

The Stalin Plaza is the best Spot to connect with other skaters and become friends across borders.

(Krefeld, 2019-09-24)


Cause its one of the best spot in the game

(Basel, 2019-09-24)


Stalin plaza must continue deliver skate opportunities

(Barcelona, 2019-09-24)


Save skateboarding its our lifestyle and we need it. Don't let the bastards who only think about money and don't do shit for the community win 👊🏻❤️

(Wenduine, 2019-09-24)


Its one of the best places for skateboarding of the world and its a big part of the skate culture of europe!!

(vienna, 2019-09-24)


It's important for the skateboard community. Best plaza in Europe

(Sandnes, 2019-09-24)


Great spot, beautifull place imho for non skater people. Save it.

(Brno, 2019-09-24)


I’ve been riding on skateboard for 13 years and I really appreciate places like Stalin plaza as they are friendly to our culture with their unique vibe. It was one of the reasons I’ve decided to visit Prague and definitely would like to visit it again and skate on Stalin.

(Warszawa, 2019-09-24)


This place needs to stay!

(Stuttgart, 2019-09-24)


because I want to skate there

(Warsaw, 2019-09-24)


Stalin is love, Stalin is life

(Žilina, 2019-09-24)


Stalin plaza is a great place! Let people enjoy this place and the wonderful views.

(Cardiff, 2019-09-24)


The Plaza has been developing to one of the most famous skate spots of EU, and is a place for skateboard culture and scene, which is not in the city center nor molesting anyone. In contrary, people like the culture, scene, the sounds, and vibes skateboarder spread, an internationalist wave.

(Berlin, 2019-09-24)


This amazing plaza is famous and many people go there from all around the world. This plaza is the reason i went to Czech Republic multiple times, i am even considering moving to Prague for this plaza.

(Tilburg, 2019-09-24)


Skateboarding is Love

(Vienna, 2019-09-24)


Stalin vlepil Prahu na mapu celosvětové skateboardingové osvěty a patří mezi místa, které dalo vzniknout jedné z nejpestřejších subkultur v Česku. Nezničme ji, podpořme ji!

(Kyjov, 2019-09-24)


I am signing this because such historical and cultural place should remain its history. Also nowdays the importance of this place in urban surrounding for citizens of Prague and visitors around the world.

(Kajaani, 2019-09-24)


Skaters deserve space to do what they love

(London, 2019-09-24)



(Dortmund, 2019-09-24)


It's legendary place

(Prague, 2019-09-24)


Stalin Plaza is an important cultural location, supporting creativity and the arts. The area should remain a spot for like-minded people to gather and socialise and not for developers to . make a profit

(Prague, 2019-09-24)



(Nizhniy Novgorod, 2019-09-24)


The new concept for the Monument is quite peculiar to say the least, leave it as it is-Beautiful

(Kalisz, 2019-09-24)


Tuto petici podepisuji, protože “stalin” je mimořádné místo, které nesmí být narušeno a otráveno společnostmi a lidmi, kteří z něj chtějí jenom čerpat peníze. Vše by mělo zůstat, tak jak to je.

(Písem, 2019-09-24)


Keep stalin Plaza alive

(Leipzig, 2019-09-24)


I'm signing because this spot is awesome

(Vlissegem, 2019-09-24)


I wanna skate this place

(Leipzig, 2019-09-24)


I had wonderful time in Stalin plaza last year when i visited Prague, that place is so beautiful and unique!

(Niš, 2019-09-24)


Stalin Plaza is a beautiful location and should be open to anyone who wishes to enjoy that beauty.

(Prague, 2019-09-24)


SAVE STALIN! I love this place.

(Poznań, 2019-09-24)


It's an amazing place that build European skate and street culture. At the moment it's a vibrant social space for anyone and all capital cities around Europe are lacking that kind of place.

(Woking, 2019-09-24)


It's a nice place!

(Starý Plzenec, 2019-09-24)


I love skating

(Pleasanton, 2019-09-24)


We cannot lose Stalin plaza. What it means to people and what it has been reinterpreted into today is too good to lose.

(London, 2019-09-24)


I want to save this wonderful place.

(Prague, 2019-09-24)


Stalin Plaza is my main reason to travel Prague.

