The Undersigned Lambeth Residents Using 2011 Localism Act Want Lambeth’s Current Cabinet Dissolved So We Can Rescind all Lambeth LTNs
pat simspat sims (thornton heath, 2022-10-28)
I confirm I live in Lambeth - my post code is SW2 3TNADELLE MARTINS (London, 2022-10-28)
I am sick and tired of the traffic, noise pollution and pollution caused by LTN’s this madness has to stop, it doesn’t work and Lambeth are not interested in the residents that are impacted by this. All they are interested in is the Revenue and their own self interest. How they have got away with this for so long is anybody’s guess. Sack the lot of them now.Christine Rooney (London, 2022-10-29)
I want the Labour Party restored and this current right wing clique outBrian Taylor (London, 2022-10-29)
London is being destroyed.Adam Miller (Notting Hill Gate, 2022-10-30)
LTNs were enforced against discredited data and in operation have caused more pollution, more delays and untold misery to the majority. Ruining lives and livelihoods. A truly disgraceful abuse of power.val baker (London, 2022-10-30)
Because LTN's are a Greenwashing scam and need to be scrapped.Philbert Abrahams (London, 2022-10-30)
There are toooo many unheard voices these people need a voice .Christine Kelly (London, 2022-10-30)
I’m tired of the council making profit out of drivers, I tired of the council causing so much traffic in the borough through it’s tunnel vision in adopting LTN’s, I’m tired of the council causing so much pollution through the extra traffic caused by their out of date policies, I’m tired of the council ignoring those who it’s supposed to serve, I’m tired of the council dividing communities and causing fractions amongst residentsGeorge Martins (London, 2022-10-30)
I believe all evidence suggests that LTNs create more pollution by clogging up traffic on major roads. They should be reversed.Lesley Hopwood (London, 2022-10-31)
Because what the Councils are doing is un democratic in every sense of the word. What affects Dulwich effects Camberwell goose green Peckham Forest Hill and Lambeth the traffic jams on them roads are horrific hours put on journey times, treble the pollution which our Councils, are dividing communities and endanger the families in the main roads whilst the let those with the LTNs breathe breathe fresh air and those in the main roads are forced to breathe polluted air, which the Councils have caused, through their complete lack of Common SENCEFred Ricketts (London, 2022-10-31)
I am signing because my children and I struggle to reach to school on time along with the pollution on the main road that we have to take daily.Stacy Pickersgill (London, 2022-11-01)
The LTNs are illogical creating more pollution due to congestion and more miles driven. I can’t get a bike as chances are it will be stolen so I need to drive. The fines are ridiculous land amount to an extra tax. Signage is awful leading to more revenue and the maps on the flyers are not representative of the areas leading to confusion.Emma Parsons (London SW21HP, 2022-11-03)
I am against Lambeth’s LTNs as they cause too many problems for too many people and businesses and the rationale for introducing them is based on flawed data and flawed logic.Ian Armstrong (London, 2022-11-20)
Im signing because the LTN's are extending car journeys, displacing traffic to roads where there are large housing estates and schools and creating higher pollution levels. I understand the need for London to have cleaner air but this is not the answer. If you want less drivers on the roads then the public transport infrastructure needs to be made more affordable and reliable. The more vulnerable in society are being disproportionately affected by the traffic displacement. Work/home life balance is also affected due to longer journeys.Jan Thompson (London, 2022-11-20)
LTNs are discriminatory. Is all about creating divides. Creating private gated communities.Sofia Sheakh (London, 2022-11-20)
These LTN’s serve no purpose and have a detrimental effect on traffic congestion on neighbouring roads.There is a primary school on Christchurch Road that now has cars idling and back up traffic at all hour, most especially when the pupils are starting and finishing school.
When factoring in the case of four year old Ella Kissi-Debrah who lived 25 metres from the South Circular, you would think the Council would know how dangerous these measures are!
Venice Webb (London, 2022-11-20)
These LTN's have made my life very difficult, have cost me money I don't have and are causing others to suffer far worseOlubukola Cole (London, 2022-11-20)
London is being destroyed by labours mayor khanDavid Austin (London, 2022-11-20)
The LTN has consistently failed to reach it’s intended aim of lowering emissions. Now rather than a 5 minutes drive to shop in Brixton I’m on the road for 15-20 minutes minimum which is on average 10-15 minutes more of emission per vehicle.Looking at the fines generated for Lambeth it’s glaringly obvious that this is a scheme to generate money.
