It’s time fireworks were banned! It’s not fair on domestic pets, farm animals and wildlife. Also the elderly, vulnerable and those suffering from a trauma or PTSDValerie Curtis (Swindon, 2020-10-21)
I loath Guy Fawkes Night. It commemorates a terrible period in British history when religion was politicised and used to crush any movement that deviated from Reformation rules. Those who did were hanged until they were nearly dead, then cut down and disembowelled while still alive then hacked into four pieces.And yes - my cat hates it too and hides and has diarrhoea on the carpet.
Richard Dowden (London, 2020-10-21)
Its cruel to animalsFiliz Roberts (peckham, 2020-10-21)
I think it is time to stop the sale of all fireworks. Only allow silent fireworks at organised events once a year and only will the full agreement of all local residents particularly those folk with health conditions, that are elderly (and experienced the noise of bombs going off in the war, let’s face it, some of these modern fireworks are just as loud and frightening), those with domestic pets and all who are concerned about our native wildlife that must be terrified.Lynn Walter (Epsom, 2020-10-21)
Many animals are terrified of fireworks and can be traumatised by themSusan Andrews (Manchester, 2020-10-21)
This is an unsuitable location.Sue Rix (Sunbury-On-Thames, 2020-10-21)
I believe that apart from the appalling waste of money, modern fireworks seem to rely on loud banks simulating warfare, frightening animals and the elderly. Where are the colourful displays? I think they should be banned. Rather give the money to charityAntony Godfrey (Bushey, 2020-10-21)
The site is inappropriateMark Cook (Manchester, 2020-10-21)
I am signing because I agree totally with the petitions objectives.Andrew Allerton (Stockport, 2020-10-21)
I do not agree with fireworks at all and feel strongly they should not be sold to the general public at all. Animals cannot protect themselves and do not know when fireworks will be let off, leaving their owners /farmers etc to protect themAndrea Griffin (North Lanarkshire, 2020-10-21)
I gave 2 dogs and one is petrified of fireworks it goes on for weeks.Angie Barker (Leeds, 2020-10-21)
The planned fireworks displays show a total lack of concern and compassion for the surrounding wildlife as well as for the pets of local residents.Jackie Kimberley (BIRMINGHAM, 2020-10-21)
This is far too near farm livestock, horses in stables, residents and their pets. Sheep will be in lamb and I understand there's mares in foal in the stables. I personally hate the noise of fireworks and my pets are terrified and this is just how it will be for many residents around Weeley. If this event does go ahead then I hope the organisers are prepared to be sued for any losses caused by the fireworks and suffered by people in the area.Chrissie Mitchell (Newton Abbot Devon UK, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks is not as important as the well-being of animalsRita Kort (STOURBRIDGE, 2020-10-21)
I careGlenda Lock (Hartfield, 2020-10-21)
I am signing because I think Organisers of Firework Displays must use appropriate sites which lessen the sudden frightening noise impact on vulnerable humans and animals.Rosemary Machin (Wolverhampton, 2020-10-21)
Intentionally lighting fireworks near animals who will be frightened by the lights & noise is both cruel & unnecesary. Fireworks should be banned as they cause more distress than entertainmenyR Taylor (Mirfield, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks are a nuisance and in present times we should not be encouraging large gatheringsIan Mason (Wirral, 2020-10-21)
They should be banned full stop. They start at the end of October and it goes on until the New Year. I thought the really loud ones had been banned but I have been woken up suddenly with these ridiculously loud fireworks, fortunately I know what they are but the poor animals have no idea. If we have to have them it should be an organised event for one night only at a remote location with a finish time of no later than 10pm. Personally I would like all shops to stop selling them to members of the public but if they feel they have to they should only be sold on the day of the event which is bonfire night. I hope and pray this petition is successfulEvan Davies (Leeds, 2020-10-21)
Some animals are terrified by these noisy displays, escape in panic or otherwise damage themselves. One night is bad enough but why two?Patricia Harrison (Stebbing, 2020-10-21)
It is disgraceful and totally senseless to bring so much suffering to animals.Patricia Pounder (Bridlington, 2020-10-21)
I want to see all fireworks banned - unnecessarily loud and disruptiveLorraine Clarke (Liverpool, 2020-10-21)
Firework displays should not take place where there are animals nearby. It shows a total disregard for the effect on them.Tony Goode (Milton Keynes, 2020-10-21)
Animals are totally in our hands and we have a responsibility to protect them. My dog hates them. TDP-C.Trevor Peckham-Cooper (Edenbridge, 2020-10-21)
I’m signing this because all animals get scared by fireworks. They are very dangerousChristine Cassinelli (Sheffield, 2020-10-21)
I love animals and wildlife. Most fireworks are extremely noisy and frightening both to pets, livestock and to wild animals. There are also many people who are also frightened and disturbed by the incessant loud bangs.Julie Gilligan (Chelmsford, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks in the wrong area can cause unnecessary suffering of animals, birds and people.ken lewis (st georgw, 2020-10-21)
I feel there are enough well organised, charity befitting firework displays in everybody's locality and that another one, endangering animalsis not needed.Stuart Masson (Malmmesbury, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks are so scary for the animals , my cats hate themEileen Middleditch (London, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks have become more powerful and noisy, and yes better! However a display surrounded by farms with vulnerable livestock is really not a great ideaVicky Sflater (Swaffham, 2020-10-21)
Just do the right thing and reconsider.Annette Donnelly (northampton, 2020-10-21)
I'd like this event relocated so as not to cause distress to animals or to people who feel isolated and nervous. This year, especially, when people are nervous and under stress already, please reconsider such a loud display in this location.Cathryn Lake (Liverpool, 2020-10-21)
As an animal owner I see the distress caused by fireworksChris Warner (Coventry, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks are a danger to wild animals and cause so much misery to our beloved pets.Jayne dodd (Wigan, 2020-10-21)
It’s about time the only fireworks available are silent onesMelissa Brown (Market Rasen, 2020-10-21)
All firework displays should be banned everywhere. They are too loud and frightening for animals birds wildlife pets and people with anxiety and of a nervous disposition.Rita Ellis (Manchester, 2020-10-21)
I care for the humane treasures of animalsPhil Lunney (Belfast, 2020-10-21)
I hate the fireworks scaring other species that share this world with humansShaun Gloady (London, 2020-10-21)
I hate fireworks because of the terrible distress and injuries they cause to animals, they are outdated and should be banned, all for money!Carole Pell (Northampton, 2020-10-21)
Animals need to be protected!Caring means protecting!!
