In Support of Academic Freedom of Expression and Critical Thought



this intimidation and doxxing has to stop.

Chris Beacock (Chicago, 2021-04-06)


For democratic values of freedom of speech, thought, and expression in Belgium too and everywhere in the world!

Sandra G. (Arlon, 2021-04-07)


Stop gagging the freedom of speech for women.

William Neill (Stockholm, 2021-04-27)


As a feminist I stand for sex based rights. I oppose demands that women put themselves last. I refute accusations of bigotry simply for attempting to remind the world about our rights, which we fought so hard for. I oppose the suppression of opposing views and those at Melb Uni who tell women to sit down and shut up, to make way for men who know what’s best for us, and that we should put our boundaries aside, once again.

Jan Dunlop (Melbourne, 2021-06-15)


I support the right of women to talk about the issues that affect them.

David Blencowe (Melbourne, 2021-06-20)


Cancelling culture and businesses should be stopped

Tara Mar (Melbourne, 2021-07-08)


We need to hold the people behind this wealth transfer responsible for theft

Andrew Morrison (South hedland, 2021-11-10)



Nicola Edghill (Christchurch, 2021-11-29)


Sex Matters

Rachel Sayers (Melbourne, 2022-01-06)


Should not be testricț>

Katherine Dillon (Candiac, 2022-03-03)


I believe women have the right to speak about their sex-based rights without fear of harassment or being fired. Sex matters, and womens spaces need safeguarding. Being "gender critical" is not hate speech, especially considering the lack of research and peer-reviewed studies on the long-term effect of prescribing lupron to children and teens.

I fully stand with Dr. Holly Lawford-Smith.

Elise Netteland (Stavanger, 2022-03-29)


The Trans Activists stand of "no debate" shuts down any research that would provide information for the safe assessment of people stating they have gender dysphoria. The Trans Activists are therefore anti-science.

Sandra Pertot (Diamond Beach, 2022-04-05)


I believe in absolute freedom of speech, even where it offends.

Stephen Lacey (Sydney, 2022-07-03)


I believe in women bor. women.

Suzette Cullen (Denman Island, 2022-12-25)


As a university student I would like to express my respect for this academic in holding the line of integrity and reality rather than maintaining the status quo and ideological social conditioning to keep her tenure.

Thank you Dr. Lawford-Smith.

Corinne Harrison (Brisbane, 2023-01-02)


Academics need to be able to teach students critical thinking. A student needs to get a good education which includes being introduced to ideas which they don’t agree with. Academic freedom is the cornerstone of an enlightened and democratic society

Ruth Jepson (Edinburgh, 2023-04-05)


I’m extremely concerned about trans women inclusion in women’s sports and all our spaces. The definition of “woman“ redefined by men.

Melanie Gould (Adelaide, 2023-04-10)


I wholeheartedly support Ms Lawford-Smith in her opposition on transgenderism.

Lynn Paul (Melbourne, 2023-05-08)

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