West Sussex Public Consultation on A259 Improvements.
I have only lived in Hoe Lane, Flansham for 2 years but it is so obvious that the junction at Comet Corner is too dangerous and either a roundabout or Lights would make it safer, especially with the additional housing being planned locally.(Flansham, 2019-09-26)
I travel through this junction at least once a day usually from South to North or the North to South direction.The traffic volume in daylight hours is heavy & constant & exiting the junction from Middleton or Yapton is becoming increasingly hazardous.There are sometimes collisions, but more frequently near misses.Traffic lights would probably be a safer solution than a roundabout.Either is long overdue as the volume of traffic can only increase with local residential development.(Bognor Regis, 2019-09-26)
I have witnessed so many near crashes mainly caused by the speed of the traffic on the A259.(WestSussex, 2019-09-27)
Some thing must be done.(Middleton on sea, 2019-09-27)
Sadly, the excessive amount of money already spent on this extremely dangerous "improvement" was totally wasted. We desparately need real improvements expeditiously -probably traffic lights being the most effective remedy at what should not be a relatively great expense.(Bognor Regis, 2019-09-27)
The Comet Corner junction is now so dangerous that I avoid it entirely by taking the B2132, Middleton Road to join the A259, at the junction with Felpham Way and FlanshamLane.(Bognor Regis, 2019-09-27)
Comet corner is dangerous(BOGNOR REGIS, 2019-09-27)
I live here and it is ridiculous that nothing that solves the problem has been done just money wasted(Bognor Regis, 2019-09-27)
I'm signing because comet corner has become so dangerous that I avoid it on my motorbike. Cars think they can break the speed limit and cut in front of me as I go to pull out(Middleton on sea, 2019-09-27)
it is likely that more people will be injured or killed if something is not done to make it safer(middleton on sea, 2019-09-28)
Despite the welcome recent improvement, the junction is proving increasingly dangerous as the rate of traffic grows especially along the A259 due to drivers choosing this road as an alternative to the A27. This will increase when the Arundel by pass is being built. Also the housing south of the A259 is increasing and with it the level of traffic.(Elmer, 2019-09-28)
With 2 cars in front from Middleton, you will see 2 close misses followed by yourself. The delays can be ridiculous and the danger levels are huge. The increased slip road has done nothing for the junction.(Bognor Regis, 2019-09-28)
This junction is extremely dangerous for traffic and pedestrians. It needs to be controlled by traffic signals. Also the speed limit should be reduced to 40 mph.(BOGNOR REGIS, 2019-09-28)
It’s one of the most dangerous junctions I have ever crossed.Drivers take chances and I have seen two serious accidents recently.
A roundabout or even traffic lights are essential even if they are just turned on at peak times if the council are worried about holding up the traffic on the A259.
Something has to be done urgently!
(Middleton-on-Sea, 2019-09-28)
My neighbour was killed here and during my 50 years in Middleton there have been many very serious accidents.(BOGNOR REGIS, 2019-09-29)
I have to head out on this dangerous crossroads every day.. If I have my grandchildren in the car with me it feels like not just taking my life in my hands BUT theirs too. 50mph is crazy! up the road towards Climping it's set at 40mph on much easier junctions! Why?!(Elmer, 2019-09-29)
This junction is very dangerous and the recent alterations have made it worse. Traffic lights or a roundabout would sort out the problem.(Middleton-on-Sea, 2019-09-30)
I live near this dangerous junction and seen incidents that could have turned into serious accidents.(Bognor Regis, 2019-09-30)
Turning right at this junction is SO dangerous I have feared for my life on many occasions .(Bognor regis, 2019-09-30)
I live in Middleton and agree it’s hazardous(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-01)
Do we really have to wait until someone is killed at this junction before anything is done to rectify this very dangerous junction?(Middleton On Sea, 2019-10-01)
For the sake of safety, either a roundabout, or traffic lights should be placed at this dangerous junction. Of course it will cost £s , but surely that should be offset by the relief of accidents(Middleton on Sea, 2019-10-02)
This hazardous junction is overdue to be made safer.(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-02)
I live near the junction & the potential dangers are appalling.(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-02)
Comet Corner is becoming more and more dangerous and cannot deal with the increased amount of traffic.(Middleton-on-Sea, 2019-10-02)
I’m signing because despite being a fearless driver of 40 years, I dread leaving Middleton and crossing or turning right on to the A259. It is ridiculously dangerous and I feel deep pity for any young drivers or elderly drivers trying to get out. It is impossible as cars are allowed to speed along here and you take your life into your hands exiting as cars hoot angrily behind you. Surely there should be a roundabout or lights here to slow all traffic down and keep us all safe. I am shocked that Sussex council thinks it is a good idea to allow such a dangerous crossing. Until then we all live in dread!(Middleton on Sea, 2019-10-02)
I am signing because I encounter the problems listed on a daily basis and believe the junction should have a good sized roundabout for the effective calming of vehicle speeds.Also the junctions should be wider to accommodate vehicles wishing to turn left or right.(Middleton on Sea, 2019-10-02)
I'm signing because Comet Corner is considerably more dangerous since the council 'modified' the junction, and the A259 traffic flow has increased with the new Felpham bypass. I have had two near misses where cars were going to fast and nearly broadsided me, and i'm not the only one! There needs to two small roundabouts to slow traffic and give safe access to or across the junction, with normal 'give way to the right' signage/markings. There is room to do it with minimal construction. The correct shape and position could even first be tested out with removable hardware and signage. It is time the Council stopped abdicating its responsibilities and did this job right. No need to spend more money on consultants, you know what wants doing, so just do it.(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-02)
