An urgent review of the alterations to Rugby Town Centre by Warwickshire County Council. Bad for business!



There is no logic to the alterations made. All they will do is cause traffic jam is the town centre and send more traffic into small residential streets and cause chaos there as well

Cynthia Essex (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


Rugby is my place of birth. Public consentation should have happened.

Nigel Steane (Norwich, 2020-06-23)


These changes make no sense at all

Feona Veys (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


No thought has been given to disabled drivers or shoppers, how is this going to help the high street recovery, and who was consulted before implementation??

John Brack (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


It’s a complete waste of money and unnecessary

Jackie Hughes (Warwickshire, 2020-06-23)


We looked at it last night on the way backfrom my son's in brownsover on my 77th birthday it's cŕaźy it will kill the town centre they have been on about putting a ring road round the town centre for years this may become permanent as for parking so you can shop thats going to be fun.

Keith Thompson (Rugby Hillmorton, 2020-06-23)


This will be harmful for trade in the town. Public werenot consulted first.

Debbie Bryson (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


Lack of consultation and information.
They should have looked first into a one way pedestrian system like in New York.

Harvey Selwyn (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


it's a really stupid idea that someone has come up with. This will be the death of rugby town center. I'll just go shop down j1 where it's free parking and no trouble.

Chris Coleman (rugby, 2020-06-23)


I have some distance mobility issues and this will make my access to the shops virtually impossible. I will therefore no longer frequent the town centre and will shop elsewhete

Denise Chaytor (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


I believe the changes proposed are not good for an already suffering Rugby town centre.

Simon Hobbs (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


I am signing this because there should of being a consultation about alterations to the town centre. Like usual haven’t got enough time to consult with the people of Rugby so just do it.

Catherine Heatley (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


It affects business

Francesca Scrimshaw (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


I'm signing this becausevof lack of consultation

Judith Court (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


I believe that this will put the final nail in the coffin for shopping in Rugby. Our residential side roads can't cope with the extra traffic, it's dangerous.
I'm assuming that whoever gave this the 'go ahead' lives in Rugby??? No, because they would know that it wouldn't work!!

Emma Matusiak (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


I think the new road lay out is a load of rubbish and it just makes it harder for the elderly people and disabled if they have to catch public transport or going to bank they can only drive one way!

Lauren Cairney (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


This is the most ridiculous thing ever and a waste of money absolute joke

Sarah Checkley (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


Total lack of meaningful consultation, will drive shoppers out of town to shopping malls have not had major structural road works and have made the town centre ugly and unsightly.
I’d like to know the cost of these works, see a copy of the risk assessment and know the cost of undoing what has been done.

Eric Wood (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


This requires a public consultation

Victoria Barnes (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


I'm signing this petition because the changes will be a disaster for the town, where the shops are already lying empty.

Teresa Ozguc (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


The scheme will achieve nothing and cause confusion, delays, anger, lack of access and be detrimental to businesses in the town

Robert Page (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


Its wrong to make changes like this without properly consulting those who will be most affected

Syd Barhey (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


I believe this is not an effective use of council money and resources.

Nicholas Elliott (RUGBY, 2020-06-23)


It's clearly not in the best interest of the town when recorded sales in stores have gone down yet the Covid risk remains the same due to the social distancing measures are in place. If this was truly with public health in mind then surely it would've been put in place several weeks ago when we were enduring the worst of the pandemic.

James Bell (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


Lack of apparent consultation and little apparent thought given to the effects of the moves on those who are not fully mobile. Are they trying to destroy the town for shopping.

David Chaytor (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


There was no need for the mess they have made to the look of the town and the damage to local businesses for no reason.

Debbie Homer (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


It's a really stupid idea, we struggle to get around rugby as it is . Will have a really bad adverse effect to the shops in town centre. I certainly wont be shopping there as will have to now go around the gjratery system which is also a joke.

Cheryl Winward (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


The system is totally inappropriate. Clearly no thought went into it. I live just off Bilton Road and the detour to get to Hillmorton or that side of town is causing big delays. No consultation or consideration has been given to local residents.

Chris O'Meara (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


Stop the BS. This Totalitarianism needs to enda all of it because this covid isn't as bad as the lies . Over 1 thousand doctors have came out all over the world to say it is a SCAM. & More died in 2009 - 2017-18 flu. We all know about you're UN AGENDA 21/30. PLAN and its all apart of it just like the new GREEN DEAL. I guess you don't care of the human race just your paychque & pension. Shame on you

Robert Holyoake (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


The way the road has been done it is certainly going to cause flooding unless they are going to enhance what has already been done. Has any thought been given to how struggling business will suffer? If Covid-19 hasn't crippled them yet this ill thought idea will.

Marcia Smith-Williams (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


I rely on the bus service formedical appointments. I will not be able to attend the doctors surgery.

Anna Litten (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


chaotic unproductive , enough problems already without adding unnecessarily,and confusing for elderly n infirm.

Rodney Woodcock (rugby, 2020-06-23)


This scheme will destroy any recovery hopes for Rugby town centre. It’s ill-conceived and should be abandoned until proper consultations have been carried out.

Maureen Smart (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


It will harm local businesses

Nicky Norman (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


its ridiculous and pointless

leslie barrett (rugby, 2020-06-23)


The changes made have been made without any thought to the towns folk of Rugby. Elderly people now face a very long walk from the buss drop of to the town and the work done is a total eyesore

Nicola Postlethwaite (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


I am signing this, because I don’t think making Rugby town centre, into a one way system, benefits anyone. When things are back to normal, the town will be gridlocked.

