The removal of the Canadian liberal government.



Humanity is at great danger.

Steven Thorgilsson (Lundar, 2020-12-08)


Although I think all politicians are unreliable, the Liberal government and Trudeau have got to be stopped! They are pure evil.

Linda Chies (Vancouver, 2020-12-08)


We are being lied to about the covid crap. No lockdown or facemasking is warranted. EVERYTHING they are doing to us is CRIMINAL. We Canadians are being turned into a communistic/socialistic/fascist/nazi/marxist type of country. People's lives and livelihoods are seriously threatened. Every government leader participating in said crap deserves the death sentence for treason to their country and people.

Grace Jetmundson (Three Hills, 2020-12-09)


I am signing because I believe in freedom to choose. I also believe in informed consent and the government is hiding the truth and misrepresenting facts.

Julie Goldring (Wakefield, 2020-12-10)


I’m sick and tired to hear how the government is wasting our money

Peter Blatz (Seddons Corner, 2020-12-10)


I believe this government is causing irreparable damage to this country and all of the people with their fear mongering media and outright lies that are causing a greater loss of life than the covid itself! They should all be held accountable and charged for their crimes!

Michele Guillemette (Selkirk, 2020-12-10)


I do not trust the Liberal Governemnt. They are corrupt and are destroying our country.

Tina Bettger (Rosthern, 2020-12-10)


I do not consent to anything the government is trying to force us to do and im sick of the corruption

Sara Morgan (Havelock, 2020-12-10)


I do not trust in my federal government I was born and Canada and I feel like alien this government about Canada or Canadians

Wayne Bourgeois (Saint John, 2020-12-10)


I'm signing this petition because Canada's Government,starting with TRUDEAU NEEDS TO BE STOPPED.
I have children and grandchildren who I want to have a better future.

Debra O'Reilly (Woodstock Ontario, 2020-12-10)


Trudeau is destroying Canada and has already done a lot to to destroy it. He needs to go or Canada will be no more.

Bonita Slevin (Barrington Passage, 2020-12-10)


The liberals need to stop with this stealing of our money and giving it to other countries or into their own bank accounts. Trudeau needs to step down and put someone in charge that has the best interest for Canadians and Canada.

Daniel Riquelme (Waterloo, 2020-12-10)


Trudeau must go

Lena Manning-Phipps (Grande Cache, 2020-12-10)


The liberals are destroying Canada, they are corrupt

April Hank (19319 twp rd 515A Beaver County Alberta, 2020-12-10)


Please refer to my 2 letters to Julie Payette, posted on the Letters to the Governor General facebook group.

Wade Doucette (Willingdon, 2020-12-10)


Trudeau is out of control and is a traitor to the Canadian people.

Wendy Tirk (34545 Merlin Drive, 2020-12-10)


I'm signing because Justin Trudeau has made it painfully obvious that he does not have the people's interest on mind. Canada has never been weaker, which directly effects our national security.

Steve Pacholuk (London, 2020-12-10)


They are not doing what they need to do as being looking after us the people.
Everything that's is going on is totally 💯 wrong and they are putting us in a deficit with no control

Gerald thissen (Aldergrove, 2020-12-10)


Not a communist country

Jamie Macdonald (GRANDE PRAIRIE, 2020-12-10)


I'm sick and tired of the liberals overspending, over taxing and not looking after Canadians....we've had enough of this corrupt, narcissistic elitist who only cares about himself!!!

Barb Schultz (CALGARY, 2020-12-10)


i am sick of his lies. he is a traitor to our country.

Bev Hearn (CALGARY, 2020-12-10)


I'm signing this because the Liberal party makes the mafia look like school girls. Most corrupt Canadian government ever.

Mark Muench (Pointe Claire, 2020-12-10)


Yes, yes, and triple yes. Time for us to take back the control of our government. Lower the amount that lobbist can give. Lower salaries giver to the MP and MOP too. Put up more blocks so MP or MOP about insider trading. All governments members should be much more accountable with our tax dollars. Charity begins at home first

Janice Sauvageau (Surry, 2020-12-10)


I am signing this because under the present Liberal Federal and Provincial Governments our Rights and Freedoms are being striped away. This is unconstitutional and do not severe us the people who elected you. We will not allow this to happen.

Lorraine Andrews (Granisle, 2020-12-11)


We need our lives back. The governments got an alternate plan it’s time to shut them down. They’re hurting us economically physically mentally it’s not right.

Heather Smith (Regina, 2020-12-11)


I want a government that is fair and just. That is why the people elect them. But unfortunately the Liberal party is failing the people of Canada

Bridget Wedhorn (Wynyard, 2020-12-11)


Liberal government is a serious threat for Canada.

Kasia Marcinkowska (Mississauga, 2020-12-11)


Because the pm is a joke and he is destroying our great country!!!

Vince Tremblay (Calgary, 2020-12-11)


This Current Government is a disgrace to the people of Canada. They have turned this country into communist country plus a dictatorship at the head.