Families are suffering and being increasingly isolated with the lack of visits from their loved ones
Tired nurses coming off a long shift or trying to get to work are now on the roads for longer which is a health and road hazard. They now have to sleep less to make their shift in time
Why are the figures requested under FOI for the number of petitions or the number of individuals that has signed against the LTNs not being published?
With the vast increases on gas, electricity and food bills how do you quantify these charges on some of the lowest paid workers in our communities.
Mary Simpson (London, 2022-11-20)
It's not fair it's fachist desigen.Caused alots of freedom movement cost me to change my life pattern.
Closed my business due to the nfair desigen.
Mo Aldani (Streatham hill, 2022-11-20)
Eduardo DantasEduardo Dantas (London, 2022-11-20)
Lambeth council have disregarded the views of it's residents. LTN's are nothing to do with pollution, but everything to do with money. Displaced traffic causes more pollution as you have to drive further and sit in traffic. Lambeth take our money, yet our streets, roads, housing is a mess. The council is corrupt. They need to go along with the LTN's!Grace Shepherd (London, 2022-11-20)
LTN are causing misery on boundary roads delaying busses, residents & tradespeople. Gridlock is increasing essential journey times & causing more pollution in the process. Making essential journeys longer is helping no one.Tahlee Johnson (London, 2022-11-20)
The LTN is having a negative impact on my life and health as well as those of my familyGemma Glenn (London, 2022-11-20)
There has not been a borough wide including every house hold consultationMichael Girt (London, 2022-11-20)
LTNs have caused too many problems for ordinary people and for no discernible benefit .Charlotte Sumption (London, 2022-11-20)
The LTNs benefit no one but the council. They do not encourage active travel, ASB and personal safety is compromised. Pollution is higher than ever!Natasha Sanasi (London SW2, 2022-11-20)
LTNs make getting to my Dr impossible. Will make my commute to work twice as long and have increased pollution above WHO regulations and my property is in the top 96% of polluted areas in the UK. No consultation, no response from local councillors and complete disregard for residents.Cheryl Owen (Streatham, 2022-11-20)
LTN wrecking the life of resident , and dramatically increased air pollutionAndriy Shalay (London, 2022-11-21)
- Cars continue to speed up and down my (now very quiet due to the LTNs) road causing a danger to residents. I believe this is in part down to the fact that they have to drive further distances to reach their destination because far more simple and expeditious routes have been blocked by the LTNs.- pollution has increased on the main roads and this pollution won't ONLY affect those on the main roads as depending on wind direction we are all likely to be affected by the smog.
- Because of the LTNs as a driver I have been forced to rack up countless more miles over the past 3 years. This has meant more wear and tear on my car, my tires, my brakes and more petrol burnt. ALL of these things damage my wallet and more importantly the environment! Meaning I can't save as much for a newer model which will force me to continue to pollute at the rate that I currently am.
- As a cyclist (yes many drivers cycle too!) who wants to get from A to B quickly and safely I naturally will cycle on the main roads so I am forced to use polluted roads full of tailbacks with angry drivers who themselves have been forced not only off interconnecting side roads but also out of bus lanes and onto newly created single lane roads in favour of rarely used cycle lanes. This has helped to create greater division and resentment from drivers towards cyclists which is very bad for road safety.
- Speaking of safety, the now very queit road that I live on and the neighbourhood in general is a ghost town compared to how it used to be. Fewer people are passing through so there are much fewer eyes in the area. Add to that the fact that over the past 10 years of so the council have reduced the amount of street lights per street which together will increase not only the potential for crime but also people's fear of crime.
Noel Thompson (Brixton Hill, SW2 2DJ, 2022-11-21)
Ours has decimated income for local businesses , adversely affected our older neighbours who cannot walk far and their cabs now cost an extra £5 per journey minimum, the ugly street planters are untended and have become urinals and cyclists are so feted they now ride on pavements with abandon. Who cares anout those like my daughter who are blind? They certainly don’t. Those who instigated this policy have probably never met a disabled, old or working class person. Why do all the LTN’s adversely affect residents of council estates? Ableist, ageist and classist policy. Not exactly ‘inclusivve.’Dreenagh Lyle (London, 2022-11-21)
Since LTN are on , I can't drop my child to her father's house on ABC Rd on my way to work , my child has been arriving late at schools most morning due to the traffic jam on A23 or via knollys Rd/ leigham crt Rd which is incontrollable.Walking up and down LTN'S at nights are not safe anymore due to lack of lighting and presence.
