This place has its own athmospehere, I spent a lot of time there a I will truly miss it, if it isn't there no more. Please SAVE STALIN PLAZA.(Prague, 2019-09-23)
Keeping this plaza for its current use will benefit Prague in far more ways both economic and cultural than any redevelopment.(State college, 2019-09-23)
Za stalin(Púchov, 2019-09-23)
I wanted to Go there this Summer with some Friends. Just for this Spot! Noe ist Closer...Please dont destroy it ! <3
(Leipzig, 2019-09-23)
Save stalin #stalin4ever(Frankfurt, 2019-09-23)
I visited Stalin plaza more than 20 times from Budapest since I’ve started skateboarding. The last 20 years I traveled the world and skated a lot of places but I’ve never skated more beautiful and amazing place than this huge plaza on the top of Prague! That place means a lot for me! I hope that “Stalin Plaza” is gonna stay there forever for the next generation of skateboarders so they will be enjoying it just as much as I and all my friends did! Stalin Plaza Forever!!(Budapest, 2019-09-23)
Because Stalin is my favourite place in Prague(Kladno, 2019-09-23)
Best spot(Nottingham, 2019-09-23)
I have seen Stalin Plaza in skateboarding films/magazines/books for as long as I can remember and I have always wanted to go there. Hopefully I can still have the chance to see it and experience it all one day!(San Diego, 2019-09-23)
I'm tryna skate that spot(Cleveland, 2019-09-23)
Its interesting place.(Prague, 2019-09-23)
This is one of the most popular skateboarding spot in Europe.(Czestochowa, 2019-09-23)
Save Stalin Plaza(São José do Rio Preto sp, 2019-09-23)
Because every time when I was at Prague I used too skate there.(Zagreb, 2019-09-23)
It' a beautiful place to spend your free time in.. Skate, dance, chill, whatever..(Vyškov, 2019-09-23)
It's best place for skateboarding in europe(Přerov, 2019-09-23)
Mi to Patricie rekla(Řevnice, 2019-09-23)
Potrebujeme stalin zachovat je to misto relaxu pro teenagery a spoustu skvelych akci je to soucast Prahy(Praha, 2019-09-23)
At ma Cenek a spol. kde fellit(PRAHA, 2019-09-23)
This is the reason why young people know Prague.(Berlin, 2019-09-23)
It's such iconic place in the history of skateboarding. The amount of local and international talents that have blessed this place with their skills is mindblowing for the history and culture of skateboarding. LONG LIVE STALIN PLAZA.(Sydney, 2019-09-23)
This place should be kept because of it’s cultural and social meaning.(Praha, 2019-09-23)
I’m signing because this place is one of the best places in Europe to skate. I have been there few times and I can’t imagine that nobody can skate there any more. Stalin skateplaza is a cult place. Lots of people from Europe, North America, South America, Asia come in there every year to skate and enjoy this place. Save stalin plaza!!!!!(Sheffield, 2019-09-23)
I love Stalin Plaza(Pelhřimov, 2019-09-23)
❤(Praha, 2019-09-23)
I’m signing beaucous i want Stalin(Černošice, 2019-09-23)
Im live in hungary but the Czech skatepark especially the parks in Europe pls make it stop to build something stupid there!(Budapest, 2019-09-23)
World famous and renowned skate spot. Known by many people across the world. Just like Southbank this culturally rich destination needs to be saved.(London, 2019-09-23)
I'm signing because I love skateboarding and I can't stand the thought of anyone losing their favorite skate spot to construction(East Lansing, 2019-09-23)
.. stalin plaza is one of the greatest places on earth and the perfect skate spot. Its what skateboarding needs(Hanau, 2019-09-23)
I love skateboarding very much and having been to this spot before. I know that it means a lot to all the Laval skateboarders. This is a peaceful place where good friendships and communities are born. The history behind the place is also special from what it was to what it has become.(Vancouver, 2019-09-23)
I wanted to visit one day and would probably not visit prauge if this happened out of sheer disappointment.(Rockville MD, 2019-09-23)
I'd like to visit this place in it's full glory(Tata, 2019-09-23)
Stalin plaza is the best skate place in Praha(Wrocław, 2019-09-23)
My favorite place!(Turnov, 2019-09-23)
Save legendary spot!(Poznań, 2019-09-23)
Podepisuji, protoze jsem skater a ke skatovy komunite neodmyslitelne patri i tohle legendární misto. Proto by byla skoda kdyby generace po nas by o toto misto prisli(Kaznějob, 2019-09-23)
