Support Masjid Taqwa

Assalamu Alaikum

The trustees of Masjid Taqwa plan to appoint a new head Imaam after Sheikh Shamiel Panday announced his resignation from formal duties.
The community of Masjid Taqwa and its Imaamah have not been consulted with regards to this appointment, despite our current Imaams having invested in the community and having sacrificed so much.
The Musalees of Masjid Taqwa, therefore urge the trustees to collaborate and engage with the community in all Masjid affairs for transparency and inclusion.
Any new appointment to the Imaamah should be done with community consultation and Mashura. We recommend that, any new appointee is welcomed to join the existing imaams as a co-imaam. We also support, that even after retiring from active duties, that Sheikh Shamiel Panday continues to provide leadership and mentorship to the Imaamat.


Musalees of Masjid Taqwa

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