Huge level up of thief going around as the streets becomes more quiet and deserted.
We cannot access our sport activities clubs within 5 mns and have now to travel up to 35 mns going around the LTN's .
Pollution and traffic are jammed on very close and small axed road which makes no sense at all to just create more stone away. It makes no difference.
More accidents have happened on A23 and Streatham hill high street.
I would understand if the council wanted to proritise only 1 street for bus and emergency access but not all. I live on palace road which already have a one way only , now the LTN's makes us spend more time in traffic, spend more petrol being in traffic and not resolving any pollution issue as we never had an traffic jammed within those street .
You need to prioritise only school streets on limited time such as Hitherfiled road on drop off and collection time of school .
What about the electric motor vehicules? How can you differ and not allow them to go through LTN based on reducing pollution?? Still nonsense.
You have implemented parking payment few years ago on our residential street , and now by implementing LTN's you are penalising own resident to pay parking resident to access their own street to park their own car in front of their own house!! How much more money can you think of forcing us to pay??
Laetitia zanovello (London, 2022-11-21)
Concentrated pollution is the most toxic form. LTNs have evidently concentrated traffic & pollution on their boundary roads, they were implemented based on false DfT data which has been confirmed as being inaccurate and has recently been corrected to show no change in vehicle numbers using our roads.According to TFL data the per journey mileage that vehicles now travel around LTN areas has increased well above the national average. More mileage in more congested traffic clearly means more toxic pollution.
Lambeth Council clearly have discriminated against residents who have disabilities, there’s very little done to mitigate / exempt blue badge holders, carers and emergency workers.
The independent SYSTRA report commissioned by Lambeth council clearly indicates residents are against LTNs and yet they’re still here and Lambeth Council are planning yet more of them. In light of all evidence the only possible reason for them to exist is as a revenue source for what has been said to be one of the least trusted & possibly corrupt councils in the UK.
We all want a cleaner greener future but LTNs are not.
Duncan Jackson (London, 2022-11-21)
I’m fed up with the Ltns being implemented by Lambeth without consultation being deceitful and creating more pollutionSteve Judd (London, 2022-11-21)
I agree with the above statement regarding Lambeth CouncilRuth Layton (London, 2022-11-21)
I am fed up with what Lambeth are doing to our roads .Sue Neenan (Tulse hill, 2022-11-21)
The road restrictions are making life a misery. Having to go miles out of our way to get anywhere. We’re forced to sit in traffic on the already busy main roads. How is that helping with air pollution and congestion.Joanne White (London, 2022-11-22)
Ltns are making my life miserableLisa Willis-Thompson (London, 2022-11-22)
I wholeheartedly support the sentiments in this petition and am despairing about Lambeth Council’s disregard for its residents’ legitimate opposition to LTNs.Louise Allen-Jones (London, 2022-11-22)
I feel very Very strongly against these terrible LTN SCHEMES !!!!@Paul Gayle (London, 2022-11-22)
The traffic congestion on the Leigham court and Leigham. Vale rd junction. is atrocious and causing more and more pollution. My daughter has to battle through the traffic everyday to get to her school (Dunraven). Not only is this congestion dangerous as cars are now driving on the wrong side of the road to get across as there’s no way to get to Leigham vale rd otherwise due to the congestion, but it’s also damaging her health. I am sick of it and this MUST stop!Andrea Pearce (Lomdon, 2022-11-22)
The LTNs are discriminatory and unfair. As a driver of a Motability car, the introduction of these measures has made my son’s life more difficultJane Daniel (London, 2022-11-22)
Unfortunately the LTN measures have locked us in our neighbourhood, immediate access to the South Circular and adding 20 mins minimum to arrive at the same point. It's an insane waste of time now that we have to take our daughter to school on that that side. It would make more sense to allow freedom from people in the neighbourhood to move about freely and reduce through traffic for other vehicles. But even that I guess is discriminatory!Johann Courtin (London, 2022-11-23)
