Stop the Sale of Mt Wellington Community Assets


Petition Statement

We, the undersigned residents and community members of the Mount Wellington Licensing Trust area, hereby petition the Mount Wellington Licensing Trust, who control the Mount Wellington Trust Hotels Ltd , to halt immediately the proposed sale of the Panmure Historic Hotel and the Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre, on the grounds that the Mount Wellington Licensing Trust Board members did not at any time seek a mandate from the community it serves to either sell these assets or convert the Licensing Trust into a Community Trust using the proceeds of such a sale. 


Information for the signor of the petition - you must live within the Mount Wellington Licensing Area to sign this petition and are aged 18 years or over.

By signing this petition you are authorising the petition author to hand over the information provided to The Mount Wellington Licensing Trust.

The Mount Wellington Licensing Trust controls the Mount Wellington Trust Hotels Ltd, who manage the Panmure Historic Hotel and Waipuna Hotel.

The Mount Wellington Licensing Trust is a statutory trust under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 to sell alcohol and distribute surplus profit back to an area. Mount Wellington Licensing Trust Area

In support we ask you, your family, friends and neighbours to sign this petition.

Allyson Wood - Panmure Community Action Group    Contact the author of the petition

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