Site_plan_from_MJ_prox_to_SKGHS_9.25_.23_1.jpgSAY NO TO RZC2022-00045 & RZM2022-00047  Follow this link to the rezoning application.

SAY NO TO 700 apartments and 17,000 square feet of commercial and retail space proposed for Hamilton Mill at I-85 and Sardis Church Road abutting Seckinger High School (the white square is SKGHS).

SAY NO TO 15 high-density multi-story buildings and SAY NO to more overburdened infrastructure.      

The Gwinnett County Planning Commission (GCPC) will meet at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Dec 5, to vote on whether or not to recommend approval of these rezoning applications to the Board of Commissioners.   The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners (BOC) will vote on the rezoning applications on Dec 12.  The GCPC and BOC need to hear from the community. 

If they don’t hear from us, they will not know that these rezoning applications are strongly opposed.      

The applications seek to rezone five parcels, +/- 40 acres, from RA200 and C2 to MU-R, Regional Mixed-Use District, and RM-24, Multi-family Residential District.  

In the application, the developer says that the increase in traffic coming from 700 housing units (which would result in about 4,200 car trips per day) and 17,000 square feet of retail and commercial space (in an area already saturated with retail and commercial) would not further burden our already overburdened infrastructure! They describe this area as walkable!

Gwinnett County does need more housing, but the applicant is wrong to assume that this area can absorb 700 units of any kind of housing on an overpass, a two-lane road directly abutting Seckinger High School. 

                               This is NOT a good fit.   It doesn't fit with area zoning, and it doesn't physically fit on the land.

Most residences in this area are single-family homes and some townhomes. This area is already oversaturated with commercial and retail development.  Another 17,000 square feet of it on an overpass, along with 700 apartments, would result in gridlock. 

Putting four entrances in an area that already suffers from daily traffic jams, blocked intersections, and accidents is poor planning and not fair to the residents who already live and pay taxes here.  Fix the infrastructure first, and then decide whether this area can absorb another 700 units of housing and another 17,000 square feet of commercial and retail activity.      

The clock is ticking for us to get the word out to area subdivisions, please urge area residents to write emails to the GCPC and BOC.    

Please sign and share this petition with your friends and neighbors in nearby subdivisions.  We need all subdivisions in the area to speak up for our community. 

Gwinnett County Planning Commission

District 1

District 1

District 2

District 2

District 3

District 3

District 4

District 4        

AT Large


District 1

District 2

District 3

District 4


NOW is the time to make our voices heard! The GCPC & BOC needs to know that we do not support these rezoning applications. 

Please attend the public hearings, 7 pm, Dec 5 and Dec 12 at Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center, 75 Langley Drive, Lawrenceville, GA     

                                              WEAR RED TO SHOW YOUR OPPOSITION

 Northeast Gwinnett Neighborhood Coalition Facebook page can be found at:












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