Sport is essential ENG


We ask for the opening of supervised and contactless sport centers and clubs with the implementation of appropriate protocols. On February 13th or at the latest, when contact-based professions can resume activity.  

We can improve the physical and mental health of Belgians
. This should be the most important thing during the crisis that we are all facing. Indeed, sport is part of the solution. Even more so when it is professionally supervised. Indeed, we support people's health while keeping them in controlled and protected environments. Not only do studies show that exercising improves immunity, but there is also evidence of a strong link between a person's BMI and their risk of hospitalization following a COVID-19 infection. In fact, the risk of hospitalization more than triples when comparing a person with a BMI lower than 25 and a person with a BMI over 35. Sport is therefore part of the solution both for prevention and for the treatment of infected patients.

Our protocols work. calculated a contamination of 0.32 per 100,000 visitors and other, larger European studies corroborate this. It is also important to note that the information that has circulated in the press pointing to sports centers and gyms as places of contamination is actually a misinterpretation of the results of the Stanford article published in Nature. Indeed, this study extrapolates the probable places of contamination based on the GSM data collected in March in the USA – which still operates without a protocol. Furthermore, it only referrences retail businesses such as cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, sports halls, but it does not compare these with other spheres of contamination such as family, school, public transport or the workplace. It is essential to note that the conclusions of the study are not to close the sports centers but to decrease their occupancy rate and to apply protocols. And that is exactly what we offer.

Unlike culture, restaurants, bars or events, our sector has not benefited from any specific aids or grants allowing us to remain closed for longer.  As of January 27, 2021, we have been closed for a total of 180 days or 6 months !

We were closed almost twice as long as other businesses in 2020 just like the HORECA business and we continue to be closed. In 2020 alone, our venues and clubs were closed 153 days or 5 months. 

We have no possibility of click & collect or other delivery systems to survive.  

Not all sports and clubs are the same. Many of us are able to provide our clients with the opportunity to engage in non-contact sports activities while respecting social distancing and with the professional coaching necessary to supervise the sessions.  


Protocol to be implemented as long as the epidemiological situation requests it

  • Practice of sports without contact In an environment allowing social distancing with a minimum of 10 square meters per person
  • Minimum 1.5m between people at all times during exercising Maximum ventilation (open windows or efficient ventilation system) Each course / class to be supervised by a member of staff to ensure the protocol is respected at all times.
  • The staff will wear a mask at all times
  • We foresee an Online reservation in advance via a booking system and therefore electronic tracing Temperature measurement (laser) of each member before the start of the session (returns if higher than normal)
  • Alcohol disinfection of hands and equipment, before and after each session
  • Wearing a mask is compulsory outside the exercise period
  • Successive groups do not meet. The group finishing their training leave the premises before the next group arrives
  • No changing rooms, no showers, no gatherings outside sporting activities
  • Members arrive in sportswear and with their briefcases    


Collectif "Sport is essential" Aspria Belgique (Miguel van Ackere), CrossFit Dansaert (Romanini Pierre-Yves Corentin Poels), David Lloyd (Stéphane Rutté), Yoga Room (Pierre Rousseaux) en l'Usine (Vincent Espejel)

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