Bosslaper Bedreiging



For the safety of our schools.

Jodri Smit (Upington, 2024-02-13)


The situation is a danger to my family.

Tanya Basson (Upington, 2024-02-13)


I strongly agree that the accommodation and rehabilitation of homeless peoples can only lead to a better functioning society.

Grant Adams (Upington, 2024-02-13)


These are known criminals, moving in between school children
We must protect the children

Wilna Kaindlbinder (Upington, 2024-02-13)


Veiligheid vir die kinders

Liza Nel (Upington, 2024-02-14)


Ons het die reg om veilig te voel in ons eie buurt, die bosslapers by die laerskool en die mall maak dit moeilik om ons kinders met vrymoedigheid by die skool af te laai. Die bosslapers loop na skool tussen die kinders en bedel..

Marlize Lee (Upington, 2024-02-14)

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