Please find this detailed below.
Key Points of their proposal are:
- Introduction of a 4 hour parking permit between 10am - 2pm Mon - Fri (except Bank & Public Holidays) in line with the restrictions on Shelly Grove
- Introduction of a double yellow line on the inner side of the bend (alongside number 54 & 56) to address visibility/safety issues and at the bottom of the road (near Sainsburys end)
- Introduction of some paid parking spots at the top of Tycehurst for any additional commuter parking
Rationale for the Proposal
- They have tried to cater for the requirements of the residents across the street (e.g. those with multiple cars needing a place to park during the restriction period)
- They have been receiving increasing complaints on the effectiveness of single yellow lines following new hybrid working patterns so no longer view this as an effective response
- Any new restriction needs to generate enough income to cover the cost of maintening these (i.e. they need to be self financing) given tight budgets (yellows lines are not)
What does this mean for residents during the restricted hours?
- Residents will be able to purchase parkings permits (if required) from NEPP. The cost of these start at £62 for 12 monrhs.
- Permits are also available for visitors / tradesmen etc.
Details can be accessed from the following link. Epping Forest Parking Permits
Further Questions?
Should you have any questions or concerns please reach out to:
Councillor Chris Pond: Cllr.chris.pond@essex.gov.uk
NEPP Shane Taylor: Shane.Taylor@colchester.gov.uk
Next Steps:
If want to move forward with proposals, we need to demonstrate support from 75% of households (excluding any empty properties). Note - this is higher than the 70% previously advised by the councillor.
Should you choose to sign please remember:
- Only one signature per household is permitted
- Confirm your house number in your signature (mandatory field) - this will NOT be visible to anyone viewing the petition
The author of this petition has closed this petition. |