Josie Skillen (Bury St Edmunds, 2020-10-21)
I have pets that are terrified and sit trembling for hours and days on end it is heartbreaking to watchWendy Barrow (Stoke on trent, 2020-10-21)
So many horses nearby. This is selfish and inappropriate.Christina Sargeant (Clacton, 2020-10-21)
I'm signing this because it is so frightening for local animals, both farm animals and domestic. Totally inappropriate behaviour.Vanessa Tice (Southsea, 2020-10-21)
I am signing this because fireworks anywhere near animals, be they livestock, horses or domestic pets is dangerous. Animals are terrified, and terrified animals get themselves into danger. Then lets not forget the danger of fire [haystacks, outbuildings etc] plus the danger of all of the little bits left over from when firework hits the ground. All of these can be inadvertently be eaten as they become mixed in with foodstuffs/grass, etc or in the case of cattle & sheep, just eatenSue Atter (Kings Lynn, 2020-10-21)
I know the terror and consequential suffering they all too frequently cause to both domestic and wild animals alikeLaura Jenkins (Cardiff, 2020-10-21)
It’s time to stop fireworks,we are trying to fight climate change & it’s a terrifying time for animals,pets & people.Karen Hawtin (Alton, 2020-10-21)
We just don’t need fireworks in modern society, the anguish it causes both humans and animals alike is atrocious and serves no purpose.Jane Connelly (Derby, 2020-10-21)
I’d like to see all fireworks banned. Every year not only pets but wildlife suffer.Denise Childs (Sutton, 2020-10-21)
I'm signing because I've seen the effects fireworks have on domestic pets and on horses. Also, fireworks will, no doubt, be even more frightening now considering the number of potentially vulnerable people who might find themselves completely alone because of government-sanctioned restrictions.Joy Spicer (Bournemouth, 2020-10-21)
Give animals a break! Enough! Put on a pair of boxing gloves and fight each other like men.Seth Coffey (Lexington, 2020-10-21)
I'm sick of these stupid people terrorising animals by being allowed to handle dangerous explosives. This should have been banned years ago.Gill Didlick (Bridport, 2020-10-21)
A very unsuitable site for this event, causing fright and possible harm to near by animals. Please move this event to a more suitable site without causing any harm to animals.Jessie Nelson (Bognor regis, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks should be banned everywhere full stop cause too much suffering to defenceless animals not good for humans eitherCarolann Storrie (Falkirk, 2020-10-21)
I've had my own horses terrified by fireworks in the past. I had to stay in the field with them to try and comfort them and let them know their was a face they could trust there and that was just a small firework display in a garden. They were charging around and were really sweated up. Animals don't understand what fireworks are and there immediate instinct is to get away from the bangs/noise and flashes, which not only terrifies them but they can also injure themselves. Firework displays should be well away from any animals be it farm livestock stables or domestic pets, and will most certainly upset the pregnant mares. It should be sited elsewhere for all the animals sakesMJ F (Cornwall, 2020-10-21)
J pinkJayne Pink (Portsmouth, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks are totally inappropriate in our congested environment. Their time has passed.Glyn Davies (Newton Abbot, 2020-10-21)
The distress the fireworks will cause to animals is completely unacceptable.Tammy Groves (Pontefract, 2020-10-21)
I think fireworks should be silent or better yet bannedLESLEY JONES (British, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks cause noise and fear to vulnerable people; domestic, farm and wild animals. They also pollute the atmosphere. Fireworks are non-essential and outdated: they have no place in a caring, environmentally responsible world.Gill Newham (Stroud, 2020-10-21)
Animals need protecting.Gail Lake-Johns (Dawlish, 2020-10-21)
I hate the thought of those poor helpless animals that are going to be terrified. This has to stop.Jan Howlett (Peterborough, 2020-10-21)
I am an animal lover and this is unacceptable.Elizabeth Blunden (Spalding, 2020-10-21)
I have & love animals and I know how scared & terrified animals get when the fireworks start!Belinda Bolden (Apache Junction, 2020-10-21)
I’m signing because fireworks are potentially weapons in the hands of anyone. They should only be used by people who understand how dangerous they are and in appropriate locations.Yani Predovic (Ammanford, 2020-10-21)