

Stalin Plaza is supposed to stay like it is. Nobody wants a museum though..

(Darmstadt, 2019-09-24)


It’s an amazing skate spot that is enjoyed by everyone all over the world! I’m getting married next year and I was going to come to Prague to have a stag/skate trip with my friends this is just one of the many reasons why it should stay as it is !

(Manchester, 2019-09-24)


The best skate spot in the world.

(Oslo, 2019-09-24)


I want to help preserve the rich history and culture of skateboarding worldwide. It is what brought me to Prague, as well as I’m sure countless others

(London, 2019-09-24)


Legendary spot

(Haarlem, 2019-09-24)


Skaters need a place they like to skate and if they like it don’t change it.

(Atlanta, 2019-09-24)


This needs to stay; it's the greatest reason for people like myself to come to Prague

(Rotterdam, 2019-09-24)


Save the heritage

(London, 2019-09-24)


That's the perfect place to skate

(תל אביב, 2019-09-24)


Skateboarding and its community ♥️

(Stuttgart, 2019-09-24)


Cultural heritage is important, don't give it away.

(Glasgow, 2019-09-24)


Legendary place of all time, I travel always to Prague is case of this spot! Please rest it !

(Moscow, 2019-09-24)


I love skateboarding and the Stalin plaza is one of the most iconic spots of the world

(Gallarta, 2019-09-24)


I’d like to go to stalin plaza in the future and from personal experience I know what it is like to lose a local skate spot.

(Gent, 2019-09-24)


Because its an amazing place for skateboarding, bmx and artists in general

(Vienna, 2019-09-24)


Save this place!

(Karlsruhe, 2019-09-24)


Žiji v praze a jsem skater a Stalin musí přežít!

(Praha, 2019-09-24)


Because we dont deserve it. We need that place

(Banovce nad Bebravou, 2019-09-24)


Im a Skater

(Helsingborg, 2019-09-24)



(Praha, 2019-09-24)


Places like this deserve to be further improved for the young generation rather than destroyed for the needs of some rich investors that have no sentiment to the great location and atmosphere this place brings to many people!

(Sofia, 2019-09-24)


I want to keep the spot alivr for all the local dudes. For some, It’s what they Got. And i want to skate it myself

(Aalborg, 2019-09-24)


Stalin plaza je krásný misto a nemůžou ho zbourat

(Český Krumlov, 2019-09-24)


Because skateboarding.its wirldwide known skatespot for over 20 years.

(Warszawa, 2019-09-24)


because stalin plaza is one of the coolest skate spots on planet earth. true gem! SAVE STALIN PLAZA

(kyiv, 2019-09-24)


So that skateboarders have a place to go and skate.

(Tallinn, 2019-09-24)


I skated there for my first time this year, this is the best skate spot in my the world, even for me, a 42 year old man

(San Jose, 2019-09-24)


The destroying of subcultural life through bigger investments HAS to STOP.
"organically" grown structures in central City areas are getting more and more rare, because Investors seek with the help of politicians more Chance to grow their influence and wealth. THIS HAS TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY EVERYONE AND THE CITY COUNCIL ITSELF.

Subculture HAS to stand against this Problem in unity an with a LOUD VOICE!!!
Pleas preserve Stalin like it was, so the Real Subculture of skating can keep this historical Spot for a long time!

(Dresden, 2019-09-24)



(Prao, 2019-09-24)


It’s my dream to visit Stalin plaza! This place means a lot for culture of skateboarding!

(Saint-Petersburg, 2019-09-24)


I'm signing this petition beacuse a love skateboarding and so do Stalin as it is. It's really beautiful and amazing spot so please dont kill it. :'(

(Choceň, 2019-09-24)


I hope to visit soon and planned to skate the plaza.

(Los Angeles, 2019-09-24)


Even though i’ve never been to the plaza, i understand the disappointment that comes with tearing down a place you love. I’m a skater and I support Polish skate culture @ Stalin Plaza 100%

(Tallinn, 2019-09-24)


The plaza is iconic and need to stay

(Sint-Niklaas, 2019-09-24)


This is an unique skate spots which attracts people from all over the world.
Save this place for an intercultural coming & being together, whether skateboarder or not!

(Landau, 2019-09-24)


I love shreding at this plaza

(Prague 19, 2019-09-24)


I ve skated here and the place is truly amazing. #savestalinplaza

(Cluj-Napoca, 2019-09-24)


I want take a trip to this place to skate on that beaut

(Wrocław, 2019-09-24)


I’m signing this because Stalin plaza is one of the most iconic places in Prague not only for skaters around the world but also for tourists

(Sofia, 2019-09-24)


I care about Skateboardculture

(Landsberg, 2019-09-24)


Skateboarding is amazing and precious, and our people need a place to express their creativity and explore their passion. Places like Stalin plaza are sacred and iconic among skateboarding. Ive never stepped foot in the Czech Republic, but I know this place instantly when I see it.

(Rockaway Park, 2019-09-24)


Because Stalin Plaza lines its own way !

(Ústí nad Labem, 2019-09-24)


I want stail plaza to stay open other wise what will the skaters call home!!?

(Canoga Park, 2019-09-24)


This Plaza is a history place. I love IT.

(Chorzów, 2019-09-24)


Because it’s part of skateboarding history for czech skateboarding and it’s epic place.

