Support our local "Comet Swimming Club". Demand they review their decision to give our local "Learn to swim programme" to an International company.



GDC has made a mistake. We should support local Comet. They do such a good job. We don't need to change.

Aimee Ostler (Gisborne, 2023-06-05)


I would rather we support local & Comet have taught many Generations of tamariki to swim.
I am disappointed with our GDC on this decision.

Anne Dimery (Gisborne, 2023-06-05)


Support local. Obviously.

Lauren Farrell (Gisborne, 2023-06-05)


Supporting a local provider.

Diane Koti (Hastings, 2023-06-05)


Support local first

Michelle Smith (Gisborne, 2023-06-05)


support local! Council is always useless!

stephane dussau (gisborne, 2023-06-05)


This decision is an absolute shocker!!

Tania Hunter (TOLAGA, 2023-06-05)


I support local business. Our mokos have grown up learning to swim at Comets & continue to get stronger under their guidance.

Marina Kirikiri (Gisborne, 2023-06-05)


Comet does a great job. Why change something that isn't broken.

Alison MacDonald (Gisborne, 2023-06-05)


I'm signing because this IS what we need for our tamariki so they don't drown when it comes to swimming to keep themselves a float!! WHY take this away from the locals with no thought to it at all!!!

Corey Ngataki (Palmerston North, 2023-06-05)


Comet is part of the community. They have helped me with training for my bronze in Surf Lifesaving for peanuts compared to what other companies would charge. They are locals who care about locals and they should be the first option.

Tereza Kalinova (Gisborne, 2023-06-05)


I learnt how to swim with comet and spent years with the comet swim club.

Stacey McBeth (Waimana, 2023-06-06)


The comet club has been here for the people of gisborne AND gisborne needs to be there for them.

Ben Banks (Ruatoria, 2023-06-06)


It's absolutely distressing that Comet swim club has been sold out to Australian firm. 30 pieces of silver! GDC should be ashamed of this decision. Buy local has been the encouragement and they should have done that here. Disgusting.

Chris Somerton (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I support Comet Swimming Club. They do a fabulous job of teaching our mokopuna to swim.
GDC should support local clubs and businesses.

Alan Macey (Tolaga Bay, 2023-06-06)


I believe in supporting local, and Commet swim club is as local as it gets and GDC should be ashamed of them selves in making this decision.

Hailey Keepa (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


This should not be happening. Keep it local

Rutj Armstrong (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I support comet

Tarrin Miller (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Suppprt Local comet

Gwen Lemaire (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Local service providers should be prioritized. Especially by local governance.

Lawrence Mulligan (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


The council should be supporting local businesses especially when there was very little between the tenders. The council is there to represent the community- it shows they are very removed from the average Gisborne local. What a crazy decision!

Rochelle Brown (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I'm local, they are local with proven history who have done a fabulous job over the years and to allow a corporate to take it over, is criminal.

Graeme Piper (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


It's important to support LOCAL!

Gen Packer (Lower Hutt, 2023-06-06)


I'm signing because comet swimming has served our community for a very long time and the council need to give them a fair go, feels like local doesn't matter

Justin Kohere (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I'm signing this petition because my grandmother was an ex swimming coach for the Wairoa district Lil Robinson along side her friend Doreen scullen in the 80s 90s and early 2000s, they both were strong believers in learn to swim for children and adults, keeping it local, use our resources and people, benefit us in the long run, utelise what we have in our country and support local!! Fond memories of comet swimming club👍

Henrietta Quinlivan (Wairoa, 2023-06-06)


My children both learned to swim with Comet and each swam with them for 8 years. Give this great local swimming club and it’s dedicated coaches a chance to continue serving our community in the new facility.

Diane Bailey (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Using outside contracts means the money goes out of Gisborne.
Look after locals first
Make our country great

Robyn Wilkie (Waimata valley rd, 2023-06-06)


The contract should stay local. If the Council thinks there are improvements to be made just talk and work it out. Not fair on local business.

Juliana Agudelo (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I object to Belgravia getting contract instead of local Comet Swimming Club who hv provided superb tuition for 60 years and submitted a competitive contract.

