Speeding Menace In Halesowen North



I live on one of these roads. a family member was seriously injured in a hit and run by a speeding driver. There has been little action to stop these racing drivers. something needs to be done before there is a fatality.

Donna Rock (Halesowen, 2024-08-20)


This road is a danger!
About 5 years ago my mom was in a hit by a speeding car and left for dead she had life changing injuries we are lucky to still have her with us today.
I have 3 young children the oldest has recently started playing out and riding he’s bike it’s only a matter of time before he’s a teenager and is aloud to venture away from our road and it is a real worry for me.

Jodhi Lancaster-Rock (Halesowen, 2024-08-21)


Because speeding on our streets is getting worse, we need to see tougher action against those who endanger others with speeding and reckless driving. The council and police need to work together in tackling this. Councils use police data to show accidents but not many accidents get reported to the police as locals think nothing gets done when they report issues. But more resident need to report all accidents, incidents etc to help give truer stats for all.

Stuart Henley (Halesowen, 2024-08-21)


I'm fed up of the reckless constant drivers in our area

Eve Mills (Halesowen, 2024-08-21)


Of the speeding motorists in and around the Hurst Green area

John Brookes (Halesowen, 2024-08-22)


The speeding and dangerous driving is a very regular occurrence starting from 6am. It is completely unacceptable to use our area for racing. Also the noise nuisance from souped up exhaust is frightening for all. Please stop these dangerous people before someone is killed

Ann Bolstridge (Halesowen, 2024-08-22)


Of the cars that drive well over the speed limit as well as being driven recklessly

Claire Stevens (Halesowen, 2024-08-22)


Something has to change

Dean Clarke (Halesowen, 2024-08-22)


Too many inconsiderate drivers think it is ok to use the streets in and around Hurst Green as a race track, especially Narrow Lane where only a mini island and some road markings that have been added have had NO effect in reducing speed

David Hanks (Halesowen, 2024-08-25)


Concerned for the safety of my family and friends. No real consequence for many “petty” crimes and anti social behaviour.

Paul Hill (Halesowen, 2024-08-25)


M dey

Mahath Dey (Birmingham, 2024-08-26)


The boy racers will end up hurting or killing some innocent person/s

Sean McIntosh (Halesowen, 2024-08-31)


Because at some point the council will have to take action when some poor sod is killed because of they’re inaction

Aaron Cooper (Halesowen, 2024-09-01)


Irresponsible drivers are a total liability. Speed kills & maims. Speed encourages reckless overtaking and also jumping red traffic lights. “Accidents” don’t just happen, unfortunately road collisions do. Far too often.

David Viner (Stourbridge, 2024-09-02)


The Manor away in Halesowen is an absolutely ridiculous state of affairs. There is a national speed limit along it but there is nothing to reinforce it and drivers regularly race in excess of 100 miles an hour rendering the safety of crossing from our estate to Clent Hills virtually impossible.
It is the only and I stress only road in the area without any kind of implementing traffic calming measures at all and all the other local bypass and dual carriageways are 40 mile an hour. Why is this one excluded from any kind of control?

Susan Booth (Halesowen, 2024-09-02)


Fed up of seeing and hearing idiot drivers who constantly race cars and motorcycles around our area I live on Ridgefield Road I have two small dogs that I walk regularly and I am so scared that we will one day be mowed down

Julie Julie hughes (Halesowen, 2024-09-03)


The speeding in Fairfield Road, Hurst Green is beyond a joke. The stretch of road outside my house is like Hangar Straight at Silverstone. People overtake other cars, buses and have total disregard for the 30MPH limit. They come around the bend and 'clog it'. Does it take for someone to be seriously hurt or die before something is done?

Mark Tozer (Halesowen, 2024-09-04)


I live on Narrow Lane and I’m tired of all the speeding motorists up and down everyday. They are a risk to everyone on Narrow Lane.

