The teaching of Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture at the University of Helsinki must continue!



Classical Archaelogy and Ancient culture are truly important. It is crucial for everyone to know our cultural heritage. There are a lot of issues to be studied to complete the understanding of ancient and modern world.

(Vantaa, 2018-05-14)


Very important !

(Helsinki, 2018-05-14)


A university cannot be taken seriously if they abandon the foundations of civilization, humanity, and culture. This is a misguided decision that will prove detrimental to the prestige and impact of your institution.

(Cambridge, 2018-05-14)


En ung kultur behöver den klassiska mer än någon annan. Dra inte mattan under Finlands identitet som europeisk nation.

(Göteborg, 2018-05-14)


Sivistyksemme ja kulttuurimme alkulähteen tunteminen on välttämätön osa yliopistollista koulutusta.

(Lohja, 2018-05-14)


The purpose of a university is to provide education in the broadest range of subjects - indeed it is incumbent and inherent in the word universitas - from Latin. Today my 15 year old daughter takes her first public examination in Latin Language - not taught by me or encouraged in any way. While it certainly provides access for her to a range of some of the world's most important literature, it also helps her understand our own language and culture. The importance of this is easy to overlook in a world where 'measurable impact' of research and learning is deemed so important. What more impact could one want?

(Liverpool, 2018-05-14)


Sivistysyliopiston alku, perustus ja tulevaisuus ovat antiikissa!

(Jyväskylä, 2018-05-14)


Finland has made important contributions to our understanding of the material culture of Ancient Greece. This should be regarded as potential for the future not buried in the past.

(Oxford, 2018-05-14)


Finland is a small country which 'punches above its weight', as they say, in the study of ancient culture. For this noble tradition to continue, it is essential that this lecturership be continued!

(Oxford, 2018-05-14)


Finland has historically made major contributions to the study of classical antiquity; Finnish scholars trained in Finland do excellent work in classical lands, e.g. through the Finnish institutes in Rome and Athens. The study of classical antiquity is also important in a wider sense: it gives university students a perspective on the world which they can then take into any profession. Please therefore retain the Lectureship in Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture at the University of Helsinki.

(Oxford, 2018-05-14)


The humanities are pivotal to the social good, and the classical world is particularly important for the history and identity of Europe.

(Helsinki, 2018-05-14)


Helsingin yliopisto tarvitsee antiikin kulttuurin ja klassilisen arkeologian opetusta ja tutkimusta. Alan yliopistolehtoraatin jatkuminen on välttämättömyys

(helsinki, 2018-05-14)


Finland has a strong tradition of producing outstanding work in the field of Classics and Ancient History, incl. in areas that span from history to archaeology, such as epigraphy, The professional community is clearly able to contribute in an important way to international scholarship and must be supported to do so also in the future.

(Edinburgh, 2018-05-14)


Antiikin kulttuurin ja klassillisen arkeologian opetuksen tulee jatkua Suomessa. Lehtoraatin lakkauttaminen on kohtalokas virhe.

(Oulu, 2018-05-14)


This is a disgrace!!!

(Oslo, 2018-05-14)


Elääksemme "tarvitsemme" ruokaa ja asuinsijoja, ja asuinsijatkin voi hylätä näin kesäisin ja nukkua taivasalla. Kaikki muu on sivistystä.

Älkää luopuko tästä sivistyksen osasta.

(Helsinki, 2018-05-14)


Discontinuing the lectureship would be an outrage.

(Laukaa, 2018-05-14)


A good friend of mine worked hard to go there and she really deserves it

(Bochum, 2018-05-14)


The impossibility to study Classics in Finland would be a serious desaster for Finland as well as for Europe.

(Vienna, 2018-05-14)



(Boston, 2018-05-14)


I believe that the teaching of the Classics is fundamental to education in the grand European tradition of which Finland has been an integral part for so long.

(Cairns, 2018-05-14)


Archeology matters!!

(Roma, 2018-05-14)