The teaching of Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture at the University of Helsinki must continue!



When I came to Helsinki in 2014 for my 3 year HCAS position I was amazed at the brilliance of U of Helsinki people working on Classical Archaeology. They are doing fantastic work and part of many international research networks. Abolishing Classical Archaeology is nothing but wonton destruction, it will take decades to repair its damage both to the field of Classical Archaeology in Finland and to the international reputation of University of Helsinki. Our colleagues from France, Canada, US, UK, Croatia and so on have been horrified by the news. Teaching of Classical Archaeology MUST continue on the accustomed brilliant level. Finland mustn't lose its hard-worn position in the field because of petty ephemeral catchpenny decisions.

(Helsinki, 2018-05-14)


Very important this lecturship continues

(Sint-Niklaas, 2018-05-14)


Antiikintutkimus on Suomessa kansainvälisestikin korkeatasoista. Miksi sitä ajetaan alas?

(Helsinki, 2018-05-14)


it is essential to be aware of our cultural roots

(Salzburg, 2018-05-14)


I am signing because the study of archaeology is fundamental to enable us to understand the past. Without archaeology history is incomplete and without a differentiated view of our past the present becomes harder to understand and to form wise decisions.

(Vienna, 2018-05-14)


Classical Studies is important and should be made available to more people

(Birmingham, 2018-05-14)


Cuts to humanities and social science education funding worldwide threaten to undermine the progress that has been made in teaching future generations about our common humanity. This is a global problem and one we should all be working to address.

(Milwaukee, 2018-05-14)


Euroopan ja Suomen kulttuuriperinnön ymmärtämisen (ja sen opettamisen) kannalta tämä lehtoraatti on tärkeä! Siki sitä ei tulisi lakkauttaa.

(Helsinki, 2018-05-14)


I think its very necessary for understanding new developments in politics and culture etc.

(Feldbah, 2018-05-14)


I´m signing because I think studying classical art, languages and archeology is vital for scientific research everywhere.

(Berndorf, 2018-05-14)


The humanities in general, and study of the ancient world through classics, archaeology, ancient history, art history, philosophy and related disciplines, are fundamental to understanding of the human condition--intellectually and materially. By rejecting study of our past we make our future poorer, no matter what field of study or profession we choose to follow.

(Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2018-05-14)


Archaeology is important to understand both the past and present. Students shouldn't have to go to another country to study this wonderful science.

(Leiden, 2018-05-14)


j'enseigne les LCA et suis convaincue de leur pertinence .

(Rouffach, 2018-05-14)


Helsingin yliopistolla ovat syvät juuret antiikin sivistyksen opettamisessa ja merkittävä asema alan kansainvälisessä tutkimuksessa. Kaikki tämä vaarantuu, jos kyseistä virkaa ei täytetä. Kouluissa tapahtuva opetus ja jälivaikutus myös vaarantuu, jos päteviä alan opettajia ei saada riittävästi.

(Helsinki, 2018-05-14)


Tykkäisin opiskella tuollaista teillä.

(Parainen, 2018-05-14)


The tradition of classical studies, including classical archaeology, at the University of Helsinki is well established. The planned abandonment of lectureship in classical archaeology reduces the scope of studies in humanities in Helsinki and it effectively undermines all significant past achievements of generations of classical archaeologists in Finland.

(Kuopio, 2018-05-14)


Archaeology is a very significance, we need to learn from the past and look after it for the future

(chester, 2018-05-14)


Archaeology is important!

(Heroldsberg, 2018-05-14)


Tehkää viisaita päätöksiä, sivistyksen arvoa ei voi mitata rahassa.

(Helsinki, 2018-05-14)


The study of Classical Archeology and Ancient Culture is important to understand previous civilisations that will endorse the understanding van acceptance among cultures.

(Amsterdam, 2018-05-14)