Stop erection of 15m 5G mast on Barley/Prestbury Road Cheltenham
Please go to the Cheltenham borough planning portal and log your objection, using reference below ⬇️
Reference: 23/00431/PRIOR
The deadline for anyone wishing to make a comment on the proposal by CK Hutchison Networks (UK) Ltd to erect the mast is on Thu 13 Apr 2023.
The mast will tower of the trees and is almost twice the size of the lamppost in the area.
And state your objections based upon planning issues only. The planning issues are
a) This form of development is unacceptable by reason of its siting and appearance and the design exceeds the design limitation of 2.5 cubic metres. This development is not in accordance with several of the criteria in Policy EC4 by not minimising the impact on the visual amenity. The proposed mast will stand proud of the nearest trees, (11m higher) lamp posts (7m higher) and buildings. It will therefore be an unduly prominent feature breaking the skyline, with high visibility from the Cleeve Hillsand Prestbury play fields, a designated Local Open Space. The siting and appearance of the proposed monopole would have a harmful visual impact on the character and appearance of the area by reason of its height, size, design and position, which is exacerbated by the site's highly visible location on the corner of Barley Road.
It would appear as an obtrusive, prominent, dominant and imposing addition in the street scene, contrary to local and national planning policies. The construction of the mast is visually inappropriate and risks devaluing the beauty of the area if it goes ahead, dramatically detracting from the fine residential vista of Cleeve Hills
b) The proposed installation is on a grass verge close to a busy a road junction. The erection of the mast represents a increase in hazard within the streetscape, with the trajectory of the road on approach to the proposed site, serving as a distraction to the oncoming driver heading towards Prestbury, with the mast being in direct line of sight of the driver.
The road already has an issue with speeding drivers and a camber in the road which is often misjudged by drivers, this will serve to add increasing risks of an accident occurring at the location of the junction.
d) The development proposed will be much higher than the existing lamp posts which are about 8 metres in height. This factor coupled with the incongruous design of the proposed mast within a local green space, will cause demonstrable harm to these important aspects including the natural vista used by the local community for playgroup activities, dog walking and recreational activities.
e) The Council cannot be certain that the foundation for the proposed mast will not cause damage to the local trees, which might result in their loss.
f) Use of existing masts, buildings and other structures for new electronic communications capability (including wireless) should be encouraged and these have not been given due consideration here and other locations have been ignored.
Illustration of 15M mast for scale in another location.. look at the size versus the surrounding houses and trees! :
Kirstie Devons Contact the author of the petition