Support of Uniforms at Riverside School

Parents of Riverside School,

As many of you are aware, our administration is looking to do away with uniforms at our school. 

After speaking with many parents, the conclusion seems to be that most parents are in favor of uniforms. 

Having been part of the school community since the onset of the science program, I believe unforms are an integral part of our students' wellbeing. Being an inner city school, there are many students who come from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds. Uniforms ease any burdens or stressing triggers for students who may feel a need to "fit in" from the pressure of social media platforms and their peers. 

Here are quotes from some community parents: 

“I would like to see uniforms remain an important part of the Riverside Science School culture, mainly because they can be a socio-economic equalizer that helps guard against socio-economic discrimination among students’ peers and staff. Students come to Riverside from all over the city, including from marginalized communities, that may put them at a disadvantage – uniforms are one way to mitigate this problem.” 


"I believe that uniforms are good for students and families. It seems that the data collected has not been properly interpreted, presented or acted upon. 

Although I haven't seen the raw data, my understanding is that 75% of respondents were in favor, but the response rate was low.  I don't understand why the administration would assume that those who didn't respond were against a uniform? Why not assume the 75% could be extrapolated to the whole population? 

I have two daughters (grades 6 and 3), and know many parents whose children also attend Riverside.  All the parents I know are in favor of a uniform, it promotes a sense of unity, school pride, keeps costs of clothing down, and prevents pre-teens from focusing on fashion and brand names."
"I am in favor of uniforms going forward as they are an equilaizer for the students. They help build school spirit, school unity, and, school pride. Especially helpful on field studies to easily keep watch and locate Riverside students. Uniforms ease the potential issues related to socio-economic diversity at Riverside and help lessen media influences on our kids"

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