The Undersigned Lambeth Residents Using 2011 Localism Act Want Lambeth’s Current Cabinet Dissolved So We Can Rescind all Lambeth LTNs



This is not rite, It takes me to long to get to my house, I'm registered disabled and sometimes I have to walk distances that I would normally be able to stop outside, this is causing me more discomfort.

Hilary wilson (London, 2024-02-08)


Insufficient traffic data for pre LTN for post LTN data to be valid.
Absent or inadequate traffic data recorded on rerouted traffic roads, inc routes outside declared 'boundary' roads.
Divisive enclaves created and those roads expected to handle dispersed traffic not understood as residential roads too.
Bus routes impacted, emergency service vehicles etc. Idling increased, pollution increased OVERALL. Traffic disappearing is a ludicrous statement. If you no longer see it, does not mean it disappeared. This LTN push is by a loud evangelical minority. Appalling and misguided imposition of a restriction for most. UNDEMOCRATIC and a dereliction of duty of care and proper process by LA.

Sheila Oreilly (London, 2024-03-15)

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