Ojamo mine opening for all divers
This is an amazing resource that should be accessible for all suitably trained diversBarnaby Selwood (Oxford, 2020-04-04)
This mine should be open to diversNigel Fitzell (Tarbert, 2020-04-04)
Klassikko. Eihän tätä pitäisi missään nimessä pitää suljettuna. Niin moni suomalainen sukellusammattilainen on täällä saanut ammatillisen alkunsa. Olkaa ystävälliset ja avatkaa.Kiitos.
Mika Lindström (Kouvola, 2020-04-04)
Is a great dive site. So why close it!!! Now divers are missing out!David Polley (Bath, 2020-04-04)
A great place for Mine Diving!Wolfgang Resch (Halle, 2020-04-04)
This mine should be visited by properly trained divers as it in a real marvelMario Guido Rossi (Bangkok, 2020-04-04)
The is a fantastic place to train, film and dive and brings a community together, bring finance into the area and joy to many.Andy Torbet (Bristol, 2020-04-04)
Tsemppiä!Jere Karlsson (Rauma, 2020-04-04)
Olen itse käynyt vuoden ammatillisessa koulutuksessa (Innofocus) Ojamolla. Parempaa harjoituspaikkaa ei löydy.Oskar Berndtsson (Helsinki, 2020-04-04)
I’m a cave diver and one day I’d like to visit this legendary mine!Christophe Dardenne (Londerzeel, 2020-04-04)
I'm an technical Rebreather-Diver and this is a very interesting dive-spot.Jens Schneefuss (Markranstaedt, 2020-04-04)
Im Ojamo Diver...Puc Oly (Galway, 2020-04-04)
Haluan omalla panoksellani edistää sukellusharrastuken ja mahdollisuuksien kehittämistä Suomessa.Jessiina Rantanen (Jyväskylä, 2020-04-04)
Keep it open so that training can be continued so future dives can be done in a safe manner.Johnny Ryan (Airdrie, 2020-04-04)
Ojamo on ainutlaatuinen sukelluskohde maailmassa joka tulisi säilyttää ja kehittää sitä.Mitja Harvilahti (Helsinki, 2020-04-04)
I would love to dive herePaul Brown (Salisburu, 2020-04-04)
Beautiful place that needs to be seenHarvey Morash (Louisbourg, 2020-04-04)
Keep Ojamo open!Monique Pouwels (Senaillac Lauzes, 2020-04-04)
It's a famous place I would like to dive in a near futureLaurent Boulmier (Nice, 2020-04-04)
Ojamo is the foremost minne diving site in the world and should be frequently open to qualified divers.Urho Ilmonen (Helsinki, 2020-04-04)
Mahtava paikka sukeltamiseen ja toivon todella, että sukellustoiminta tulee jatkumaan normaalisti.Markus Makinen (Nummela, 2020-04-04)
I’m signing because I’m a diver and I like to dive in sea, in caves and wrecks.Jani Zavrsnik (Buje, 2020-04-04)
I want to dive this mine next yearKeith Chu (Duarte, 2020-04-04)
Scuba divers from all around the world should have the opportunity to dive at this amazing sitePedro Cruz (Kissimmee, 2020-04-04)
Ojamo is an impressive place and somewhere I would love to dive one day.Jason Pepper (Buxton, 2020-04-05)
I'm signing because I believe diving here should be open to everyonePatrick Kishino (Tokyo, 2020-04-05)
I wish the mine to re-open for diving!Emmanuel Kuehn (Bergen op Zoom, 2020-04-05)
I am a cave diver and have many friends that do the same and dive mines. Ojamo is a very special Mine to dive. Many personal records and the best dive training site for Finnish divers.Simone Reymenants (Rawai, 2020-04-05)
It has to be open for trained divers!Michael Wang Qi (Jinan, 2020-04-05)
ojamo mine is in my top 3 listAaron Croes (3450, 2020-04-05)
This is a important site for technical diving and one that should not have it’s access denied to the publicRob Smith (Les Monts de Corsier, 2020-04-05)
Such a wonderful environment should not be shut downJonnie Lund (Strängnäs, 2020-04-05)
I’m signing because it’s one of the destination that many cave and technical divers would love to dive in the future .Marcin Adam Sadowski (Bergen, 2020-04-05)
The site needs to remain open for divers.Richard Pearce (Wednesbury, 2020-04-05)
I’m signing because Ojamo is part of the mine diving history. Place where technical divers from all around the world will dive.David Zaras (Ottestad, 2020-04-05)
Käsittämätöntä että ihminen joka ei itse aktiivisesti sukella Ojamossa, voi estää muiden sukeltamisen ja tehdä turhaksi muiden ihmisten tuhansien ja taas tuhansien miestyötuntien talkoot sukelluspaikan hyväksi. Suomessa ei ole paljon hyvillä näkyvyyksillä olevia sukelluspaikkoja. Ojamo on voimavara ja mahdollisuus jota Lohjan ei kannata hukata, päinvastoin.Timo Mäkinen (Kerava, 2020-04-05)
I very much hoped to dive this mine one day.Porter Thorkelson (Seattle, 2020-04-05)
I have had the privilege to enjoy diving with an invitation from friends in the past. It is a beautiful environment that hopefully can be continued to be enjoyed by others in the years to come.Gideon Liew (Singapore, 2020-04-06)
Would love to tryJonny Dykare (Stockholm, 2020-04-06)
should be open for divingJan Mulder (Elburg, 2020-04-06)
This is one of the most wanted dive spots of the world. This is also of interest for local tourism, since technical divers spend 8-10 times more money in their diving activities than recreational divers!!!Jens Meissner (Weil am Rhein, 2020-04-06)
Ojamo mine is famous diving place around the world. This cannot be killed by an administrative act.Sorin Savastre (Bucharest, 2020-04-06)
there aren't too many places to practice tech-diving.Heikki Hazmuka (Helsinki, 2020-04-06)
Ojamon kaivos on maailmalla tunnettu ja arvostettu sukelluskohde. Yksi turvallisin paikka harjoitella ja sitä riittää!Tuomas Jurvelin (Oulu, 2020-04-06)
I want dive in this place in the future.Marek Moszyk (Giżycko, 2020-04-06)
This is an iconic world recognised dive site. It would be a great shame to lose this. A lot of cave rescue divers practice in sites like this.Michael Smith (Lichfield, 2020-04-06)