Marie MacDonald (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I'm signing because i support local. My two children both swim with comet and its the best. The new pools were built for people in Gisborne to enjoy but with comet not getting the account with Kiwa pools mean we will have to continue lessons in the shitty elgin pool complex. Are you going to do up that pools too for the families and school children who all use it?

Abby Whitehead (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I'm signing this because a local business should be running this program, not an overseas company, this pool is being paid for by Gisborne people, the council needs to be making sure that gisborne people benefit from it

Blair Stewart (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Because my mokos live there in gisborne an they also go to swimming club too and they enjoy local.

Renee Brown (Tauranga, 2023-06-06)


The right thing to do

John Preddey (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


We need to support local businesses, if GDC doesn’t see this we are doomed!!!!

Kaye Foreman (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


GDC are in the wrong.

Hope Pohe (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Im gobsmacked that GDC have not offered this contract to Comet Swimming Club who have nurtured hundreds of children for many years. I am a swimmer of over 20 years and have witnessed the dedication of the Comet team. Comet is a part of our local history. Want TeReo lessons there are many willing locals who could assist to make this happen. NO EXCUSES GDC reverse your decision!!

Molly Pardoe (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I am signing to support our local comet swimming club who taught all my grandchildren. GDC needs to support local for sure.0

Ruby Mackey (Gisbornr, 2023-06-06)


Strongly approve of Comet Swimming

Chai Temepara (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I do not agree with an Australian company using Kiwa pools over our local comet swimming group.

Trio Barwick (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I support the Comet programme.

Kāniwa Tamarama (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


It is so wrong give contract to local companies

Trina Cranswick (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I support Comet swimming club

Moana Houkamau (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


The contract should be local with comet club, I have had many grandchildren learn to swim with this club and would not like to support an outside company.

Joanne Smith (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Swimming is a critical life skill and should be available to everyone as affordably as possible. An international company is likely to try to maximise profits over ensuring local kids learn how to swim.

Marian Krogh (Wanaka, 2023-06-06)


Because it’s a cruel crying shame that this contract didn’t go locally to Comet and not to an Australian company who already have many enterprises around NZ. I have spoken to several people who totally agree. I am appalled at this decision. Local solutions for local people. Reward 65 years of dedication to this community.

Karyn Williams (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I believe in keeping things local. We get encouraged to buy local then why not keep this service by locals for locals. We have competent totors right here in Gisborne 🙏💖💖👍

Gina McGhee (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


My children have been swimming with Comet over the years and we are forever grateful for the aroha and skills passed on to our children. We love the instructors and do not want to go to another swim school for which we have no connection, relationship with and who are not part of our Tairawhiti community.

Emma Knox (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I support local

Jenny Randall (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I want to help a local business.

Frazer Elliott (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Comet need more space to teach the younger children how to swim. They do a great job and the amount of children they help is overwelming

Franny Collier (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


My niece and nephew attend these swimming lessons and they (the instructors) have been so supportive and helpful in teaching them about water safety. Both my nephew and niece are very shy and take a long time to get out of their comfort zone so for me personally I can honestly say that it’ll take longer for them to adjust to these changes specially since they have already built a rapport with the swimming instructors. For locals by locals

Danielle Brown-Mckenzie (Napier, 2023-06-06)


Because my godson attends this, and learning to swim should be a priority

Hirini Gemmell (Wairoa, 2023-06-06)


Because i think it is criminal it has been given to an Australian firm over a local well established local business.

Colleen Skuse (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)



Hemoata Reedy-Keelan (Ruatoria, 2023-06-06)


I'm a local and I support local

Channelle Henry (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I stand to keep it local 💪🏽

Pony Marino (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Our 4 children all learnt to swim at an early age from the excellent learn to swim programmes Comet provided.

Diane Slade (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Council need to sit up, listen, rethink. Thank you Gisborne Herald for reporting on this issue.

Margaret Mullooly (Matawai, 2023-06-06)


Because we need to support local loyal community user friendly Comet.

Yvonne Bishop (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I am local, I support local, I stand with Comet.

Ocean Breeze Pakuria-McGregor (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I support Comet!!!

Aylene Harper (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


My kids went through Comet swimming Club

Chris Haenga (Tikitiki, 2023-06-06)


This contract should be held by a local organisation.

