Support the study associations VU Amsterdam in housing crisis



I believe that downsizing the rooms truly affects the student life experience of everyone involved

Davey Chan (Rotterdam, 2023-06-18)


I think there is no future for the study associations with this decrease in space

Sven Janse (Amstelveen, 2023-06-18)


I would be devastated to see al the beautiful study- and faculty associations bleed to death due to these extreme space constraints.

Tinka Clement (Amsterdam, 2023-06-18)


De verenigingen spelen een belangrijke rol in de (persoonlijke) ontwikkeling van menig student. De ruimtes en faciliteiten die de verenigingen benutten zijn cruciaal in het vervullen van die rol. We zijn allemaal op zoek naar onze ‘plek’ in deze wereld, dat lukt beter wanneer een vereniging een eigen ‘plek’ heeft.

Robin Zwijgers (Wageningen, 2023-06-18)


Het is belangrijk dat de studieverenigingen , zoals Gyrinus Natans voldoende ruimte hebben om hun belangrijke werk te kunnen doen!!

Linus van der plas (Wageningen, 2023-06-18)


When there is no more room for these associations to create special social events where students and employees are welcome in a more casual setting, it removes that special bond that makes studying and working at the VU special. As a student I met and talked to teachers, professors and other employees at these events. They inspired me and I learned from them. And as an employee I try to live up to that feeling towards the new generations of students. If those events disappear because there is no more room for them, the VU will be just a place where you simply pass by.

Matthijs Luger (Amsterdam, 2023-06-18)


It’s important

Imre Fogl (Landsmeer, 2023-06-18)


I've put 5 years of my life into this association and this faculty, of which one as a chairman of Gyrinus natans, all for it to go to waste because the people who are in charge of housing don't care about connecting students to the faculty.

Sven van Gelderen (Rotterdam, 2023-06-18)


Ik wil meer ruimte voor studieverenigingen omdat het super belangrijk om sociale contacten op te houden.

Tommy Smits (Amsterdam, 2023-06-18)


Verenigingen zijn belangrijk voor de universiteit en een vermindering van 65% aan ruimte zal als gevolg hebben dat de verenigingen zullen krimpen tot er niks meer van over is en de VU ziet daar schijnbaar het probleem niet van in wat werkelijk belachelijk is.

Aafke Traas (Amstelveen, 2023-06-19)


The student associations are a vital part of the social structure at the VU and are what separates it from other Universities. Nowhere else do so many alumni still participate in activities long into their retirement. Nowhere else do students and teachers have such an opportunity to meet each other in an informal setting to discuss and debate. This structure is being systematically dismantled by the CvB and FCO in order to turn the University into a cold diploma and IF factory, with regard only to money and 'prestige', only to wonder why so many are burnt out...

Auke Haver (Amstelveen, 2023-06-19)


Saturday associations are so important for new students.

Lotte Abbas (Amsterdam, 2023-06-19)


De VU profileert zich graag als een hippe en levendige universiteit, bijvoorbeeld door een nieuw gebouw te maken met een enorm gat in het midden. Echter moeten de verenigingen die de universiteit daadwerkelijk hip en levendig houden hiervoor ruimte inleveren?

Pieter Rijsdijk (Purmerend, 2023-06-19)


Associations are an important part of uni, this decision will kill them

Joshua van der Kolk (Den Haag, 2023-06-19)


Study associations make the time at the University much more bearable and therefore should not be compromised.

Erwin Van Wingerden (Huizen, 2023-06-19)


I am supporting the study associations of the science faculty in their request for more houding space on the VU Campus.

Jeroen Schokker (Werkhoven, 2023-06-19)


Gyrinus natans heeft we een geweldige studententijd bezorgd. Hier heb ik ook mijn vrouw leren kennen waar ik nu mee getrouwd ben en 3 kinderen mee heb. Als dit er niet is was zou ik haar nooit hebben ontmoet!