the junction presents all road users with unnecessary hazards. It is, by its construction and layout, dangerous. A roundabout or traffic lights are required.(bognor regis, 2019-10-03)
This junction has to be one of the most dangerous junctions in the country, with crossing or jointing very heavy 50 mph traffic. Traffic is often constant in both directions and the only way to join is to ease out and hope someone will slow to let you cross. This is most unsatisfactory and avoidable. We need a solution urgently,(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-03)
This is a very dangerous junction. Additional traffic following local housing development will make it even worse. A roundabout seems an obvious solution.(Elmer Sands PO22 6JZ, 2019-10-03)
I regularly visit friends at Tortington and Yapton and feel I have to time my visits carefully to get out of Comet Corner and do a right turn. Or try and cross from Yapton road on my return(Middleton, 2019-10-03)
I have lived in Middleton village for over 30 years. The Comet Corner junction has become progressively more dangerous and the problem needs to be addressed, as a matter of unrgency!(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-04)
This has always been a dangerous junction and has become more so in the last few years.(Middleton on Sea, 2019-10-04)
I am a regular user at the junctions onto the A259 and find it very dangerous not only due to the speed of traffic on the A259 but the build up of traffic waiting to join at these busy junctions invariably leads to vehicles pulling out unsafely.(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-04)
A very dangerous junction.(Middleton-on-Sea, 2019-10-05)
I am signing because since moving to the area in 1987 this junction has been a notorious danger area. There is a need for a roundabout and always has been. The money spent on junction improvement was a complete waste and has not helped the situation. It's a nightmare trying to get out of there, the traffic is relentless since the opening of the new Bognor Regis by-pass road. This has made the Comet Corner junction even more congested.(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-05)
Because this always feels a dangerous junction. My elderly mother uses this on a daily basis and sometimes she struggles to get across.(Yapton, 2019-10-05)
This is a very dangerous corner and is a junction just waiting for a serous accident. Action needs to be taken before this happens not after the event. With other houses being built this road is only going to get worse not better. Do something now before its to late.(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-05)
The junction is very dangerous.(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-05)
This is one of the most dangerous crossings in the UK. It has to be traffic Lights as a roundabout will not change anything. With a roundabout you still give way to the Right. There is a new Roundabout a mile away in Felpham and it has made the junction much more dangerous than before the roundabout existed.(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-05)
I avoid Comet Corner at all costs! much too dangerous.(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-06)
Dangerous corner(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-06)
Every time I have to cross this junction I take my life in my hands as it’s SO dangerous(Elmer Bognor Regis, 2019-10-06)
I am signing because we had a massive revision of the junction which didn't and never was going to solve the poblem(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-07)
I'm signing because Comet Corner is dangerous and needs fixing with a roundabout. Does someone need to die before this is addressed?(Middleton-on-Sea, 2019-10-07)
I am signing because the junction as it stands is dangerous. Most people avoid the junction by going down to Southdown roundabout and causing more pollution by increasing their journeys.(Bognor regis, 2019-10-07)
I live in Elmer Sands and regularly have to turn right across the A259 at Comet Corner, from Middleton direction and Bilsham direction. It is a very dangerous and difficult junction. My daughter's car was written off when she attempted a right turn manoeuvre across this junction.(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-08)
Extremely dangerous junction. Should have been dealt with decades ago!(Middleton on Sea, 2019-10-09)
Living in Yapton, having to use this junction many times in a week, it is a really frightening experience most of the time as the traffic is so bad. It can only get worse !!(Yapton, 2019-10-10)
I am signing because I am a regular user of this junction and believe that the volume and speed of traffic, even if current speed limits are observed, make it an extremely dangerous hazard. A roundabout would slow traffic and ease the flow from all directions.(Felpham, 2019-10-11)
As a user of this junction for many years, and having witnessed the aftermath of an accident involving a car and lorry I am appealing to WSCC once again to do something to make this junction safer - I wrote some years ago about this when I would cross this junction x 2 per day to care for my horse, often when the traffic was at its worst and there were large tailbacks at the junction. A gap in the traffic necessitates a very fast exit, sometimes only as far as the central reservation. If a driver follows you it is impossible to see to cross the second half of the junction. Please do something about this.(Felpham, 2019-10-11)
I'm signing because I have had quite a few very near misses when trying to get out off this junction....It is so dangerous!!!We need a roundabout or traffic lights, and the urgency of need, will increase significantly once the new builds are completed!