(Leipzig, 2019-09-24)


I don’t want to lose this part of our history!

(Moscow, 2019-09-24)


This place is a symbol of freedom.I Hood it will be still.

(Jihlava, 2019-09-24)


This place has changed the world. Maybe not your work. But every skater in the world wants to skate here. And every skater has watched a video part with clips at this place. Skateboarding is one of the strongest cultures in the world. And rising steadily. Support outdoors and social activities!!!

(London, 2019-09-24)


I’m signing it because it’s an iconic spot in europe and even if I haven’t been there I wish i had

(Grenoble, 2019-09-24)


Save the plaza!

(Stockholm, 2019-09-24)


Im a skater and this place is crucial to whole skate community.

(Bratislava, 2019-09-24)


Best skate spot in Czech Republic

(Moscow, 2019-09-24)


I've seen videos at this spot over the years and it's been on my list of places to visit and skate for just as long. I don't want either myself or countless others to miss out on the opportunity to skate a legendary spot with so much skate history behind it.

(Växjö, 2019-09-24)


I’m signing because this is one of the best places in the world of skateboarding

(Moscow, 2019-09-24)


I want to help saving a cultural piece of skateboarding's history

(Grenoble, 2019-09-24)


This place is lit 🔥

(Kapfenberg, 2019-09-24)


Save all the street spots around the world !

(Lisbon, 2019-09-24)


Its one of the most influential skate spots in Czech republic, its simply legendary.

(Bzovík, 2019-09-24)


for the culture !

(Cascais, 2019-09-24)


Hámori István

(Győr, 2019-09-24)


Let the people skate, you cunts

(Las palmas de gran canaria, 2019-09-24)


I love this space as it is for what skateboarding has made it I have been here over four times in a decade, please preserve for skateboarding

(Leicester, 2019-09-24)


‘Cause I love skateboarding

(Milano, 2019-09-24)


Iam signin this cause iam livin in prague and we like to skate over there. Peace

(Praha, 2019-09-24)


I’m signing because stalin plaza is an historic place for skateboard and everybody respect that !

(La Rochelle, 2019-09-24)


I’m signing because I was skated there, and want to come back, this is the grait place for skateboarding, and well known around the world

(Kiev, 2019-09-24)



(Bristol, 2019-09-24)


I want the skateboarding community to be able to continue to enjoy this place as it holds a lot of history in skateboarding worldwide.

(Sydney, 2019-09-24)


Because I want save this historical , beautiful place!

(Ekaterinburg, 2019-09-24)


I love skateboarding

(Geneva, 2019-09-24)


you can’t destroy history!

(Saarbrücken, 2019-09-24)


I have been to this place many times and it always was one of the main reasons to me for visiting Prague. Stalin park has its unique atmosphere and it gathers skateboard community mrmbers from all over the world for many years. Do not destroy our history!

(Moscow, 2019-09-24)


Sick spot and i wanna skate it sometime

(Baia Mare, 2019-09-24)


Stalin Plaza must be save in an original look !

(Kraków, 2019-09-24)


Frequent visitor from sweden

(Gislaved, 2019-09-24)


I wanne go to Stalin plaza the way it is now

(Koewacht, 2019-09-24)


Because i been there and i went to prague just because of this skate spot and i would love to go back, one of the best places in Europe

(Tarragona, 2019-09-24)


To save this park for the future of skateboarding.

(Barcelona, 2019-09-24)


Signing because of the innthe petition named reasons. I skated the spot and want to skate it in the future! Its super important for the local and international scene and (skate)tourism!

(Berlin, 2019-09-24)


It's a legendary spot!

(Vienna, 2019-09-24)


I recognise the cultural significance of this spot

(Athens, 2019-09-24)


I travel to Prague to skateboard here. It is culturally important.

(Mancheater, 2019-09-24)


This beautiful place should stay as it is!

(Kaprun, 2019-09-24)



(Bristol, 2019-09-24)


Beacause I Am a skater and I love Stalin plaza. This plaza is most important than ad another stupid building

(Zurich, 2019-09-24)


Because I really like this place. mám hodně rád Stalina a často tam bývám.

(Prague, 2019-09-24)