Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am against vaccinating little kids and people who just don't want to be vaccinated.

Matej Malár (Nové Mesto nad Váhom, 2021-09-30)


Podepisuji dobrovolně

Alena Zemanová (Ševětín, 2021-09-30)


I am signing this petition with my fully informed and with my free will written consent, as I fully understand and believe, that all human and non-human Beings should be held accountable and trialled for criminal and unlawful actions against humanity - be it an action against part and/or the whole of the global humanity and to We the People globally!

Veronika Griffin-Woodhouse (Tatworth Chard , 2021-09-30)


Podpisujem, pretože so zdôvodnením plne súhlasím. Malo by sa viac a otvorene hovoriť o prevencii, liečbe dostupnými liekmi a vedľajších účinkoch vakcín. Testovanie by sa malo robiť iba u tých, u ktorých sa prejavujú symptómy.

Vladislav Stankovič (Košice - Juh, 2021-09-30)


Pohár pretiekol.

Jan Tomko (Liptovský Hrádok, 2021-09-30)


I am for freedom

David Grossmann (Praha, 2021-09-30)


Súhlasím a podporujem

Juraj Stovička (Streženice 500/1, 2021-09-30)


toute chance doit être saisie.

chantal carpentier (challans, 2021-09-30)


Vás fašistov mám po krk.

Júlia Terpáková (Jelšava, 2021-09-30)


End crime against humanity‼️

Ellie Nguyen (Essendon , 2021-09-30)


Zločincov treba trestať!!!!

Ján Šima (Veľký Grob, 2021-09-30)


Human rights violations must not only be stopped but also punished.

Zuzana Kovacikova (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


Plně podporuji.

Jan Hnízdil (Praha 6, 2021-09-30)



Vladimir Fridman (Svit, 2021-09-30)



Dobre Dida (Galati, 2021-09-30)


I’m signing because I don’t want to live in totality without freedom. I don’t want to be bullied because of vaccinations, masks and another nonsense.

Lenka Rakar (Senec, 2021-09-30)


I am signing this petition because I agree with it and I do not accept forms of coercion for vaccination or testing.

Jozef Šimko (Handlová, 2021-09-30)


We have to bring the truth into the light to many lies and too many lives lost by devious methods. We need to know just how many lives were taken using Midazolam to end the lives from care homes where they placed DNR on the residents and kept families away from them.

Florence Stanfield (Manchester, 2021-09-30)


The aggressive worldwide rollout of experimental covid19 vaccines violates the Nuremberg Code.

Jennifer Hanis-Martin (Portland, 2021-09-30)


The truth must prevail!

Roman Labo (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)



Margita Bielichová (Klátova Nová Ves, 2021-09-30)


I think that crimes may have been committed (misfeance in public office) and I cannot get the UK Police or my MP or the Police Complaints Commission to take any interest.

Charles Field (Southsea, 2021-09-30)


I want my daughters to have an eventful fruitful free sovereign life they deserve! One love only not division/apartheid/dictatorships FREEDOM FOR ALL

Martin Ryan (Nijmegen , 2021-09-30)


Hrudová Alena

Alena Hrudová (Šumperk, 2021-09-30)


I want justice.

Jill Warner (Maisemore, Gloucester, 2021-09-30)


Debate has been silenced and the population coerced, ridiculed, belittled and shamed into questioning the decisions made by so called authorities.

KIMBERLY BELTRAME (Jensen Beach, 2021-09-30)


Because is necessary to stop this stupidity

Francisc Moticiac (Trnava, 2021-09-30)


I want to help with something right

Michaela Hradnanska (Surany, 2021-09-30)


sú porušené moje práva

Pavol Štenko (Ľubotice, 2021-09-30)


Vaccine is genocide

Ľuboš Kubička (Kysucké Nové Mesto, 2021-09-30)



Tomáš Benický (Košice, 2021-09-30)


I’m signing it because I fully agree with the content.

Jana Obermannová (Decin , 2021-09-30)



Adrian Michalko (Humenne, 2021-09-30)


I do not consent to these crimes against humanity.

Filomena Scalzo (North Carlton, 2021-09-30)



Jaroslava Němcová (Velké Pavlovice, 2021-09-30)


The way they want to remake this world is to benefit themselves and oppress mankind, not for the good of mankind and the planet like they portray.

Arnaud Van Remoortere (Dublin, 2021-09-30)



Mario Smrek (Košice, 2021-09-30)


S tím souhlasím!

Helena Vacenovska (Valašské Meziříčí, 2021-09-30)


There is so much scientific evidence being suppressed world wide that proves the Covid vaccines are a means to depopulate the entire planet - genocide by governments and Big Pharma.

Neville Van Vuuren (Cape Town, 2021-09-30)


I believe in human rights

Stuart Hopkins (Brighton, 2021-09-30)

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