Create laws that forbid dangerous weapons to be brought onto public transport



Create laws that forbid dangerous weapons to be brought onto public transport

chingmin CHen (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


We need a safe environments

Claire wang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Protect myself

Iseo Lee (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I’m a mom too

Tina Tang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Add security cameras on public buses and fire the bus driver

Yulia cao (Hamilton, 2024-07-03)


I am signing this because I want to Government to have certain mechanisms to stop this kind of violence and bring back us a better New Zealand.

Ji Cai (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Let’s make Auckland more liveable than this.

Kirsten Chang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


The government is soft to the criminal!!😡😡

Jun Lei (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


We need safety guard to live in Auckland, we dont wanna be attached!!!!

Yinhui Zhong (, 2024-07-03)


I’m a Chinese Mom living in East Auckland who also takes the 72c bus, I deeply concerned after seeing this news. Auckland has become so unsafe that innocent children are being harmed without reason. I strongly urge action to address this criminal behavior and restore the safety and beauty of our city.

Jessica Li (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Everyone should be treated equally, a family or an individual have the rights to protect themselves. We have to have laws preventing this from happening more. This must be done.

Lina Li (, 2024-07-03)


Auckland sucks, at least do something.

Sara Li (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


For public safety and security.

Rhodora Rodriguez (, 2024-07-03)


Not safe Auckland

George Qi (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I hope we will have a safe environment.

Xingyi Situ (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Chinese must to help each other!!!

Yaqi Zhong (Hamilton, 2024-07-03)


I'm signing because I have two teenagers at home as well. At this age, parents start to encourage our own kids use public transport independently. However this is the second time I heard teenagers been abused on bus this year. These news really make worry and scared.

Kelly Ding (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I feel deeply sad this happened to a innocent kid. This crimes must be stop!

Cathy Chen (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


The desire for justice and the desire for law.

Ann Yang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Because for the better society

Sky Li (, 2024-07-03)


We need action not just slogans

Hiu Fai TO (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


There have been several similar cases on buses in Auckland. Are there any precautionary measures taken by the government, AT, or police? I will not let my children to take bus alone unless there are something done to at least reduce the chances of such crimes.

Helen Qin (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Enough is enough. We constantly ignore the needs and demands of the majority, we neglect the safety of the general population, we mute ordinary citizens' petitions as if they are not worthy and they can be taken for granted. We demand the restoration of normality!

Jin Feng (Rothesay Bay, 2024-07-03)


I fully agree with the above views. From the beginning of understanding the incident, I felt that the Auckland Transport driver's quality and professional training were very lacking, if not completely absent. Firstly, as a service provider, ensuring the level and safety of the service is the most basic standard for any service company. Secondly, if the driver lacks professional knowledge in emergency response, at the very least, he should not be so indifferent. During the incident, we can understand that the driver frequently runs this route and may be worried about retaliation if he takes certain measures, but doesn't this reflect that the transport bureau has failed to provide its employees with enough sense of security, leading to an inability to respond to related incidents and just wanting to shirk responsibility? Therefore, overall, the situation displayed by the individual in this incident may be an exception, but the underlying reasons it reflects are worth pondering. Laws and regulations must be improved, and it is essential to prohibit the carrying of offensive tools into public transportation. Increasing camera equipment to provide timely evidence collection after an incident occurs is necessary, along with installing an emergency alarm positioning system on public buses. Additionally, the transport bureau needs to provide emergency training and professional development for drivers and enhance the sense of security for its employees.

Kiko Zhang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


This is clearly violent and murder attack to the people because this is a metal stick, it can kill or serious hurt people by hitting the head.
Let this rubbish go to the hell!

Edward Zhang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)



Vicky Hsu (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I want my children have a safer environment

Ada Zhang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


This is clearly violent and murder attack to the people because this is a metal stick, it can kill or serious hurt people by hitting the head.
Let this rubbish go to the hell!

Edward Zhang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Place . Safe please

Zhang Shijie (Acukland, 2024-07-03)


This kind of abdominal and disgusting criminal behavior has to be stopped. Everyone deserves to feel safe in the public in NZ.

Jessica Han (, 2024-07-03)


Something has to be done !! Zero tolerance! Zero
A deterrent law must be enacted to protect the young , the old and the vulnerable No one should be on board without bus fare ! No exclusions! No one should be allowed on board with a weapon ! The driver should be sacked asap !

Grace lu (, 2024-07-03)


Punish the criminal severely. Don't make New Zealand never friendly only because of the actions of this group of people.

Tina yang (, 2024-07-03)


Tougher laws are required to protect the citizens of New Zealand.

Mark Lee (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


My family was insulted by a criminal.

Carson Duan (, 2024-07-03)


This country is getting crazy on the amount of criminal activities. Please do something and make people feel safe again in the public. Pray to God 🙏

Viv Mo (, 2024-07-03)


Every residence should be protected.

Xiuzhen Zhang (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Everyone should be safe and traded same in NZ

Carol Fan (, 2024-07-03)


Hate crime and crime towards youth is intolerable!

Bowen Zheng (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


For better new Zealand

Haiyi Sun (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


I am signing because I am a student in this city and I go to school by bus every day

Qiao Cheng (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


We stand with our children.

Hui Long (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Community safety

Lisa Du (Auckland, 2024-07-03)


Zero tolerance for crime

Quincy Cheng (Auckland, 2024-07-03)

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