Stop the City with their Solar PV installion Compliance and threats

City of Cape Town new Compliance rules

Lets stop the DA ruled City of Cape Town Municipality  that want to tell us what we can and cannot do on our own properties specially if it come to Solar PV installations..?
They use own create regulation to rule over residence and bussiness prop owners and misuse the collapse of Eskom to suite them.
See their threats to cut your power that they cant even create and interfere with our privacy rights, they override the Law of Competition as not a power generating entity. New rules are impliment for 1 October that if you install your own PV Solar system you have to use the products they predict and apply for "" permission"" from them before you can do your installion?? WHAT!! 
They threat to cut your power grid if not comply..?? 

Andre E (Public Observers)    Contact the author of the petition

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