Steven Potts (London Ontario, 2020-12-11)


The liberals are lying thieves and traitors to Canada.

Greg Gibbs (Langley, 2020-12-11)


I’m signing because I’m tired of watching Justin dumbass ruin Canada

Conlan Geddes (Lloydminster, 2020-12-11)


Trudeau and theLiberal Government are corrupt and are intentionally trying to break Canada.

Brent NICHOLSON (Chauvin, 2020-12-11)


The liberal government has sold out its' citizens to foreign interests.

Courtney Ghini (Edmonton, 2020-12-11)


Lost all confidence in our federal government

Glen Grier (Stony Plain, 2020-12-11)


I want useless Trudeau out

Dawn Frew (S surrey, 2020-12-11)


I feel the liberals are constantly spewing lies and keep repeating the pre-determined narrative. Trudeau is recklessly sending our money to other countries and is disloyal and disrespectful to Canadians. His cabinet is corrupt, he is unaccountable for any of his actions and decisions, and is bankrupting my country. He should be charged for treason. This petition should also apply to the NDP.

Amy L (Ottawa, 2020-12-11)


It is time to remove the liberals from power. They have proven time and time again they cannot be trusted. They have proven to be unethical and a direct threat to Canada and its people by their push to a socialist communist ideology.

Sandra Toerper (Grande Prairie, 2020-12-11)


too many reasons to list but corruption is right up there at the top

Eileen smith (delta, 2020-12-11)


Trudeau continues to mislead Canadians, contrary to his election promises of transparency and integrity, all the while abusing his position as PM, and leveraging the Covid pandemic to advance financial and political agendas designed to personally benefit him.

Marcus Clark (North Vancouver, 2020-12-11)


Corrupt liberals are eroding freedoms and their governance is void of common sense.

Terry Mitchell (Cambridge, 2020-12-11)


This liberal government is ruining the country

Anita Blais (Darwell, 2020-12-11)


I have no confidence in the Liberal Government on both Provincial and federal levels.

Donna Pitre (Ryley, 2020-12-11)


Justin Trudeau needs to be removed, The only Party that is actually going to do any thing for Canada is The Peoples Party Of Canada, Face it we have given the PC , Librals , Conservatives the Country ...Have we done any better under any of them? maybe a new Party is what needs to happen because we know the agenda of the Conservatives and that's to take the Prime Ministers job...Where does that leave us right here in masks getting Vaccines nobody Needs and promises we will never get
We need a Party that will debate what we all have in are heads and know in are hearts, That the Virus is 99.7 non fatal ..Not the other way around, that the Paris Agreement should not rest on one country or two but all ,if not then none, and 3 Vaccines are not necessary if your already Healthy. And never be the choice of a Govt or anyone else but the body of the Person its going into, If they Say no ...Its their right to say no and not be punished, Bullied, or forced into submission by a Govt /Dr./Big Pharm or anyone else with its own agenda

Robert Adair (Moose Jaw, 2020-12-11)


Trudeau is a communist TRAITOR

Gerald Brisebois (Red Deer, 2020-12-11)


Because I believe in freedom and I do not agree with what the government is doing. These rules are unjust and The government should be held responsible.

Trudy Hamp (Radisson, 2020-12-11)


This illegal voter fraud corrupt criminal LIEBERAL government needs to be put in its place before Csnada becomes CANUEZUALA.

Kathy Woycik (Celista, 2020-12-11)


#Treason #TrudeauCorruption #planademic #convid #censorship

Christopher Parker (Colborne, 2020-12-11)


They have way too many scandals and have proven themselves as treasonous traitors of Canada. We request immediate removal.

Wanda Paterson (Edmonton, 2020-12-11)


If someone steals just a regular everyday Canadian from a corner store a Walmart even if it’s something as little as a pair of shoes they get in trouble this man Justine has stolen money from every Canadian and I work damn hard for my money he’s a thief he’s unqualified for the job and he’s screwing up any other job would have him fired

Matthew Osman (Martintown, 2020-12-11)


Our country has been destroyed!

Chuck Mills (Sarnia, 2020-12-11)


Enough is enough, we are loosing democracy, freedom of speech and sovereignty.

Alina Bishop (Tecumseh, 2020-12-11)


Trudeau is selling us out to China, giving our taxpayers money. He supports everyone except Canadians. He has got to tried for treason to the country.

Ramona Henderson (Bloomfield, 2020-12-11)


i live in a free country and i want it to stay that way. Liberals are criminals

Alison Koopmans (lethbridge, 2020-12-11)


The liberal government has committed treason and has put all Canadians in a very difficult and dangerous position. They have to be removed completely

Vicki Kesian (Markham, 2020-12-11)


I want these traitors in prison. The sooner the better.