I fear for the health of those living on main roads and not so main roads where traffic has been forcefully redirected causing more pollution through additional petrol being used and as a consequence of congestion in said area, there is idling traffic endangering the lives of children on those roadsDanuta Zalega (London, 2022-11-23)
Because the whole ltn idea is absolutely pointless and causes a lot more disruptions for road users then the reason that it was put forward for which actually does not even help OR MAKE ANY SENSE.!! CANCEL THE LTNs NOW!Quynh Tong (London, 2022-11-23)
Trevor VernonTrevor Vernon (LONDON, 2022-11-23)
I do not want LTNs to be imposed in streatham wells. It will seriously impact congestion and pollution on boundary roads and takes away people’s freedom of movement. It will impact on emergency services and bus timetables as it is proposed near the narrowest part of the A23 Streatham High RoadAmanda Skeffington (Streatham, 2022-11-23)
Extremely ill thought out and unfair resulting in longer journeys will more pollution. Especially for the poor kids that go to the schools and nursery's down leigham court rdJody Waterton (London, 2022-11-23)
I completely agree with the premise of the petition.Elizabeth Moore (London, 2022-11-23)
It's utter madnessLee Bowering (London, 2022-11-24)
LTNs create pollution not stop it!Rachael Shaughnessy (London, 2022-11-24)
I’m a Lambeth resident have been for 20years the LTNs are affecting my life my family and friends lives to the point I don’t get many visits anymore so my shopping habits have changed drastically I try cabs and online delivery most of the times the taxis cancelled and deliveries late or no show it’s getting out f hand now people stopping at junction confused as to weather they can drive on particular road it’s dangerous and the congestion has increased on leigham court road Knollys road and valley road Amesbury avenue is outrageous stop the nonsense give us our roads backOonagh Daley (London, 2022-11-24)
Lambeth ltns are social segregation and an utter farce as an echo scheme. Remove them now!Ellie Russo (London, 2022-11-25)
Helena KowalskaHelena Kowalska (Greater London, 2022-11-25)
Mark Zimmerling I visit family in lambeth and find increasingly harder and more stressful being a disabled driver to get around especially with all the unnecessary changes in the roads.Mark Zimmerling (hounslow, 2022-11-26)
I live within the Streatham Hill LTN. I have run my childminding business for over 20yrs and these are ruining my business as parents can’t get to me without stressing in traffic. My living hood will be ruined. I don’t know what I will do it’s scaring me.The roads are also far to quiet and dark to allow my 17yrs old daughter to walk in or even myself. Nighttime has become a no go area.
Joanne Hopwood (London, 2022-11-26)
I’m sighing to stop LTNsSW2 4BT
Boyko Yanev (London, 2022-11-26)
I'm signing because Lambeth Council openly admits that LTNs are a social experiment to attempt to force behavioural change. LTNs were created when residents were locked down by government, when normal services were closed and people were unable to ask questions or challenge council decisions. LTNs were an authoritarian move by Lambeth Council.Valerie Lambert (London, 2022-11-26)
Increasing pollution levels for some residents is completely unethicalMatthew Hart (London, 2022-11-27)
My experience over the last two years of LTN's is that they are a disaster. I am a motorist and a cyclist as well as a pedestrianSabrina George (London, 2022-11-27)
I’m sick & tired of Lambeth riding rough shod over us drivers.Heather Barry (Streatham, 2022-12-01)
LTNs are causing more harm than good - fact!Paulette Shanu (Lambeth, 2022-12-05)
The traffic on my street has increased tenfold and I don’t understand why certain roads are low. Traffic neighbourhoods, but ones like mine are now over polluted.Elizabeth Sinclair (London, 2022-12-06)
Because i live in sw9 7nd and driving is a nightmare since these road closuresRehanna Mundle (London, 2022-12-06)
Takes me longer for me to get home due to traffic on the main road.Oluwatomi Aderinto (London, 2022-12-07)
It take me longer to take to work.Sheven Anderson (Brixton Hill, 2022-12-07)
This is yet another ridiculous idea that has not had proper consultation. Not enough interaction with other councils where it has failed and been rescinded in at least 5 borough councilsJames Blezard (London, 2022-12-07)
I’m signing because the road closures have been a massive disruption in the community and traffic has increased since. They’re doing more harm than good.Deborah Lewis (London, 2022-12-07)
Since it was introduced road clausures there are more traffic and it takes longer to drop my disabled daughter to school. Traffic was displaced to other roads .Mercy Atiencia (London, 2022-12-08)
Because it will affect our small business immensely.JERRY KING (London, 2022-12-08)
