Stop the proposed development at 5 Cape Horn Road, Mt Roskill

The residents of Cape Horn Road and George Laurenson Lane oppose the proposed planned development of 5 Cape Horn Road, reference number BUN60394724- 5 Cape Horn Road Waikowhai.!Atv6tEwxeAvBiMADz1pudk6fDXn6mw?e=XSaRFF

Residents are very concerned about this development being consented as it stands, and are signing this petition for the following reasons.

1. The development of 5 Cape Horn Road will severely impact Cape Horn Road and George Laurenson Lane residents and will have a negative effect in our area.

2. This development is not wanted by the residents in its current and proposed state.

3. Residents of Cape Horn Road and George Laurenson Lane on entering the street from Hillsborough Road are greeted with a stunning vista of the Manukau Harbour, lush trees, beautiful views and aesthetics, a quiet street.  If this development goes forward, we will lose these views and the essence of what makes us feel ‘at home’ will be destroyed.

4. It will lead to many more cars parked on the streets, cause traffic congestion and block access ways. With extra residents, the streets will become busier with traffic, create blind corners which could lead to more accidents, and more unsafe for children playing in the George Laurenson Lane cul-de-sac.  Emergency vehicles may not be able to pass from the extra cars parked on the road.  We have seen the increase of traffic and cars spilling out on to the road in similar developments around the area and the chaos these cause because not enough car parking is allocated to each house.

5. There will be a detrimental effect to sunlight, certainly in surrounding properties.

6. These developments are ugly and not in keeping with the design and aesthetics of our streets.

7. In August 2022 we are aware that laws are changing again so developers can build as many townhouses with as many levels as they like without consent. This means the proposed plans could change again to an even worse scenario with more houses on the site than initially proposed and no limits to height.  This must be stopped!

8. All of these factors listed above will have a negative impact on our property valuations.

9. This is an intensive building project, which has previously not been allowed in this neighbourhood, and is out of keeping with the area.  There are appropriate areas set aside in other parts of Mt Roskill for developments akin to social housing, and our street is not one of them.

10. The neighbours are very upset. We will be taking the lead of the Remuera Resource Management Lawyer, Richard Brabant in fighting against this building project.

11. We purchased our homes on Cape Horn Road / George Laurenson Lane because of the views over the Manukau Heads; these views will be destroyed. This will severely impact on our enjoyment of our homes, our privacy and property values.

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