Stop theft and vandalism of students belongings at Melksham Oak

We, a collective of concerned and frustrated parents and guardians, have become utterly fed up with the lack of action on the part of Melksham Oak Community school regarding the ongoing theft and damage of students' property in the school day.

We are exasperated at how hard it is to get hold of the school about thefts and damages and more that we never seem to get a response and certainly no action seems to take to stamp the issues out. We are burdening the costs of replacing items that are broken or stolen, this simply shouldn't be such a normal thing to occur and is a huge daily issue in the school.

Victims are given very little, if any, support and many students feel constant worry over their belongings.

The school seem to avoid dealing with this and as such are normalising this and essentially giving the OK to the perpetrators who get away with this time and time again.

Their site team have allegedly been asking repeatedly for extra CCTV, particularly covering the bike sheds where things are going missing or being vandalised daily. The changing rooms are left accessible with students belongings, including mobile phones and house keys, and bags have been rumaged and stolen from. Children cannot stand in the lunch line without their bags being opened whilst on their backs. Enough is enough!

We demand accountability from the school, for them to respond to complaints effectively, take action to ensure that those responsible are found and held to account as well as properly support those affected.

Our children deserve better than to having to worry that their property is safe, they should be able to focus on their education. We deserve better than to be lumped with the constant worry for our children and the financial strain of replacing items. 

Melksham Oak need to do better and we will not stand for their lack of action any longer.

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