Nick Tuninga (Susteren, 2023-06-19)


Het is belangrijk voor de cohesie onder studenten

Ilse De waal (Amsterdam, 2023-06-19)


Student educational and recreational activities is one of the things that makes or breaks a University department. Enough space for this is required. Geovusie is almost always completely full so downscaling would heavily impact it's ability to organise the fun educational environment they are currently able to.

Sebas Hageman (Amsterdam, 2023-06-19)


Studieverenigingen zijn erg belangrijk in het begin van een studententijd als ze geen plek krijgen om bij elkaar te komen valt dit weg

Fleur Weijer (Amsterdam, 2023-06-19)


Ik wil gewoon genoeg ruimte voor de studievereniging

Olivier Jansen (Hoorn, 2023-06-19)


Het hebben van een studentenkamer stimuleert de ontwikkeling op andere gebieden dan leren en het samenkomen van studenten

Sonia Wardeh (Den Haag, 2023-06-19)


Studyassociations need te space they deserve

Maaike Oudman (Amsterdam, 2023-06-19)


Dit ervoor zorgt dat geen toekomst mogelijk in verenigingen is voor mij en veel meer in deze gemeenschap

Brecht Hoonhorst (Amstelveen, 2023-06-19)


I think it should stay

Melle De graaf (Amsterdam, 2023-06-19)


These conversations have been going on since I was part fo the Anguilla board - 2014. That there is still no soluttion for keeping the social fabric of the faculty intact is a disgrace for a university that claims to invest in students as humans, besides academics:

"Aan de VU word je niet alleen iets, maar ook iemand. Studenten, wetenschappers en medewerkers ontwikkelen zichzelf op academisch, maatschappelijk en persoonlijk vlak."

David Nieuwe Weme (Amsterdam, 2023-06-19)


It is extremely important for the students to have a place where they can meet to discuss topics on their study, have social bonding and have the ability to meet the teachers in a personal way. All of this is of great benefit for re-charging yourself to accomplish the studies and to keep connection with fellow students and teachers!

Maarten Corver (Haarlem, 2023-06-19)


I care about the Beta Student experience and the way student organizations provide friendships and familiarly to students.

Alexander Buzaladze (Rotterdam, 2023-06-19)


Study associations represent the lifeblood of the entire university: the students. Without proper ways of enabling study associations to facilitate their students, the entirety of the student-university social ecosystem threatens to collapse

William Mooijer (Amstelveen, 2023-06-19)


I don't want STORM and the other associations to stop existing.

Alex Eier (Zaandam, 2023-06-19)


I'm signing because I am currently an active member at the Beta Association STORM and am well aware of association and their work. I know how much space we have right now and it is more than clear that we really do need this space, especially seen that our members room is often very lively and filled with members, sometimes even until very late into the evening. I am also aware of the previous agreements between the beta associations and the VU (whether that was with the CVB, the FCO both, or any other party representing the VU) of the area cut to 750m², which although difficult to manage, is still very understandable with the situation around the area available to the university. But with the recent information of stuffing 13 associations in an area of 350 m² would just be unthinkable. Especially considering the fact that besides all the room we use that I just mentioned, we will also be losing all our storage space, which we as STORM are currently already running low on. This reduction would simply be too unmanageable and could eventually in my vision lead to either a complete downscaling of STORM to a level that we cannot function as intended, which in turn would lead to an end to the multidecade long existence of STORM as an association, meant to aid our students in their life as a student during their study periods at the VU.

Brothin Choudhury (Eindhoven, 2023-06-19)


Study associations have helped me tremendously by being able to fit into a community when I needed it the most.

Fabian Reinshagen (Diemen, 2023-06-20)


I was a student at the VU from 2015 till 2022. In those 7 years I was mainly to be found at Gyrinus, either in the GK or the Tegenstelling. If it weren't for the study association and its places to wind down after a long day of studying, I wouldn't have felt so connected to the VU as I did. I was proud to be a student at the VU, because the atmosphere was so friendly, also between associations. I can imagine if those places disappear, that students will not linger around at the VU and just go straight home after lectures. This will not only be a loss for the VU, but the students will also miss out on making new, interesting connections that can last a lifetime. Furthermore, I found multiple jobs, internships, and other opportunities through Gyrinus because of the wide variety of people that walk around there. Gyrinus has thus played a big role in shaping my social skills and building my scientific network. I really hope that future students can enjoy this pleasure too.