David Walsh (quispamsis, 2020-12-11)


Liberals are broiled in scandals and do not have Canadians best interests in mind only lining the pockets of their friends and allies. They are unfit to run our country and have lost all credibility. They are supposed to serve us but instead they are pushing their own globalist agenda.

Lisa Bretherick (Lethbridge, 2020-12-11)


Justin Trudeau clearly has a Globalist/Communist agenda which is contrary to what Canadians want, need, and stand for.

Elizabeth Cox (Wasaga Beach, 2020-12-11)


I’m signing because I’m tired of my government constantly abusing us as Canadians. We have no say in how he spends our money or how many refugees we let in. Especially during COVID-19! This liberal party is a disgrace to our beautiful nation!

Marion Kee (Regina, 2020-12-11)


I am very concerned about the communistic agenda that is being put on us as Canadians. I want my own nation to be our nation, glorious and free. Not the LIberal globalist agenda!

Carolyn David (Winnipeg, 2020-12-11)


I think Trudeau does not have the best interests of our country or it's citizens in mind. I think he is acting in a treasonous manner and needs to be removed from office.

Shane Miller (Gatineau, 2020-12-11)


I am concerned over the Liberal policy of spending especially when they cannot account for the previous round of spending.
I do not trust our Prime Minister

Peter Cunningham (Mississauga, 2020-12-11)


This liberal government has done enough damage to this country and our confidence in any of these liberals are none existent

Cindy Salter (Grande Prairie AB, 2020-12-11)


Because we are ready to make arrest. Nuremberg style trials coming

Donny Levesque (Kingston, 2020-12-12)


We need to save Canada from the Liberal Parties

Gloria Gougeon (McKellar, 2020-12-12)


I believe Justin Trudeau and the liberal party are guilty of treason. I want justice for Canadians.

Jim Derksen (Lethbridge, 2020-12-12)


The liberal government is killing this country!

Michelle Gromow (North Vancouver, 2020-12-12)


He s not doing anything for Canada.Just the opposite. He's the biggest threat to Canada. He must be removed now

Miles Folbar (Shaunavon, 2020-12-12)


Liberals are anti-Canadian and a danger to the country and the world. They never should’ve been given an inch. They need to be removed

Troy Walters (St. Albert, 2020-12-12)


This liberal government under Trudeau is out of control. Scandel after scandel, blowing through tax payers monies. Treasonous actions having the biggest communist regime training in Canada with our forces. Our main allie is livid with this liberal government. The handling of this pandemic has been a gong show. This country is bankrupt and mess and it's all due to the stupidity and criminal actions of Justin Trudeau and the liberal government. Trudeau needs to be removed now and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Sean Barnett (Winnipeg, 2020-12-12)


I am signing because of the inept Liberal Government and their malicious work against the Canadian people and Canada 🇨🇦

James Knight (Winnipeg, 2020-12-12)


I'm signing for the freedom of all Canadians and the righteousness of having our country back and having our economy back to the way it was on the mend instead of having billions and billions of dollars added to it that will never be able to pay down

Lyn Viner (Arnprior, 2020-12-12)


I'm signing because it is clear that the government has no desire to protect its citizens. We need to remove all govt overreach in all areas and we need to use Common Law instead of this admiralty crap that is corrupt. The People of Canada would never have agreed to invite Chinese troops to train on our soil, this is wrong on every level and clearly J.T sold us all out. He should be charged with Treason.

Sharon Vickner (Winnipeg, 2020-12-12)


For the children to have a good future

Rebekah Neal (Red Deer, 2020-12-12)


Not following the Canadian charter of rights. Attempting to follow the lead of China and there communist government.

Daniel Martin (Mission, 2020-12-12)


I'm sick of our Government trying to make us a communist country!!

Star Loo (Aurora, 2020-12-12)


Hes a traitor, lied to his people did not give the people the option. He's killing our country,

Cheryl Thoen (kelowna, 2020-12-12)


The Liberals are destroying Canada, destroying our freedoms, destroying our lives. Liberals must GO!

jane hark (Kamloops, 2020-12-12)


Completely dismayed by the present government and media.

Simon Graham (New Westminster, 2020-12-12)


They need to go now.

Kyle cardinal (Blind Bay, 2020-12-12)


The liberals are destroying a once great nation.

Dave Dobson (Meadow lake, 2020-12-12)


Because he is insane or stoned or both , like his mommy

Cecil Mac Rae. (Montreal, 2020-12-12)


both goverments have not done whst is in the best interests of ghe people.

Donald Fletcher (ottawa, 2020-12-12)


I am so unhappy with this present leadership or lack of it. Spending without accountability, inviting China to be our best buds, stealing from the people, lying to the people about this pandemic, are all issues that are of grave concern.

Anna White (Sudbury, 2020-12-12)


I feel we are being destroyed from within. Treason has become the norm with this Globalist Agenda and Trudeau will not be satisfied until we are a 3rd world nation under Chinese rule..

Lucien Cline (CHITEK LAKE, 2020-12-12)

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