Create laws that forbid dangerous weapons to be brought onto public transport



Oppose racial discrimination, the government should take all acts of violence seriously



cus wtf?

vashika singh (auckland, 2024-07-05)


I’m signing this because we need safety at all times!

Nelson Choi (, 2024-07-05)


Violence should stop! Stop Asian hate! We have the right to live safe in this country!

Selena Zheng (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


God willing, once the police catch the low-life scum that attacked you, she should be publically named and shamed. Attacking you around the head/face with a steel bar could be fatal, so she should be charged with attempted murder.

Karel PIHERA (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


I now have fear of letting my child and my family take public transport. The bus company must be responsible to all passengers.

Lily Qin (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


We need a safe environment!!

Lydia Geng (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


I want to

Anton Botha (Hamilton, 2024-07-05)


Avoid safety issues!

Roger Han (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


Our country is out of control!

Neil W (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


I both relate and despise the attacks and actions that individuals in NZ are able to commit. I believe action should be taken.

Sebastian Ng (Auckland CBD, 2024-07-05)


I’m signing because I care about people and I do not support racism.

Dong Wu (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


shangyan Miao

Shangyan Miao (Auckland, 2024-07-05)



Julia Chen (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


This could happen randomly to anyone.

Hung Teo (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


We need a safe society

Crystal Kuang (CHC, 2024-07-05)


See up for the victims! Strengthen public security management and ensure the safety of citizens!

yongwei zhang (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


Public transport should be safe to take!

Xiyi Huang (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


Nowadays It is not very safe to take buses anymore that is how I feel. It is shameful that nobody helped the Chinese boys on the bus. Anyone could be a victim next time.

Faye Zhang (Dunedin, 2024-07-05)


I'm singing because I hope our minor childrens and the elderlies can travel safely.

Glam Anna (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


I’m signing because bus drivers require training on handling such incidents. It is unacceptable for a driver to do nothing while a student is being attacked and not even call the police. The driver even told me to leave the bus at Panmure station and began cleaning the blood, destroying evidence. This demonstrates a lack of training and basic legal knowledge, which Auckland Transport must address.

In conclusion, I urge the government to enact laws forbidding dangerous tools on public transport and for Auckland Transport to train bus drivers to ensure they can fulfill their duty of care in future incidents.

Jordan chiu (Cromwell, 2024-07-05)


you are a brave boy and now you are standing up for others that could potentially face the same. The law must change to protect innocent people and we all need to feel safe to live in this country.

Yanzhu Ding (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


I care!

Menglan Jin (Dunedin, 2024-07-05)


Racism and hate crimes are intolerable!!!!

Bruce Zhou (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


I think the transport of Auckland should be responsible for this metter,they need to do something.

yuhong sun (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


We live in this beautiful city but now it is no longer safe and beautiful due to some shocking and disturbing act of certain individuals of our society. Hope the government strengthen the legal system and Auckland Transport improves its management to prevent this tragedy from happening again and again.

Liyan Zhu (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


When an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent. Tolerating and condoning criminals is a crime against the people.

LIANG LIU (Auckland, 2024-07-05)





I am so angry about this attack event!l hope everyone will not be worried about their safety when taking the public transport

Wensi Zhang (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


I’m so sorry for what you went through and the lack of empathy shown in what was a racist targeted attack .

Fel J (, 2024-07-05)


Need justice, catch offender

Hendrix Zeng (Auckland, 2024-07-05)



Alan cao (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


This is a common sense that people holding a weapon on public transport is a threat to all other parties

Chen Zhang (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


The security issues in Auckland have become a major concern, with a significant rise in crime rates and an increasing number of violent assaults. This escalating situation has left residents feeling extremely unsafe. To address these issues, it is imperative for the government and community to implement more effective measures, such as increasing police presence, enhancing community surveillance, and providing more resources for crime prevention education. Additionally, it is crucial to impose stricter penalties on offenders to deter future crimes.

Justin Wuson (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


Not allowed to bring weapons onto the bus

Saiqi Zhuang (Auckland, 2024-07-05)

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