(Yapton, 2019-10-11)
I'm signing because I live in Middleton and frequently need to turn east towards Littlehampton which can be a lengthy wait and intimidating due to the speed of oncoming traffic from both directions. Additionally, the slip road (Worms Lane) turning west opposite Comet Cottage is being used as a lay-by and has become an additional hazard when travelling west and having to negotiate a parked van, lorry or car and meeting oncoming traffic head on as a result before meeting the T junction onto the A259.(Middleton on Sea, Bognor Regis, 2019-10-14)
Flansham Park and surrounding area has now become a 'rat-run' for Elmer & Middleton residents avoiding Comet Corner. Comet Corner is a most dangerous road that I avoid at all costs. There should be a roundabout at the junction of Flansham Park & A2259, along with improvements at Comet Corner. Instead it was deemed 'necessary' to spend out on a mini roundabout at Summerley Lane...? Depends where those with the most clout live ehh?(Felpham, 2019-10-16)
I have regularly experienced the dangers of crossing at Comet Corner both by car and bicycle.West Sussex C.C.have wasted huge sums of money to no effect.A 20mph limit as at Climping should be enforced. D.N.Grant(Kingston-upon-Thames, 2019-10-18)
Comet Corner is extremely dangerous and often very difficult to cross to the right coming from Middleton. millions have been spent altering it twice but it remains as dangerous as ever with an absurd through speed of 50 miles/hour. The cheapest solution would be to restrict the through speed to 20 miles/hour and a speed camera on both sides actually could make money to pay for the cost.(oMiddletpn-on-Sea, 2019-10-18)
Comet corner is very difficult to leave on to the A259 to littlehampton. Detour towards Bognor Regis increases distance and time and is not necessarily any easier.(Middleton-on-Sea, 2019-10-20)
I think this junction is extremely dangerous . it is very busy, the traffic is too fast, and I think the only solutions are either traffic lights or a large round about.(Middlton on Sea, 2019-10-20)
I am signing because the recent improvements have made the junction worse and we need something better i.e. lights, two mini roundabouts or a long 'sausage' roundabout to cover both junctions.(Middleton-on-Sea, 2019-10-20)
This has been a traffic hazard for well over 20 years despite a previous petition, is it going to take a fatal accident for something to be done about it?(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-22)
This junction is a continual hazard and there are accidents happening. There needs to be traffic lights or a roundabout as the A259 traffic does not keep to the 50mph speed limit and local traffic is help up significantly by the A259 higher traffic flow.(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-23)
Still very dangerous -(Chichester, 2019-10-24)
Its still a very dangerous juction especially when crossing from Yapton to Middleton ( or vice versa). I was brought up in this area and often negotiate this accident black-spot. Please correct this junction before there is another serious accident or yet another death.(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-24)
That junction is a horrifying fatality waiting to happen poorly laid out everyone ignores the speed restrictions and it's extremely dangerous(Bognor regis, 2019-10-24)
It's a death trap(Littlehampton, 2019-10-24)
Residents have been saying this in the 27 years I’ve lived in Yapton! It’s REALLY dangerous and there’s going to be one almighty pile up at this crossing. Please show some sense before families are decimated by the news a loved one has died.(Yapton, 2019-10-25)
I’m signing because the junction is so dangerous and it won’t be long before somebody gets seriously injured or killed there.(Arundel, 2019-10-25)
I live in Climping and regularly use the A259 between littlehampton and Bognor and the whole road network in our area needs looking at(Climping, 2019-10-25)
I have to use this junction to get to my daughters school. I try and avoid it whenever I can.(Littlehampton, 2019-10-25)
We need to make this safer(Littlehampton, 2019-10-25)
This is so dangerous, I use it regularly and dread it each time.(Littlehampton, 2019-10-25)
The junction is 99 times worse that beforehand as cars turning into Middleton block road to turn right towards Littlehampton and you miss the opportunity to go .(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-25)
a lot of older people live in this area and reaction times etc make it extremely dangerous turning right at comet corner and lots of speeding traffic makes it worse.(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-25)
I live in Middleton and have to use this junction to cross the road to head to Yapton on a daily basis with a child and baby in the car. It really is a dangerous piece of road especially as several people don't stick to the 50mph speed limits. I've witnessed several near misses. It's only matter of time before there is a fatal accident!!(Middleton-on-Sea, 2019-10-25)
