Stop LGBTQ+ Hate Crimes!

Imagine feeling unsafe in the area that you live in, why? Because people don't accept who you do and don't love. For example: a 23-year-old man thought he would never see again when he was attacked with pepper spray in a suspected homophobic assault in London, and two gay men were targeted and attacked in Austin, Texas. You can't choose who you're attracted to, and just going to Pride parades can turn bad such as when three years ago, 50-year-old Tommy Barwick was attacked after London's Pride parade. He was left requiring the use of a wheelchair after two people beat him to the floor and stomped on his back. It's one thing for people to not support you, but so many hate crimes targeted at the LGBTQ+ community are commited each day world wide. It's so heart breaking the way innocent people are treated. Let people of the community know that you are here for them and tell them they aren't alone by signing my petition.socs.jpg

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