TWL Community Yard Sales

This petition is to request a Special Meeting of the Tidewater Landing Homeowners Assocualtion to reconsider a TWL HOA policy prohibiting annual Community Yard Sales. The outcome of the meeting is to conduct a formal vote of homeowners  after reviewing the proposed guidelines and vote on a change in policy to allow Community Yard Sales based on these guidlines. 

Please indicate that you agree with our request to have the HOA Board and Homeowners consider and approve this proposal.  We need 49 households to approve this petition to initiate a homeowner's vote.  Thank you.

Draft 4

Tidewater Landing Community Yard Sale Guidelines


  • A community yard/garage/tag sale (will be referred to as a yard sale moving forward) shall be organized in TWL (Tidewater Landing) once per calendar year and held on a single day of a weekend ( no rain dates).
  • The event should be no longer than 6 hours in length starting after 8:00 am.
  • The community yard sale is to be coordinated and communicated by volunteer residents. The proposed date and any promotion of the event must be presented to the Board for approval at least 28 days prior to the event. The Board has 4 days to approve or deny the request in the event the proposed date conflicts with another TWL scheduled event. 
  • The date and times must be communicated to the residents by the coordinator(s) at least 21 days ahead of the sale.
  • The date must not conflict with an HOA quarterly meeting. 
  • The purpose of the notification is to provide Residents time to:
    • decide to participate
    • make decisions to leave the community for the duration of the even
  • A single sign shall be placed at the entrance to the community for 6 days preceding sale and day of sale. (Sunday-Saturday for the week preceding the event).
  • Day of sales signs may be placed throughout the community and must be removed at the end of the sale.
  • All costs including signs and advertising will be incurred by the residents choosing to participate with the sale.
  • Sale items must be on homeowner property and cannot block sidewalks.
  • TWL common areas (including the grassy strips in front of sidewalk) cannot be used for sale items. 


Mary Margaret Jacobs    Contact the author of the petition

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