The use of Gadgets for schooling at Kyle College


The use of gadgets in schools for schooling has helped students learn faster and things have become easier for students. The use of gadgets in schools for schooling has its advantages and disadvantages although the disadvantages can be controlled, for example, one can argue that students can use the gadgets for illegal things with the schools Wi-Fi. Nowadays internet service providers can now lock the Wi-Fi so that students can open school websites only especially during school hours therefore that disadvantage has a solution.  

As students we believe that we are not getting prepared for the future well at Kyle College and I wish if action could be taken as soon as possible. Amazingly some students will leave a school like Kyle College without knowing how to fully operate a Laptop, yet we could use them for our schooling daily and in this way, everyone will have to interact with them daily. Our teachers waste time writing notes on boards yet teachers could just post notes daily on platforms like google classroom and then explain the notes they have posted; this could even make our lessons shorter this way all students will have to do is access notes online and then study. The time that has been wasted writing notes on the chalk board at the teacher’s side can be invested in something else, at the student’s side instead of writing notes and carrying heavy bags to school every day all we will have to do is carry one laptop to school in place of 8 books plus textbooks. All we will have to do as students is listen in class, do our daily exercises and then study this means that the time we were wasting writing notes will been invested in studying. Money is also going to be saved because this means that we won't need exercise books, textbooks and some unnecessary stationary. This is when the school could even make it's own e-library or just give students links to the books they would like students to use. Currently we are doing online lessons because of the COVID-19 and this has had a huge impact on the education system and now everything is being done online the use of gadgets at school for schooling could even help with our current situation because this means that students don’t have to write notes that have been given out during the period of e-learning. Not all students are doing online lessons now and this means that when we open they are going to have to write all the notes that have been given out during the period of e-learning, yet we could just let them bring their laptops to school then they join Google classroom as usual and all the notes will be available all they will have to do is study.  

Advantages of this move

1. Time is going to be saved.

2. Money is going to be saved.

3. Learning is going to become easier.

4. Students are going to have to interact with laptops daily which is very good especially      in the 21st century where we have technology everywhere.

5. Teaching is going to become easier.    


  Online lessons are a very good thing but they can become stressful when done the wrong way, Kyle College students are not happy with the way online lessons are being done. The way zoom is being done is not yet that good but its ok. Students are not happy with the way work and notes are being posted on google classroom, some teachers don’t even use google classroom at all, some teachers dictate notes in the live lesson then they don’t record the lesson after that they don’t post notes on google classroom and they still expect you to have all the notes when we open schools. Which is unfair. As students we hope to see change in the way Online lessons are being done at Kyle College.    

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