

This is absolutely outrageous it's shaken me up all the way across the Atlantic f-ing ocean ! I can't believe you've done this !!!!

(New York, 2018-04-12)


The reason to take down the park is not good enough. We need places like this

(Espoo, 2018-04-12)


I use to skate there a lot.

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


Im signing, because it is piece of Helsinki nowadays. Everybody knows that, not just the skaters. There is no another place like this.

(Vantaa, 2018-04-12)


Allekirjoitan kaikki adressissa olevat perustelut.

(Turku, 2018-04-12)


I am signing this petition because Sulvilahti diy means a lot to me and I had a chance to skate it a lot when I was doing my internship in Helsinki. I totally agree with your statement guys and I hope you will win this battle against greed for money. Places like Sulvilahti on the other can't be rated by money but social "capital" that they create, and therefore cities or/and politicians should look into not only saving but embracing such places. All best and keep on fighting!

(Malmö, 2018-04-12)


I love the place!

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


Rakas parkki

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


I don't skate but I live nearby and I’m a big fan of the park. I think it has grown to be a part of Helsinki and I think it also represents togetherness better than anything else in Helsinki.

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


The area is too important to finnish skateboarding, it has to stay

(Rovaniemi, 2018-04-12)


Helsinki needs concerete parks

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


this is a cultural asset of Helsinki's skateboard history

(london, 2018-04-12)


Kulttuuria parhaimmillaan

(HELSINKI, 2018-04-12)


I’m signing this petition because I believe strongly that the Suvilahti DIY skatepark should not just only be saved, but also supported by the city of Helsinki. I believe that the Suvilahti DIY skatepark brings a positive, vibrant and unique character to the beautiful and diverse city of Helsinki.

(Espoo, 2018-04-12)


love Skateboard!

(Stockholm, 2018-04-12)


"Suvilahti DIYn kaltaiset yhteisöllisesti rakennetut vapaat toimintaympäristöt tekevät kaupungista huomattavasti geneeristä ympäristöä kiinnostavamman ja valovoimaisemman.

Suvilahden skeittiparkki edustaa skeittauksen vapautta ja oma-aloitteisuutta, jonka takia moni lajin on aikanaan omaksi valinnutkin. Skeittaajien lisäksi Suvilahti on palvellut lukuisten mainoskampanjoiden, musiikkivideoiden, muotikuvausten ja elokuvien näyttämönä. Tämä kertoo siitä mitä ihmiset hakevat ja arvostavat.

Tällaista paikkaa ja kulttuurillista kertymää ei yössä rakenneta tai rahalla osteta. Suvilahden skeittiparkin purku olisi suuri menetys skeittareille, Helsingin kaupungille sekä monelle Suvilahden ympärille muodostuneesta kulttuurillisesta kertymästä nauttivalle."

(Joensuu, 2018-04-12)


Suvilahti DIY is a cultural icon of Finland

(Singapore, 2018-04-12)


Teksti yläpuolella kertoo jo aika paljon. Toisekseen jo pelkästään sen takia mitenkä mukavan oloinen ja normaalista katukuvasta poikkeava paikka on kyseessä! Kolmannekseen sen takia mitenkä paljon kyseinen paikka on yhdistänyt ihmisiä (hellride esimerkkinä) ja se intohimo ja aika mitä paikkaan on käytetty.

(Varkaus, 2018-04-12)


Suvilahti diy is a huge thing for finnish skateboarding culture and community. Its the biggest diy in Finland and helped pave the way for finnish bowlskatin. Amazing place that has been made with pure passion for the sport.

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


My friends have worked so hard building this park and I have had such great time everytime I go there, some of my best memories from Helsinki were made there.

(Tallinn, 2018-04-12)


I understand its importance in urban culture and creating diversity in the identity of Helsinki. In addition it has an important role as a community to many artists and skateboarders. As a graduate in social and political sciences, including urban reasearch, I understand that demolishing such an authentic part of culture not only destroys a great urban cultural heritage but also creates inequality in the city and advances marginalization of sub-cultures, which play an important role in creating pluralism in the city picture. In larger European cities (e.g Copenhagen, Barcelona, Stockholm, Wien, to name a few) support to similar sites such as Suvilahti have only benefited the cities and created talents of many kinds. Sites such as these also prevent kids and teenagers from becoming marginalized from society, offering culture, hobbies and activities. Loosing culture is always a loss of social identity and a loss of urban vitality in general. Please understand the importance of Suvilahti to Helsinki’s cultural life.

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


skuuttaajatki tukee parkin säilyttämist

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)



(helsinki, 2018-04-12)


Sick ass park

(Siuntio, 2018-04-12)


I'm signing because I support diy skate park/object building. I think it makes a good impact on the people involved in the building process and on the people using it! Not to mention the functionality of a diy park and the low costs, as every penny is being saved in the process, unlike commercial skate parks, that use a ton of money for a shity result in the end.

(Kamnik, 2018-04-12)


Skateboarding is life!

(Vihti, 2018-04-12)


Skeittaus <3

(Tampere, 2018-04-12)


I'm signing this because Suvilahti DIY is the best all around skatepark that this city has. There is an obstacle for everyone from beginners to experts. The flow is insane, and the park is also constantly improving. Where else will skaters be able to go during the summer? The skateparks in Helsinki are crowded enough. I can't tell you the amount of times that my friends and I have gone to try and find a skatepark just to get there and find that 30 other skaters/ scooter kids decided to do the same thing. Also, where else will Helride take place? We need this place.

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)



(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


Suvilahtea ei****** pureta

(Pori, 2018-04-12)


I love skateboarding and this is the Hard work of some people!

(Athens, 2018-04-12)


Stadin paras skedeparkki ehdottomasti. Aika turku meininki jos meette ton purkamaan.

(Salo, 2018-04-12)


It's a very important place for the skate community of North-Eastern Europe. This is a magnet that brings skaters from all over Europe to Helsinki. It's a piece of concrete art.

(Moscow, 2018-04-12)


Suvilahti is my favorite skatepark in the world. It brings so much to Helsinki in so many cultural way. Its a beautiful place.

(Carignan, 2018-04-12)


Someone worked really hard to make that it shouldn’t just be destroyed.

(Milwaukee, 2018-04-12)


I'm singing because its a really important place for all the skaters. Therr are lots of people coming to ride there, and people put a lot of work to build it.

(Helsenki, 2018-04-12)


Tärkeä osa urbaania Helsinkiä sen lisäksi että on kova parkki. Tulee ehdottomasti säilyttää!

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)


My love for the area is huge.

(HELSINKI, 2018-04-12)


Supporting skating cuz it’s rad

(Glen Huron, 2018-04-12)


Suvilahti on siistein ja erityisin skeittiparkki koko Suomessa, monelle se on myös koti. Pojat on itse omin kätösin rakentaneet paikan mihin mennä, siellä käy lapset ja aikuiset skeittaamassa, ottamassa hienoja kuvia, tekemässä graffiteja ja viettämässä aikaa yhdessä.
Älkää viekö tätä upeaa paikkaa, älkää tuhotko tätä skeittiparkkia. Ottakaa mikä tahansa muu ja rakentakaa sinne talo jos on pakko.

(Helsinki, 2018-04-12)

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