Lesley Pond (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


I'm a rugby resident and work in town the centre, I think will negatively impact the towncentre!

Selina Singleton (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


It's a ridiculous idea

Lorna Singleton (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


The town doesn't need this the town centre is not busy enough to warrant this.

Dean Hamilton (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


This is going to cause more problems for the business it’s shocking

Melanie Falor (Rugby, 2020-06-23)


My family run a business in Albert St. the business has already suffered financially due to Covid-19 . RBC should re-consider the impact on these small business independent businesses and the long term affects it will have on them if they do not get the footfall.

Jane Proffitt (Crick, 2020-06-23)



Camille Campbell (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


This is not going to help the shops, business and people who shop in town and what about blind /disabled, stupid idea and waste of money.

Sue Kirby (Rugby warwickshire, 2020-06-24)


This has severely cut access from the east side of town to town, , and made the town centre less attractive to visit.

Steve Wood (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


Lack of consultation
Lack of easy access for registered disable

Janet Stretton (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


This is going to make life difficult to go to the town shops

Lorraine Edmond (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


Implementation without consultation..

Mike Mercer (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


Makes doing anything in town take ten times as long. If the oneway system is completed then there will be significant reduction in people going into town and shop sales will fall further

Jake Menesse (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


The barriers are not only a waste of money and resources detrimental to the town at a time we should be encouraging people to shop local instead council want to drive people out the town with these ludicrous road restrictions council really have no clue when it comes to footfall in the town as without the barriers there is no issue with Distancing with barriers makes the town look an eye sore and completely ineffective for the purpose they are supposedly there

Ian Barker (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


Why change it when it still works, it's been this way for ever!!!

Amanda Jones (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


I do not feel the current traffic alterations for a one way system in rugby will be of any benefit to businesses in rugby that have just re opened.

Andrew Swift (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


I'm Signing this because I believe the new one way system will effect the small business when they reopen cuz there will be no through traffic for them so the smaller businesses have no chance of getting any customer when people drive by and see the bussiness is open and running

Jake Warne (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


I actually agree with sensible measures of distancing, but NOT the way this has been implemented which has been nothing short of shoddy. Barriers blown over by the wind onto the road, creating a hazard for cars, cyclists etc. What a compete and utter botch job. You have also not consulted residents of Rugby which I and many others in the town are outraged about. WCC shouldn’t make blasé decisions that affect Rugby without ever consulting the very people it serves to effect. I would never design and build a website without reviewing user experience or doing user research - same principal. The market in the middle of the town centre never makes sense and makes social distancing impossible. To date, it has been proven (and I’ve experienced it at Elliots field, that there are many that just don’t respect the 2 metre rule whether it’s enforced or not, which infuriated me; but what can we do about people lacking the brain cells to comply? I therefore appreciate the council can only try to put measures in place, but residents of any town expect these to be made with public consultation in mind, with the outcomes being sensible/logical and safe; which they are currently not

Owain-Christian Powell (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


mostlly because of buses not running into town ,especially if some are disabled or elderly ,just seems pointless and waste of time and money

june law (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


Total waste of money not needed

Keith Forsyth (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


Because you and your partners who thought this was a good way to spend money in our town need sacking because you are all a bunch of idiots!! What a huge waste of time and money!!! But I suppose you lot couldn't give a crap because its not your money and you probably don't even live in the town. Even if you do, you are all still a bunch of clueless idiots for this!!!

James Colledge (rugby, 2020-06-24)


These alterations make no sense whatsoever, it will interfere with businesses and vital transport for example buses

Denise Simpson (Warwickshire, 2020-06-24)


Having found Moultrie Road, where my dentist is, frustratingly difficult to access, I shall not bother to visit Rugby town centre again until the crassly ill-considered and wholly unnecessary one-way system is removed. It’s hard on the local traders that might otherwise have had my custom - if others adopt my attitude they will suffer badly - but until the system goes, I shall shop in Lutterworth instead.

Patrick Wex (Crick, 2020-06-24)


As more shops re open, it means it is difficult for customers to access these shops and services which does not make economic sense

Danni Leadbetter (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


This is an unneccessary expense and plan. Not only causing problems for elderly, especially bus users but for disabled people too.

Susan Duncliffe (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


I totally disagree with the traffic control being introduced. This has NOT been thought out at all!!

Sandra POpe (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


Rugby is my birthplace, in the 59 years I have lived here I have witnessed the decline and desecration of the town. The one way, no parking system you have put in place will without a doubt contribute to more small independants leaving or going out of business. This has to STOP. Please reconsider your plans before it is too late.

Linds Hallam (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


No consideration has been given to those who use buses. As the latter now start from Clifton Road, it is a very long walk, especially if you are elderly or disabled, from the shopping area to the bus stop.

David Gallico (RUGBY, 2020-06-24)


The town centre has already been destroyed by taking all the shops away.

Mary Knibbs (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


I'm signing because I was not given the option to voice my opinion by WCC once again

Oliver Hyman (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


It's an absolutely ridiculous idea/move!

Debbie Dale (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


This has been left till last notice and will cause more problems than it’s worth, in regards to emergency services being able to enter the centre of town and various side roads without having to go via the one way system.

Aston Gibson (Rugby, 2020-06-24)


Councils can’t afford to waste money when social care is in crisis.These road schemes are not necessary. Repair the potholes instead. !

Lynda Prior (Wolston, 2020-06-24)

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