Skateboarding stejně jako každý jiný sport spojuje lidi a tohle místo má pro něj obrovský význam... Je potřeba ho zde zanechat pro naše děti, děti našich dětí, jejich děti a všechny další..(Hlučín, 2019-09-23)
This is a Legendary place for skateboarding(Grand Quevilly, 2019-09-23)
This is the place Where you can see Czech culture❤️(Klášterec nad Ohří, 2019-09-23)
Best skatespot on earth(Gleisdorf, 2019-09-23)
Because I’ve traveled from my own country just to skate this place and I will do it again and again! It’s historical(Moonbah, 2019-09-23)
Cult skate spot(Uzhhorod, 2019-09-23)
I love to ride this place, you feel free and meet nice people(Saintes, 2019-09-23)
Rád zde skatuji, prožil jsem zde celé dětství.(Praha, 2019-09-23)
its so ******* breath-taking place ❤️(nove mesto nad vahom, 2019-09-23)
Protože chci aby se zachovala legendární skatova pamatka(Česky krumlov, 2019-09-23)
Josh Kalis told me to(Irvine, 2019-09-23)
Keep the Sport of Skateboarding alive(Weiden, 2019-09-23)
i am signing because stalin is most legendary spot, and I hope, one day I will ride there with my son... please keep it alive!(Martin, 2019-09-23)
Podepsal jsem, protože Stalin je nejlepší místo v Praze. Vzal jsem tam holku, ze který je teď moje přítelkyně❤. Stalin je místo, který by mělo zůstat takový jaký je a kreteni nahoře ať nevymýšlejí sračky a radši tam někdy zajdou! STALIN je náš!❤(Chlumčany, 2019-09-23)
I grew up in the Letna area and I was a skateboarder since I was a child, this has grew onto my heart and changed my life in the most positive way imaginable.(prague, 2019-09-23)
Because Stalin Plaza is an iconic skatespot which I enjoy skating and I believe it should be preserved(Budapest, 2019-09-23)
This is our home, place of worldwide cultures and not some ******* area for corporations of modern economy(Prague, 2019-09-23)
i want to skate there at least one time at all ...Love from lipsia!!
(Leipzig, 2019-09-23)
I love this place and want to ceep it like that!(Prague, 2019-09-23)
Save the iconic skate place for youths and their childrens !!!(Aubagne, 2019-09-23)
must stay(Prague, 2019-09-23)
I made it to Stalin first on a school trip and it was the best place to hang out and skate, I have treveled to Prague 3times still to skate there and meet my friends. It is My favorite place in prague.(Budapest, 2019-09-23)
Stalin is beautiful place in Its original way.(Ústí nad Labem, 2019-09-23)
Muj syn mi napsal at to podepisu(Berikon, 2019-09-23)
Podepisuji protože Stalin Plaza není jen místo, nýbrž lifestyle.(Praha, 2019-09-23)
Please no(Třinec, 2019-09-23)
Chcem tam ísť v blízkej budúcnosti ísť si zaskatovat na stalina tak ho prosím neburajte.(Trnava, 2019-09-23)
Because it‘s the best skatespot in the world!(Linz, 2019-09-23)
This plaza is beautiful ❤️(Milano, 2019-09-23)
Please save this legendary place.(Liptovská Teplá, 2019-09-23)
This place belongs to the youth and skateboarders from all over the World(Cottbus, 2019-09-23)
Podepisuji, nebot by se narodni pamatky nemeli nicit(Prague, 2019-09-23)
Vždy, keď som v Prahe Stalin navštívim a zajazdim si tam. Top miesto na skate v strednej europe a taktiež oddych, výhlad na Prahu, stretnutie s kamarátmi atď...určite nesúhlasím so zrušením! Mam z tade krásne zažitky a verím, že tento problem sa vyrieši. STALIN SQUARE 4 LIFE G’s !(Banská Bystrica, 2019-09-23)
I don't want Stalin Plaza to be destroyed.(Plzeň, 2019-09-23)
It’s the best plaza in Europe.(Santander, 2019-09-23)
Skate and destroy(Lyon, 2019-09-23)
Stalin Plaza is very important for skateboarding subculture.(Gorlice, 2019-09-23)
Because it’s the best place for skating. It has it’s own history of skating legends and they just can’t close it.(Prague, 2019-09-23)
I was there a lot of times and this place is really amazing. I spend there a lot of time and Stalin Plaza was only one reason why i came to Prague almost every year. The most known skateboarding place in whole Czech Republic, which is reconized even in US by best skateboarders in the world.(Łódź, 2019-09-23)
Stalin plaza is apart of the culture, DONT TOUCH THE DAMN PLACE AIGHT!!!(Christchurch, 2019-09-23)
Stop Gentrification!(Barcelona, 2019-09-23)
Long live Stalin plaza !(Barcelona, 2019-09-23)
We need to keep this place, nobody will stop us from skating here.(Prague, 2019-09-23)
Jedno z nejkrásnější míst v Praze ❤️(Praha, 2019-09-23)