Stop child predator from teaching children
This is completely unacceptable and disgusting behavior. I have a 12 year old daughter and I will not stand for this child predator to be teaching in our school system!Michael Servantez (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
There is evidential evidence that some type of misconduct has been displayed. I would not be comfortable with my child in that school knowing the situation and doing nothing about it. This needs to go further than just him loosing his license. I feel the principal should as well for allowing this.Sherena Falton (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
I’m signing because I have a daughter (and son) and I want to make sure they are taught by teachers that know right from wrong.You shouldn’t have children as friends on social media if you’re an adult unless they are family friends. Teachers as friends? No. MALE TEACHER AS A FRIEND TO A DAUGHTER?? Definitely not. Get him out of there!
Elizabeth Pofahl (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
Unacceptable behavior from a teacherEric Giese (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
I hate that this is just something that people can get away with.Carter Schilz (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
This is incredibly wrong. Educators and our court system are supposed to protect us and especially our children. This has been handled extreme poorly, and the victim blaming is outrageous. Wake up Kenosha!!Morgan Graham (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
It’s absolutely DISGUSTING that nothing is being done to this pedophile!! He needs to be behind bars, far away from children as possible!! I cannot believe he’s getting away with that!!!Cheryl Haubrich (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
He needs to be fired. Grooming child is sick and always lead to rapeMary Sims (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
I’m signing because I’m a parent myself and us parents send our children to school to be taught and to get an education. To know that this man was inappropriately talking to an underage child is disgusting and he shouldn’t be allowed to work with children. It shouldn’t take for this man to actually have sex with a child for something to be done! Our children should be protected and feel safe while at school. No child should have to worry about something like this to happen while at school. This world we live in is scary on its own and parents worry about the safety of their children as soon as they leave their homes. The school board needs to do better at protecting our children from men like him. I seriously hope that something is done about this! Do better for our children and make the right choice by firing this man.Rhiannah Morales (Racine, 2024-04-20)
dangerous predators like this should not be allowed anywhere near children!!Jillian True (Berkeley, 2024-04-20)
It’s our job to protect these children from pedophiles like himDomenica Tonzillo (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
Would you want him teaching your kids????Alexandria Richter (Racine, 2024-04-20)
This is not appropriate behavior. What would this have escalated too! Just because it was stopped doesn't mean he's innocent. He had intentions. He knew what he was doing!Karen Ross (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
This is absolutely disgusting and the liberals that control the school board are allowing this to remainJay Ellis (Pleasant Prairie, 2024-04-20)
This man is disgusting.Victoria Smothers (Boston, 2024-04-20)
this is horrific and why is he still teaching and not in jail???Jill Clark (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
He is a sexual predator and should absolutely in no way have access to our children. He belongs in prison.Herbert Katt (Racine, 2024-04-20)
It's wrong on so many levels. No child should ever have to be subject to this type of behavior from an adult that's suppose to help grow a child's mind!! Or anyone!!Victoria Hunt (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
Kids should NOT have teachers contact information unless it is through the school email and in an appropriate manner. This is ridiculous. These kids are so innocent and he took away he innocence exposing her to a different world.Alaynah Thompson (South milwaukee, 2024-04-20)
I'm signing because I also was a victim of a teacher at KUSD in 2011. He waited until I turned 18, added me on Facebook, started liking all my pictures, and immediately started private messaging me inappropriately for a teacher/student relationship. KUSD "handled" this by letting him resign at the end of the school year(this happened in January). He was allowed to continue to grade my exams and work, while I remained in the school's officer's office during that period. He was still able to teach other students and he almost failed me in that class after reporting this. Later to find out he did this to other women during the past years, never reported. KUSD is continuously not protecting their students. Something needs to be done!Jennifer Dennison (Beaver Dam, 2024-04-20)
As a tax-paying Kenosha resident, I am appalled that a teacher who has displayed such egregious errors of judgment in his interactions with a child has not been fired. The safety of our children must come first and if there is even a question of impropriety, all contact with our children must stop until it is fully investigated. If any was found, which in the is case there is a mountain of evidence, they should be fired and referred to the legal authorities. To continue to let this child be victimized by this criminal and his enabling wife who is also re- victimizing the child, is incredibly , morally wrong. KUSD is opening itself up to be sued and the leadership is very questionable and should be sued as well over the decision to keep this man and his wife on staff! SHAME!Anjanette Sorensen (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
This man is disgusting! To the people who want to keep him teaching. What if it was your child?Annemarie Archambeault (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
Not the first grown man in kusd to be a complete pedophile last 15 years I can name 4-5 and a few are still workingBrook Boyer (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
This teacher needs to be held accountable for his actions. Although he didn’t have cases with her he still hugged her in an inappropriate way, had inappropriate texts between himself and a child, it’s disgusting! If there are witnesses stating his wife is talking badly about the student then she should be terminated.Cindy Dawes (Franklin, 2024-04-20)
I’m signing because this teacher’s behavior is disgusting and wrong. His employment should be terminated.Jennifer Guerra (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
This is unacceptable behavior what this teacher did to this child. As a former KUSD student I feel horrible that the district hasn’t done everything in their power to end his career and punished this awful predator.Zanella Valles (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
He needs to be punished by law to keep our schools safe and So other teachers dont think they can get away with this kind of disgusting and disturbing behaviorSevanna Ortiz (Racine, 2024-04-20)
He needs to be fired and charged. There’s no excuses why a grown man should be messaging a student, let alone the rest!Keri Zamora (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
This is very disgusting behavior this is and what has to be done to get this predator away from other potential victims. I hope he gets every consequence he needs.Jesse B (KENOSHA, 2024-04-20)
Pedos shouldn’t be around kids and able to walk free without punishmentGabriel Soto-Willey (Janesville, 2024-04-20)
Fuck that pedophileJojo Nowik (Racine, 2024-04-20)
I do not support pedophilesJack Davis (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
I can’t believe the horror this family went through due to this school and their polices. Not only should this predator be fired, so should his wife and the principal of the school. To let a knowing predator walk amount kids is appalling.Cherie Gerhardt (Elkhorn, 2024-04-20)
There is obvious evidence of predatory behavior against a minor without acknowledgement of any wrong doing by the predator. This is predatory behavior and without public awareness and punishment by law he will re-offend.Plinky Krier (MT PLEASANT, 2024-04-20)
This man should not be allowed to even be around children let alone teach them.Alexander Segura (Racine, 2024-04-20)
Teachers are supposed to be safe adults, not predators.Emily McDonald (Waukesha, 2024-04-20)
Sick ass people like this doesn’t deserve life let alone to teach CHILDREN. If I was a parent of this class I would switch schools immediately.Hunter Proft (Kenosha, 2024-04-20)
I’m signing this because he shouldn’t t he teaching in a school full of kids if he’s getting sexual and having sexual relations with any of his female students.Brie Hills (Racine, 2024-04-20)
This is disgusting. People like this man should not be near people. Especially children!!Antonio Baez (Racine, 2024-04-20)