To have Governor Wes Moore removed from office

Governor Wes Moore is not working for the people of Maryland. He is trying to put the Red Line in Baltimore and we have enough transportation. The DDA for special needs children, he is not supportive of and taking away this opportunity for disability people. He is not listening to the people of Baltimore, Carroll and Frederick Counties on a power line that will disrupt the way of life for these communities.


He put the State of Maryland on a 4 billion dollar deficit within 3 months of him becoming the Governor of Maryland.

He hired Mr. Schoraldi for the head of juvenile services without properly vetting him. The juveniles in Maryland is car jacking, assaulting seniors and children, they are not being held responsible for their actions. 

Governor Wes Moore refuses to proper respond to the citizens of Maryland.


He is allowing the children of Baltimore City to be under The CEO; Sonja Santelises to be in n control and she makes more then the President of the US. 

Governor Wes Moore is only for himself. He did a video of him and his wife ; mocking the show The Jeffersons moving forward n up to the East Side. 

Still wondering how he really got this job.

He want to spend additional tax payer money to hire someone to fight against the new administration to the White House. Let the people vote and decide how to spend tax payer money. 


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