Sarah Cleave (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I'm against taking our bussines overseas when we should be supporting local businesses.How does the Gisborne District Council expect growth in there cities when investing in oversseas
This should have been bought to all rate payers attention as it is our rate payers money not the Councils for them to make
that decision.I rather have public consultation before our rate payers monies are spent on anything to improve our City.The Mayor and Councillors should be sacked for this non consultation of rate payers vote.

Sonny Whaitiri (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Comet have done an amazing job for decades and can easily offer what the overseas company can. Also I thought Comet was a non profit organisation

Alleyne Chater (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Both my children are being taught to swim by Comet. What type of message are you sending them when you're selling out to international corporations instead of building the local ones to the same level. Shame on you. Let's develop local to the same level instead.

Carlize Harvey (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


It is important to help our local economy and comet has been doing amazing work with our tamariki for many years. The contract should stay local!

Jaime Currie (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


The GDC should be supporting local business not awarding work to overseas companies

Michael Arnaboldi (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I back comet 110%

Kenzie Cook (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I believe in comet swimming club and love how much they give to our tamariki and community!

Anna Bishop (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


This is just sad and a disgusting act by our local council
We need to support and encourage our local providers / companies.
We have way to much out of town suppliers / companies etc servicing Gisborne of all kinds services , products , labour etc when we have ample locally to provide what's needed. Our council is lazy.
I deal with this every day in my own job. We should be trying to keep money circulating within our town . Sort it out gdc what a cock up .

Jade Schollum (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Comet has been in the tairawhiti region for many years. I would rather support local then a big corp

Jess Odwyer (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Profits that Comet may realise, is put back into the sport it’s participants, employees, and supporters

Brendan Smith (Whataupoko, 2023-06-06)


I support comet

Mereono Rangihaeata (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I support our local Comet team

Jamie Grayndler-Cleeton (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Comet swimming club taught my parents, myself & my children to swim confidently. They've been a huge support for our community for years.

Awhina Banks (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


We should be supporting local.

Jade Stafford (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Comet are an excellent provider and the best choice of the swimming programme in tairawhiti

Kushla Campbell (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Council not supporting local buisness

Glynis Stewart (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Comet has been amazing- my 3 kids have all received lessons from them. It’s so important to support our local club who have always been there, providing swimming lessons for our tamariki.

Janine McDiarmid (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


My children go to the Comet learn to swim team and have been going for 8yrs now. They have a fantastic team and system in place and always able to accomadate us. It would be a shame to see this go to an overseas company not using local. What a disappointment GDC.

Ellen Hovell (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I'm signing because we have been members of the comet swimming programme and believe whole heartedly that the team there deserve the acknowledgement & awhi that they show and provide for our children in and around safe swimming.

Hayley Wharepapa (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)




Paul Anderson (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I want to see this service be provided by a local business

Rebecca Redpath (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Why are we not supporting local?!?!

Melissa Bennett (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I support Comet Swimming Club as I have found their contribution to swimming deserves better treatment by the staff at our council.

Philip Reed (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


It’s seems pretty unusual to give a swimming contract to an international club when we have our very own swim club that’s been in the community for years. Not only that but many happy and healthy relationships have developed and why stop it all now? Makes no sense mate.

Oceane Ceb (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I love comet swimming club. They are fantastic with kids babies and even adults.

Petra Samsonova (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Comet is a fantastic local business that my children thrived participating in and I’m so disappointed to hear they did not get better opportunity in the new pool complex

Talia Willis (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I do not agree with council’s decision to contract an overseas swim club provider & not allow Comet Swim Club the opportunity to continue providing an excellent swim program for all whanau as they have done already for many years.

Marina Dewes (Tikitiki, 2023-06-06)


The council have shown a gross lack of support to local business

Hilton Slement (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


My son did swim club

Kristen Taunoa (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


It’s a disgrace that our council flick a local group for outsiders. It should never have been tendered and hopefully this petition will put right what the council hasn’t

Ngahina Te Aho (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I support local business

Isaac Hayes (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Support this petition to DEMAND that they revoke their decision to give the "Learn to Swim programme" to an International company and support LOCAL.
All 3 of my kids have gone through Comet growing up and now one of them has a goal to be a life guard at the new Kiwa Pools complex.
Support local!!

