Appuntamenti per ottenere il visto
I'm a father want to visit my son and dother in Italy with my wife(Esfahan, 2017-06-02)
This is so hard for me and my friend to give appropriate time from italian embassy.(Milan, 2017-06-02)
I am signing because I am waiting for appointment around 6 month and I can not get the appointment(Milan, 2017-06-02)
I have the same problem. My graduation is on July and It is 3 months that I am trying to get an appointment and it is impossible. The funny story is the small and cheap business that they have made for themselves to sell only an appointment time for delivering the documents. It is not possible to get an appointment unless you buy it and it is illegal.Please find a solution as soon as possible.
(milano, 2017-06-02)
I'm signing because it's been 6 months my mother wants come to vist me but they can't because of the faulty system of embassy in Tehran.(Roma, 2017-06-02)
Per risolvere un grande problema!(Roma, 2017-06-02)
Per poter cambiare il sistema attuale dei appuntamenti dellĺ ambasciata italiana a Teheran(Torino, 2017-06-03)
it's important(Rome, 2017-06-03)
Quando volevo chiedere l'appuntamento per mio amico e i miei genitori è successo la stessa cosa.Secondo me per ambasciata di un paese come Italia è molto grave perché oltre che si rovina il nome di proprio questo paese la gente possono pensare altre cose.
Speriamo che si risolve più presto
(Bologna, 2017-06-03)
I have many frnds there and its for them(Gor, 2017-06-03)
I'm trying to invite my parents but it is impossible for me only because of Italian embassy policies and their's bullshit website.(milan, 2017-06-04)
Sono daccordo(ROMA, 2017-06-04)
I am moving to Milan for education without my family.(Tehran, 2017-06-05)
my family face so many problems for getting visa of Italy every year(tehran, 2017-06-06)
Realy I considered a kind of unrespectable situation for my people(tehran, 2017-06-06)
Yo make it easier to set an appointment(Tehran, 2017-06-07)
Come un cittadino iraniano richiedo gli stessi diritti di un cittadino italiano; cioè non trovo giusto che i nostri familiari per chiedere il visto dall'ambasciata italiana situata a Teheran, debbano rivolgersi alle agenzie mediatori. Questa è una vera e propria ingiustizia, scorrettezza e mal gestione dell'ambasciata italiana a Teheran.(Perugia, 2017-06-19)
La difficoltà di prendere appuntamento presso l ambasciata italiana a Tehran.(Bologna, 2017-07-15)
I am signing this petition because I have the same problem and after 6 months I could not take an appointment yet.(Bologna, 2017-07-18)
This 100% is true(shahinshahr, 2017-07-21)
that's true(tabriz, 2019-09-06)