Jo Beech (Halesowen, 2024-09-07)


I’m fearful for the children trying to negotiate crossing the road, as this particular area is busy with children trying to get to school. As a driver I experience aggressive driving from others exceeding the limit. We also need some sort of action at the junction of Narrow lane /Hagley Road it’s a busy junction with pelican crossings a walk away. There is only a dropped curb serving as a crossing.

Joanne McQuade (Halesowen, 2024-09-07)


I have 2 young children and our road is continually used by selfish speeding drivers who even drive through the crossing despite us waiting. Too many idiot selfish drivers who speed around and no one does anything to resolve it.

Robert Crook (Halesowen, 2024-09-07)


Sick of high speed on Woodbury Road and nobody doing anything positive to address the problem

David Talliss (Dudley, 2024-09-07)


People are being killed by inconsiderate speeding drivers

S Marusiak (Halesowen, 2024-09-07)


I live in Dale Road , hear the racing of cars up Narrow lane every night. See the racing of cars up and down there every day.
The racing continues into Dale Road and summerfield avenue.
It’s frightening to see and hear, something needs to be done to stop this behaviour on our roads.

Rosemary Harding (Halesowen, 2024-09-08)


Lansdowne Road of a night is used as a race track speeds 60 mph pluss we can’t have our windows open in bed of a night because of the noise it’s a death trap waiting to happen

Andrea Cope (Bham, 2024-09-08)


Far too many vehicles going far too fast. Driving without any sure care or attention to other road users or pedestrians. Speed bumps aren't deterrent enough and any signs aren't even considered by these reckless drivers. Speed cameras please, before there's deaths and lives ruined rather than after.

Darren Pullen (Halesowen, 2024-09-09)


I constantly here car racing across Hagley Road West any time after 6ish right through till around 10pm. This happens right by the Gym & The Reel cinema. I'm very concerned about someone getting badly injured or even killed whether it be on the footpath or on the road. Then racing down Woodbury Road also causes concern.

Tina Clark (Halesowen, 2024-09-09)


there is a clear lack of will from authorities to tackle dangerous drivers. There is also a lack of enforcement and when it is enforced the offender barely gets a slap on the wrist. People must realise actions have consequences. Those who are most vulnerable road users often pay the highest price. Time has now come to tackle this scourge on our streets.

alex carter (romsley, 2024-09-09)


There are far too many incidents of dangerous and reckless driving around Halesowen, and Birmingham in general. It is no longer a car of if we see something, it's how many and how bad.

Jason Heathcote (Halesowen, 2024-09-10)


My sons go to Hurst Green Road so cross narrow lane twice daily.

Natalie Adams (Halesowen, 2024-09-13)


I'd like to see further road safety measures put in place in Hurst Green. I walk my children to and from nursery and almost every day witness reckless driving that puts us in danger.

Anneka French (Halesowen, 2024-09-14)


I live in the area and frequently see speeding motorists along Narrow lane, Nimmings Road and Long Lane. A few times I have witnessed extremely dangerous driving on these roads and at speeds that are possibly above 60 -70 mph, over taking x3 cars along Narrow Lane at insane speeds.. Measures need to be put in place to stop these inconsiderate motorists & before there’s a death on these roads.
It’s frightening to witness how fast they drive in built up areas.
Parking along Dale rd is terrible at school run times. I have a young child at hurst green and I’ve seen cars mount pavements? Parking over bus stops !! Double parking. I think possible one way option along Dale rd would help the matter.

Greg Evans (Halesowen, 2024-09-14)


I am a resident of hurst green and have seen numerous speeding/reckless drivers on Narrow Lane. The mini roundabout with oak barn lane has been a success in slowing drivers down but the junction of narrow lane, Feldon lane and dale road is still precarious! If successful with traffic calming measures please be more imaginative than speed bumps!

Martin Taylor (Birmingham, 2024-09-14)


The speeding around the Halesowen area is extremely dangerous and is a constant. One day someone will lose control and a pedestrian will be killed. Something needs to be done to curb the dangerous driving in this area

Gail Harris (Halesowen, 2024-09-16)


It needs to stop before a fatality or serious injury occurs

Jayne Mills (Halesowen, 2024-09-17)

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