Sapphire Hawes (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Supporting local businesses has obviously not played any part in the council’s decision. It’s unjust & wrong. We support Comet & staying local!

Karim Nepia (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Comet swimming club helped my Grandson to be able to swim and has given him confidence in the water.

Gina Waikaho (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I belive in supporting local companies especially in such a
My kids have learnt to swim at comet and they are incredible.

Mica Dawson (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


It should be local

Sarah Hughes (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


It is imperative that we support local businesses.

Megan Hansen-Knarhoi (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


I want Gisborne comet swimming club to have funding at the kiwa pools for the future of our kids safety around & in the water

Justice Anderson (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Our 2 year old had fantastic swimming lessons at Comet last year

Susie Dobson (Auckland, 2023-06-06)


I disagree with Councils decision to award this contract to an organization outside Gisborne instead of supporting a local club who could deliver the services competently.

Leanne Harrison (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


We must support local and the ongoing work & dedication of our own community groups

Lucy Benge (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Support local

Richard Tuhaka (Tolaga bay, 2023-06-06)


I was taught to swim by Comet Swimming Club way back in the 1960s. They have put people before profit and so should the Gisborne City Council in this respect.

Kay Allen (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Common sense!!
Something that seems to have disappeared…

Mike Green (Gizzy, 2023-06-06)


I am signing this petition in support of keeping our Comet Swimming Club to continue providing swimming lessons to our tamariki, mokopuna, and community. Why give it to an overseas company? They’ve got the money? They are able to fund the bursting at the seams cost for the newly build swimming complex. Gisborne District Council are not thinking about the community? This was one councillor’s comment (free lessons to 80 children) well there are more than 80 children throughout the Te Tairawhiti district that attend swimming lessons and for the record Comet is already providing free lessons for pre-schoolers. Whatever the outcome I for one will certainly continue to support Comet.

Jill Donald (Tolaga Bay, 2023-06-06)


I believe this programme should be given to our local providers. The funds should be kept in the region. On an emotional and cultural level it helps with community cohesion and upliftment.

Marise Van Heerden (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


It's NOT OK Gisborne District Council. Very disappointed in you...what on earth are you thinking. Comet Swimming Club have provided our tamariki nothing but the best for many, many years. We should be supporting our own local community.

Carol Reid (Te Araroa, 2023-06-06)


I'm signing because I believe Gizzy should stay local!

Evelyn Cantwell (Auckland, 2023-06-06)


My Daughter is a comet club member and has been the last 2 years we travel from Tolaga Bay twice a week, Comet has taught our daughter so much in that time and are overwhelmed with how far she has come.. I whole heartedly support this club and the fact that they are locally owned

Sandee Porter (Tolaga Bay, 2023-06-06)


I believe the Gisborne district council should support local businesses

Laura Gavin (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Comet has served our community for decades. We need to support our local community.

Helen Costello (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Support local, pretty sure that’s a GDC policy, if not should surely be.
We’ve been Comet supporters and clients for years, ours kids are all safe in the water because of them.

Liz Peters (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


The GDC has got it wrong, or has someone taken a backhander?

Ant Bowden (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


It's outrageous to give to contract a) offshore b) to an unknown entity as far as Gisborne is concerned and c) it's easy to make paper promises - that doesn't cut it when compared with 65 years of sterling service to Gisborne people!

Geraldine Oliver (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


Comet is doing an excellent job teaching my 2yr old to swim. I travel from Te Araroa once a week to bring her for her swimming lessons and loves it.

Tutira Poi (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


The council should support local businesses especially ones that have done so much for our swimming community

Ashleigh Inder (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)


All of my children have been through comet plus they support our kura with swimming lessons. Never had an Ozzy interested in Gizzy pools before. Covid should have taught us the importance of keeping our business on shore or "local". Its a no brainer really. Without the swimming classes who would even utilise the pools to its full potential? especially during the winter months.

Juanelle Manuel (Tairawhiti, 2023-06-06)


Should be owned locally -community run and community business.

Serena Williams (Gisborne, 2023-06-06)