Stop 5G being installed now.

What damage is there on the 5G Network, What Health Risks is there?

Taken together, this means 5G will lead to an exponential increase in human exposures to EMF radiation at frequencies that have never been used in consumer applications before.

These exposures are not only unprecedented. They are also untested. There have been no surveys to indicate the levels of 5G EMF radiation to which people will be exposed.

5G is a type of EMF radiation. And other research has demonstrated that EMF is genotoxic, which means it can destroy your DNA.

Beyond cancer, multiple peer-reviewed scientific studies have also demonstrated that exposure to this type of radiation can result in a wide variety of conditions, including:

  • Nausea
  • Hair loss
  • Swelling
  • Low energy
  • Appetite loss
  • Bone marrow damage
  • Depression
  • Organs damage
  • Confusion
  • Incapacitation and death
  • Infections

Even if 5G radiation emissions fall within current safety limits (and, to be clear, there is strong evidence that new 5G exposures do not fall within these limits) does not mean that 5G is safe.

Read these letters from medicine based people that oppose it:

Then if you agree, sign it and send it everyone we need 100,000s of people to sign it for it STOP. 

We are saving ourselves and also our PLANET. Can you image the heat melting everywhere. The planet would be in water in 10 years easy. 

Thank you for your time, 




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