Stop the Unfair Eviction of Barry Killick and Ann Skilton

We, the undersigned, urge you to reverse your decision to evict Barry Killick and Ann Skilton of 15 Lloyd Avenue, Coulsdon, CR5 2QS, and to do so, as a matter of urgency.

We ask that you recognise that, following the passing of John Killick, you should have granted Jacqueline Killick (the surviving tenant) the remainder of her tenancy on the basis of a ‘survivorship’ rather than a ‘succession’. In turn, this would have rightfully enabled Barry Killick and Ann Skilton to continue living at said property under the ‘one succession’ rule.

John Killick and Jacqueline Killick lived in their home since 1969. Ann Skilton returned to the family home in 2008 and Barry Killick returned in 2013, so that they could take care of their elderly mother. This has therefore been their home for a number of years, yet they are being forced out of their home, due to Jacqueline Killick not being granted a ‘survivorship’ tenancy.

Barry Killick is an invaluable pillar of our community; it will be a massive blow for everyone, if he is forced to move out of his home. In this modern world, where communities have lost their sense of togetherness, many people end up isolated, as has been the case in our local area. However, Barry Killick has been the driving force in bringing our community together, giving us a sense of unity and solidarity. Ann Skilton has also been integral in this, working behind the scenes to support Barry Killick in his community efforts.

We, as a community will be devastated and will feel their loss greatly if they are evicted from their home. They are not 'just another resident', they are irreplaceable. Without them, our community will likely revert to being fragmented, as Barry, alongside Ann, are the glue that hold us all together.

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