Terrace House – Bring theme song "Slow Down" back !


petitionTH.pngDear friends,  

We are all happy to watch the new season of Terrace House – Opening New Doors. The program is back in all its splendor, with all brand new members with exciting stories they share with us.   While this comeback is a success storyline wise, there is one detail missing: the there song.  

Light Follows' song "Slow Down" was used for the two first seasons presented on Netflix. More than a theme, it has become an anthem.  

Maybe some of you plays the song loud while   you go to the office or to the supermarket ? Slow Down is now part of the soundtrack of our lives. It describes the unmatchable feeling we have when we watch Terrace House, it represents the essence of the concept of the show. Simply put, "Slow Down" IS Terrace House ID card.  

With this petition, we want to submit a simple and feasable request to the producers of the show: please bring "Slow Down" back as theme of Terrace House.  

We terribly miss the song, from its fade-in intro that introduces a tension and the excitement of the beginning of the show to its catchy melody and chorus.  

Please bring "Slow Down" back, let's make Terrace House great again !