This junction is difficult to get out of(Littlehampton, 2019-10-25)
I live near comet corner and have seen many near misses, and 4 accidents in 3 years.(West Sussex, 2019-10-25)
Horrible junction, could be fixed with traffic lights, and putting a slip road in made things worse as now traffic doesn’t even slow down for the junction. Urgent action required before more money is wasted.(Arundel, 2019-10-25)
This is the most dangerous & ridiculously designed junction. They should have turned it into an Oblong Roundabout which works well with a reduced speed to 30 or max 40 MPH. I’m surprised there hasn’t been a death yet. It wasn’t even Local people who designed it. When will councils listen to those who have to experience these junctions on a daily basis?(Arundel, 2019-10-26)
I have to cross the A259 every morning at this junction. Cars speed down the A259 well in excess of 50mph making it extremely dangerous.(Barnham, 2019-10-26)
Its the most scary junction(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-26)
It is clear that a roundabout or, at the least, traffic lights are desperately needed to improve a very dangerous junction that is becoming busier, and increasingly dangerous!(Felpham, 2019-10-26)
No-one is listening and people keep getting injured. Have more people got to die before something is done?(Arundel, 2019-10-26)
I live in yapton and by sheer luck have not been involved in an accident here. Desperately needs a roundabout.(Yapton, 2019-10-26)
Pretty obvious why I am signing this!(Ford, 2019-10-26)
It’s so dangerous(Bognor regis, 2019-10-26)
Every day I struggle to get across this junction too and from work.the modifications that were done make this worse. It is dangerous and so many near misses.how many more people need to be killed.(Middleton on sea.bognor regis, 2019-10-26)
Another accident last night involving at least three vehicles. This junction needs major improvements - fast!(Yapton, 2019-10-26)
I'm signing because I want to make the road safer, they are too dangerous at the moment(Arunndel, 2019-10-26)
It is a nightmare trying to get on to A259 at Comet Corner..So much money was wasted making the junction more dangerous to the vast amount of users..Traffic lights should of been installed for a safer use of the junctions both at Comet Corner and Yapton Road(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-26)
This junction is very dangerous.(Yapton, 2019-10-26)
Something must be done either a roundabout or traffic lights. Turning either right or left is just horrendous.(Yapton, 2019-10-26)
Some thing needs to be done you take your life in your own hands going across there(Nr Arundle, 2019-10-27)
I drive through this junction every day as I go to work and back, often cars pull out of the side roads when it is not safe to do so. This is usually due to frustration of not being able to pull out.(Felpham, 2019-10-27)
I had an accident here myself a few years ago, someone in a hurry to get from Middleton across the main road to her golf match, hit me and wrote my car off, I was off work for a substantial amount of time ( and subsequently made redundant) and I was lucky to not have flown (yes my car lifted off the ground) straight into a passing pedestrian (who was my witness).(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-27)
It’s very dangerous(Bognor regis, 2019-10-27)
I have to use this junction daily to get to and from work. It is so dangerous and I have witnessed several near misses as the traffic is fast and heavy leading to some drivers taking a risk just to cross the junction. I have waited at the junction for more than 10 minutes before a suitable gap in traffic and feel that a traffic light system would be of great benefit.(Littlehampton, 2019-10-27)
I don’t want to see another life lost too soon, when there is something that could be done to prevent it.(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-27)
Comet corner is extremely busy at all times and very hazard to cross over(Bognor Regis, 2019-10-27)
This junction is virtually impossible to navigate during prime commuter times and it is only a matter of time before there is a serious accident.(Middleton on sea, 2019-10-27)
Stopped after driving past two cars that had been in accident there.(Pagham, 2019-10-27)
I'm signing because I use this corner mostly every day to go to bognor, and it is so dangerous. You could be sat there for 20 mins if not more sometimes, and people have to just pull out quickly in order to actually get moving. I believe traffic lights would be the best solution, as a roundabout would still be majorly busy with traffic from the east and west.(Yapton, 2019-10-27)
This junction is both dangerous and causes very long waits at peak time. It must be upgraded before any more housing estates are built.(Yapton, 2019-10-27)