I live in SW9 9ta works as a handyman in area . In my opinion Ferndale LTN is a huge mistake made by people who don't live in this area and don't know what the effect is , traffic jams on Acre lane , Bedford Road , Landor Road are huge , definitely nothing to do with it with the reduction of exhaust emissions in our area, and people using public transport going to the tube or standing at bus stops inhale exhaust fumes from cars standing in traffic jams.Grzegorz Szymanski (London, 2022-12-08)
This LTN is a bloody joke. Just an excuse for Lambeth to raise revenue.Eammon Atkinson (London, 2022-12-09)
LTNs are not wanted by residents and the people implementing them are forcing them through, being disregarding of the residents who actually live there.John Ashton (London, 2022-12-09)
Its causing unnecessary traffic jams and endangering lives. This is only a money making scheme and should be abolished!Stephanie Francis (London, 2022-12-11)
Lambeth Labour are ruining my homeLynn Mitchell (London, 2022-12-12)
My postcode is SW2 3EGSharon Munroe (London, 2022-12-12)
The LTNs are undemocratic, have been installed under false pretences, are failing in their intended aims, and the plans for more in 2023 will make an already bad situation even worse.Gareth Jones (London, 2022-12-12)
I have not been consulted in regard to implementing LTNs. LTNs will significantly effect our day to day living. My wife is registered disabled and needs regular trips to hospital.Roger Cannon (London, 2022-12-12)
The LTNs are undemocratic, have been installed under false pretences, are failing in their intended aims, and the plans for more in 2023 will make an already bad situation even worse.I am a Streatham resident (sw16 iuj)
Emma Parducci (Streatham, 2022-12-12)
These LTN's simply displace traffic rather than help our situation. They raise pollution levels through the constant traffic jams they cause and the LTN areas do not help disabled residents get to where they need to go with their assisted transport or the kind dedicated drivers who make themselves available to assist them with a variety of day-to-day needs.Furthermore, it is now apparent that women are put in danger in these quiet streets from those with ulterior unlawful motives. THEY SIMPLY MOVE ALL VEHICULAR PROBLEMS ON AND CREATE NEW PROBLEMS IN SOCIETY
Jose Gregorio (London, 2022-12-15)
I am a Streatham resident and leave very near the roads which will be affected by the LTN plans. They will stop me from accessing my home, push traffic into my road and add significant time onto my car journeys.Georgia Hajitheodosi (London, 2022-12-15)
The proposed LTN is going to restrict my access to my home resulting in longer driving distances. As a result, I will incur an increase in my fuel costs and carbon footprint.Peter Lai (London, 2022-12-15)
LTN’s were a disaster in Tooting and will now be a disaster in StreathamJames Gordon (London, 2022-12-15)
Lambeth council are self serving and tweets fromm Cllrs, former mayor's & leaders of the council show the utter contempt they have for local residents. They need to go.Brenda Caymen (London, 2022-12-15)
Lambeth is gridlocked. This has caused more aggression. LTN’s have caused more pollution for those walking along main roads where they feel safer from street crime etc. The signs are not clear and there are no warning of fines for driving through them. These are clearly to create revenue for Lambeth to waste on vanity projects instead of investing it where it is needed most, for example maintaining their housing stock or creating more affordable housing.Sonja Carter (London, 2022-12-16)
We don’t want or need your LTN’s , they are very unfair and are causing more traffic build up, longer journeys and more pollution and that’s just for starters.Sara Denny (London, 2022-12-16)
LTNs are not working. Boundary rods are clogged all dayDavid Barker (London, 2022-12-16)
LTN’s are pointless and Lambeth need to scrap this proposalImran Khan (London, 2022-12-16)
LTN's DO NOT WORK, Lambeth are draconian and out of touchmatthew wheeler (london, 2022-12-16)
I use this rd regularly, these LTNS are a nightmare for commuters and cause if more pollution on the high rds with all the trafficLisa Molloy (London, 2022-12-16)
Im tired of Scambeth.Why should I have sanctions on the roads I grew up walking, running & driving on.
I pay for the privilege of being a road user.
Road tax, MOT, Council Tax & Parking permit. Enough is enough
Justine Miller (London, 2022-12-17)
I drive through the proper orb 3-4 x a week for my business, and 2x for commute to my daughters school. The proposed change will only ensure the high rd inventory more congested and more pollutionJulia oldham (London, 2022-12-17)
LTN cause utter misery .Do something decent with the money instead of ruining peoples lives .
Patrick Harris (London, 2022-12-17)