Marloes van Ingen (Muiden, 2023-06-20)


I think the study associations should keep their amount of space in order to keep the associations alive

Aniek van Eijkelenborg (Almere, 2023-06-20)


Studeren is een sociale activiteit en dat is ook nodig voor het mentale welzijn van de studenten. Steeds is er door ons CvB op gehamerd dat studeren ook een campusactiviteit is. Maar door de studenten minder fysieke ruimte te geven, ontneem je ze ook ruimte voor ontplooiing en het goede gesprek, waar je weerbaar van wordt. Dat is echt een faux pas, waar ons CvB zich voor zou moeten inzetten: meer ruimte voor studieverenigingen. Zonder studenten geen universiteit.

Lothar Kuijper (Amsterdam, 2023-06-20)


I’m signing because I don’t want our beta study associations to die

Mylène Martodihardjo (Amsterdam, 2023-06-20)


Gyrinus natans is sinds de 50-er jaren van de 20e eeuw essentieel voor VU-biologen in opleiding. Geef die vereniging daarvoor de ruimte!

Jan Bouwman (Uitgeest, 2023-06-21)


What is learned in classrooms constitutes maybe 40% max of what is learned in your time as a student if you spend this time well. Student- or study associations are environments in which students develop as people in ways, skills and responsibilities a study program could only dream of. By disregarding the needs of study associations the VU is actively hampering the development of its students and is showing it does not actually care about the development and wellbeing of its students.

Thomas de Ruiter (Amstelveen, 2023-06-22)


I want my study association to have a place to get together. Because that is important to bond with your fellow students

Lex Verhoeff (HILVERSUM, 2023-06-26)


Student organisations like Geovusie are the essential glue in the Department, linking students and staff members

kees kasse (Amsterdam, 2023-07-03)


Studying is much more than acquiring specific scientific knowledge from lectures and lab-practicals. It is also about personal development through sozializing and gaining 'soft skills' in terms of organizing activities. These skills are essential in future careers, and their development needs to be facilitated by stimulating a lively studying environment supported by strong and active study associations. This planned reduction in space will strongly hamper this development, as well as the fun of studying. In turn, this can also lead to reductions in the number of students that want to enroll for studies at the VU, as the atmosphere will be less attractive to prospective students.

Oscar Franken (Amsterdam, 2023-07-11)


I see the importance of study associations in student life. Taking away the space of these associations will kill them definitely which will cause problems for students and make them miss out on an essential part of student life.

Isabel Pieters (Amsterdam, 2024-04-20)


Important for student s to engage with eachother. VU should facilitate and support the community.

Wilma van de Berg (Amsterdam, 2024-04-20)


I'm signing this petition because I find it important that this study is offered to students at multiple locations. In this way, we give them the choice to study in the city where they want or can feel at home.

G de Bie (Haarlem, 2024-04-20)


The student life is greatly enriched by the study associations at VU University

Frank Zwaan (Potsdam, 2024-04-20)


I'm signing because I think it's important to have space for students to contribute to creating a warm, pleasant, fun and exciting community experience at the university. I think the community is what makes the university just that little more worthwhile.

Jasmijn van der Graaf (Amsterdam, 2024-04-20)


We need our space and the plans that the VU now has are simply not feasible for the study associations to survive

Owen van Es (Amstelveen, 2024-04-20)


I'm worried about the future of the wonderful study association community that I know and love, which has played an instrumental part in my formation as a person.

Thijs Savelkouls (Amstelveen, 2024-04-20)


Dit mijn studententijd het meeste kleur heeft gegeven en ik studeren anders veel minder leuk had gevonden

Loeki Den uyl (Amsterdam, 2024-04-20)


Ik ben graag bij mijn studievereniging en heb er veel vrienden gemaakt dus ik vind het erg belangrijk dat deze plekken blijven bestaan :)

Romy Schulten (Amersfoort, 2024-04-20)

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