An urgent review of the alterations to Rugby Town Centre by Warwickshire County Council. Bad for business!
Rugby town centre is already flailing and this ill sighted move will cause further problems. Rugby town centre needs a plan for growth of restaurants and cafes to replace the loss of high street facilitiesLisa Rudman (Rugby, 2020-06-24)
The alterations in rugby are detrimental to the public and the small businesses who have struggled enough over the last few months and the council have made it more difficult now for anyone to shop. I am out of town and my customers are taking so long to get to me now and are late for appointments due to the changes. I have no idea who thought of this but they should be relieved of their duties!Marina Wilson (Rugby, 2020-06-24)
I’m signing because there is no need to make it a one way and today an elderly woman cane into where I was working and was out of breath as she had to walk from the top of clifton road.Amy Osborne (Rugby, 2020-06-24)
Because the council tried to pass this a while back and it was rejected for good reason. Now they're using Covid 19 as an excuse to go against the wishes of the residenta of Rugby and that isn't right.Chloe Enticott (Rugby, 2020-06-24)
This is a truly idiotic idea and to be brought in with 2 days notice?!Stephen May (Rugby, 2020-06-24)
Only online information seemed to be given to the residents of Rugby and TWO way working on Hillmorton Road was specifically BANNED in the online plans. Only Westbound traffic allowed, well no signs have been put up and many many motorists are travelling EASTWARD contravening the BANN.Peter Lock (Rugby, 2020-06-24)
I'm signing because I was in Rugby today and this looks unsightly and unsafe. Outside La Dosa restaurant there were people standing on the pavement. I could not get past with social distancing so ended up walking in the road between the barriers. Certainly not safe.Rugby is not a busy town. This is just a waste of money and a ridiculous idea.
Sue Osborne (Rugby, 2020-06-24)
It's an eyesore and is unnecessary. It does not help the current situation at all.Ethel Iliff (Rugby, 2020-06-24)
Rugby town centre is dreadful If you just want to grab something quickly - no free parking. Do not extend this scheme to Hillmorton Rd- the congestion on the gyratory system will be ridiculous.Tina McDonnell (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
It's a plan which has been poorly implemented with little or no consultation, little or no prior warning & no obvious benefit. It's an eyesore which doesn't appear to offer any benefit to hard-pressed traders or shoppers.Stephen Entwistle (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
The lack of consultation is my biggest concern. Its not like there hasn't been plenty of time to inform residents of the proposals.Matthew Jones (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
People who cannot walk far are now discriminated against. People who need to use a car cannot park anywhere as all the shop workers are using the car parks and many of these car drivers cannot walk far either.Jane Beech (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
Badly conceived and totally undemocratic. Created without any proper or meaningful consultation which goes against all principles of natural justice, and probably illegal and capable of judicial review. The residents are entitled to better treatment than what has been imposed.Howard Richards (Harborough Magna nr rugby, 2020-06-25)
I am no longer able to visit my dentist nor my hairdresser in Regent Street due to breathing problems and your parking restrictionsGwyneth Whiteford (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
I think the system is terrible and defaces the town centreAmii Wilson (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
Stupid idea from idiots in WCC who probably only see Rugby on a map! This will cause gridlock and turn side streets into congested rat runs. It also puts up taxi fares for people in some areas of the town. No residents were consulted and this is a burden on either my council tax bill or my income tax! Take it down nowDave Humphreys (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
The system is pathetic, has got no meaning, is good for nothing and there was no consultation with businesses. Total waste of tax payers money yet again.Guy Foster (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
I own a property in the tgown centreGeoff Cox (DY10 3TE, 2020-06-25)
the town has few viable shops left, anything that stops traffic with out a long term plan is likely to lower footfall,sheep street and high street are already pedestrianised. high property rent with city asset holders, and poor non drink evening economy do not help. far thought is requiredStephen Clewlow (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
This stupid scheme was never needed, pity who ever dreamed this up didn’t consult the people of Rugby before WCC imposed this on the people of Rugby the scheme even got brought up in Prime ministers question time by out local MP, the one area of town that has issues with social distancing is folks queuing to get into Asda which is already pedestrian area, this scheme is total waste of tax payers money 😡Mark Anderson-Howe (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
Bad for businessVeronica Santos (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
The Town centre looks like an absolute shambles , what a disgrace the place looks . I definitely won’t be going out of my way to shop in the townwayne morgan (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
It’s only fair to give the residents and business holders of Rugby a say in this matter?Elaine Enticott (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
I’m signing because the council have made these alterations with minimal consultation to the detriment of the road network and trade in the town centerI will personally be avoiding town until it returns to normal
Derrick Barnett (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
The whole one way structuring of the roadways in Rugby is stupid and a complete waste of time, money and resources.DO BETTER.
RON HINES (RUGBY, 2020-06-25)
Why bring these new road rules in now? If you want people to come into Rugby, don't close the parking down! Businesses WILL suffer just when they need the support of local people. This is completely mad. This should have been done 3 months ago, not now - too little too late.Lynda Robinson (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
The changes that have been made are likely to have a significant lasting impact, not only to the town centre directly but also to those passing through.This change will increase emissions as people are forced to take longer journeys to get to and from their destination.
Louise Hines (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
These changes aren’t necessary and have an adverse effect on businesses, disabled people and residential roads.Maureen Gough (Rugby, 2020-06-25)
I am not happy with the way the council have acted with the one way system through the townphil steele (RUGBY, 2020-06-25)
I for one will not shop in the town centre whilst the one way system is in operationRita Doggrell (Rgby, 2020-06-26)
This scheme will kill our town centre even more.Shops have safety measures in place.And public few as still scared of virus !How dare Warwick make this decision to our town without public consulting us who live here.Embarrassing now lockdown rules have been lifted.
Fiona Green (RUGBY, 2020-06-26)
I live on Hillmorton Road and can see the vast increase in traffic, including very frequent buses, confusion and broken traffic rules. Buses and cars are turning RIGHT out of Moultrie Road , onto Hillmorton Road, against existing traffic signs adding to increased danger and disregard.Nigel Bingham Bingham (Rugby, 2020-06-26)
Absolute ridiculous system, we need to encourage people into out town centre not deter them,Tony Enefer (Rugby, 2020-06-27)
Pathetic waste of time and money.Richard Scarsbrook (Rugby, 2020-06-28)