Stop Geography Late Detentions
- Put an end to late detentions when late to/ from Geography!
- Do you study Geography at Tapton School?
- Have you been given a late mark because you are late to/ from Geography?
- Do you agree that four minutes is not long enough to walk to/ from Geography?
- Do you think that it is not fair that you have to attend detentions at lunchtime for being late?
So do we! It is obvious for Tapton students that walking to/ from Geography -which is a separate building from the main school- is not a task which is able to be completed in the "ping" period- it is a distance which is simply too far to walk at a sensible pace in four minutes. This is especially true when going to/ from a lesson on the other side of school (MFL, PE, Drama, Music, Science and IT).
However, many teachers who originally created the hideous four-minute "ping" rule do not understand this. Please take a moment to sign this petition and put an END to this ludicrous rule. This will allow students of Tapton School to have enough time to travel to/ from Geography and will stop them needlessly having to attend late detentions at lunchtimes. If we receive enough signatures, we will be able to have a later "ping" for YOU when walking to and from Geography. Sign this petition! Don't be late!
Finally, we would be very grateful if you could share this petition and pass on the message to your friends/ classmates (all year groups) to maximise the amount of signatures which this petition can receive. Thank you!
Archit Sachdeva Contact the author of the petition
Announcement from the administrator of this websiteWe have closed this petition and we have removed signatories' personal information.European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires a legitimate reason for storing personal information and that the information be stored for the shortest time possible. |