(Koprivnice, 2019-09-24)


I'm signing because i think destroying place where paople leave in peace for years Is unrespectable to all the people who believe to go in stalin plaza like a vojagers and skaters Who pass they day in this beautiful place become the home of world skateboarding.

(Catanzaro, 2019-09-24)


Save Stalin Plaza!!!

(Budapest, 2019-09-24)


It's an iconic place for skateboarding culture and a monument

(London, 2019-09-24)


I love this place

(Amsterdam, 2019-09-24)


Plazas in each city are significant to the skate scene and culture all around the world

(Athens, 2019-09-24)


Because of the histroy!

(Budapest, 2019-09-24)


Plaza by měla v jafem případě zůstat zachována. Nejen ze je to jedna z největších historických památek na minuly režim jenž nám má připomínat naši historii. Zásah do památníku bych považoval za pokus o vymazání této historie a tím o zásah do mých osobních práv. Především je to však jedno z nejlegendarnejších míst pro skateboarding v Evropě. Jestliže je problém se statikou či bezpečností oblasti, je třeba podniknout kroky k jejímu zachování. Skateboarding je legitimní sport, uznanou olympijskou disciplínou. Účelné rušení rekreačního parku stalin je úplně stejně jako bourat starý atletický stadion za účelem výstavby obchodního centra.

(Ceska Kamenice, 2019-09-24)


save this place - 4 the culture <3 !

(Leoben, 2019-09-24)


''for the culture!''

(Zürich, 2019-09-24)


I was not able to skate carlsbad, love park, vale do ananghabau let me at least skate Stalin plaza!

(Geneva, 2019-09-24)


Its the best spot ever

(Prague, 2019-09-24)


i have been living in prague for many years. letna was my first neighbourhood. i feel in love with prague by looking the sunset from stalin and i brought here tens of people. this place means so much for many people. please don t turn prague into a souless disneyland only made for rich tourists. save stalin plaza

(Praha, Nové Město, 2019-09-24)


Skateboarding is not a crime

(Newcastle upon Tyne, 2019-09-24)


Save skateboarding!!

(Cebu city, 2019-09-24)


This place is unique. Not only because how it looks but because the people who are spending time here. The skaters, free comunity, openminded people who creates the atmosphere. Where ale these people will spend time?

(Prague, 2019-09-24)


I LOVE skateboarding

(Granada, 2019-09-24)


Keep skateboarding alive

(Hildesheim, 2019-09-24)


cultural protection

(wien, 2019-09-24)


Zapojil jsem se protože si myslím že Stalina zničit je škoda mužem tam jezdit na skejtu a dělat tryky a je to hezké místo

(Kladno, 2019-09-24)


Stalin Plaza is a unique place and one of the most popular skateboard meet ups in all over europe.

(Dresden, 2019-09-24)


The only reason I went to Prague is to skate Stalin plaza. Was only meant to stay for 2 days but I loved it that much I extended my stay to a week. Which obviously brought more money into the city

(Adelaide, 2019-09-24)


Anticapitalist skater

(Grenoble, 2019-09-24)


Been watching skateboarding from the Stalin Plaza since i was a kid. Prague is on top of my 'Places i want to visit' list singlehandedly because of the Stalin Plaza. Be smarter.

(Aarhus, 2019-09-24)


Cause it's the best spot in europe. I come since 12 years every year 1 time to this place!

(Leipzig, 2019-09-24)


Stalin square is a great place for the youth and skateboarders all around the world to come together and share a perfect skateboarding spot. It would be such a shame to see the iconic spot altered from its current form and it would also be a tremendous loss for the skateboarding community.

(Melbourne, 2019-09-24)


Stalin Plaza je ikona pro český skateboarding a ne jen pro něj. A už rozsah této petice dokazuje kolik mladých lidí si je toho vědoma. Neměli bychom si něco, co má již takovou dobu, takovou hodnotu pro tolik lidí. Nehledě na to, že je to lokalita cenná jen nám, ale je v povědomí veřejnosti i v zahraničí.

(Plzeň, 2019-09-24)


I'm signing because some things and places just shouldn't be changed.

(Žďár nad Sázavou, 2019-09-24)


It's a legendary and one of the best places for skateboarding in Europe.

(Chrudim, 2019-09-24)


Stalin Square is a site of extreme cultural value to the skateboard community.
It must be preserved and celebrated in a similar way to London’s Southbank for its cultural importance is irreplaceable and unsurpassed.

(Wakefield, 2019-09-24)



(Stavanger, 2019-09-24)


culture rules

(Nijmegen, 2019-09-24)


I love this place and it would break my heart if it is gone ...

It is maybe the only reason I plan on visiting Prague again

(Berlin, 2019-09-24)


I‘m signing because this place need to be save . If it’s gone where the skaters need to go there is no other place in Prague like that , skaters from all over come to this place because it’s amazing .

(Vienna, 2019-09-24)


This is such a nice place to have a beautiful sight over Prague. A place where young and old meet each other and talk together. A meeting point over generations and races!
It should be free for everyone!

(74193 Schwaigern, 2019-09-24)


Love skateboard

(Villefranche sur Saône, 2019-09-24)


The Plaza should be saved, and enjoyed by people

(Durban, 2019-09-24)