In Support of Academic Freedom of Expression and Critical Thought



This is fascism

Alex Katz (Dinan, 2021-03-01)


Because no one’s life should end because of an opinion

Susan Serey (Berwick, 2021-03-01)


Sex and gender are different. However, we are seeing a conflation of these two things rapidly occurring in both law and in social changes, without consideration if the potential effects these changes may have on equality and safety of women. Transmen and transwomen are deserving of dignity, safety and equality. However, universities should be free to measure the effects and potential consequences these laws may cause, despite their kind beginnings. We need to be able the measure the impact of these changes on women's participation in sport, their access and safety to services such as health care, and their legal and humane rights in prisons and other services. We have already seen the impact of these changes on services such as the McIver women's pool in Sydney. Studies have also found that allowing male transwomen to participate in female contact sports may significantly increase the risk of injury and concussion to females. Yes, we should encourage fairness, dignity, safety and equality, but this should be done in a considered way that allows us to make informed choices that balance the rights of both females and people with gender dysphoria. We rely on universities being able to freely study these changes to determine impact and guide policy.

Alayne Matthews (Echuca, 2021-03-01)


I believe in free speech and a academic freedom.

Carmen McAteer (Dunoon, 2021-03-01)


It is evident that there is nothing regarding the site in question, nor what Holly Lawford-Smith has said or done, that is transphobic or inciting. The research aims to provide balance to an increasingly unbalanced context by learning of/including real female experiences. By doing this, the research supports the pursuit of scientific rigour, substance and integrity.. Female voices need to be heard in the face of increasing violence toward women. Of equal concern, all corageous scientific research needs to be supported in the face of declining support for climate change science and all sciences, including the social sciences. Women's autonomies, social science and climate change solutions for instance will never be taken seriously if we support flights of neoliberal driven distractions (with their regressive material consequences) over that of substantiated and/or embodied truths forged through enduring this very persistent struggle. Fact building requires support, not silencing, if academics wish to re-gain presently dwindling support within our communities, we need to support each other. It's time to say no to the bullies who guise themselves as diverse and inclusive. Please do not contribute to enabling unsubstantiated protests of fervor for fervors sake. If you do, where will this end?

Monique Briggs (Townsville, 2021-03-01)


Women’s sex based rights are at risk and cancel culture isn’t allowing us to talk about it without risking employment.

Emma Pogonoski (Laguna, 2021-03-01)


Holly is being maligned for telling the truth. But apparently the truth is not what some people are capable of hearing, & so they obviously have a need to respond violently, hatefully & misogynistically. Free speech used to be upheld in this country - that democratic right seems to be fast disappearing

Clare Smith (Darwin, 2021-03-01)


I’m signing this because I believe in freedom of speech and freedom to tell the truth.

Janette Hainey (Bribie island, 2021-03-01)


I’m signing because I’m sick of the fact that it seems free speech is allowed if you are left or woke but if you are a conservative it is not allowed. Free speech for all even if you don’t agree. Also I will always say wife, mother , breastfeeding and will not call someone a they!

Suzanne Lombardo (Camperdown, 2021-03-01)


Humans are a sexually dimorphic species. We cannot change our sex. Sex and gender identity must not be conflated or obfuscated in order to serve a nefarious agenda of exploiting vulnerable people for financial or political gain.

A. E. Green (Ota, 2021-03-01)


Universities should uphold Liberal Democratic values.

Kim Cambridge (Burnie, 2021-03-01)


It’s right

Carol Whiteman-Ley (Lincoln, 2021-03-01)


Academic rigour is assisted by the kind of cautious, methodical approach which Lawford-Smith has promoted. If we value students developing this, it makes no sense to censor academics, whether on the basis of extra-university activities or not. As a longtime feminist, I must also say it makes no sense to censor academics who promote thinking around this cause, if indeed the university values women and girls.

Highly disturbing to see a push to do so which is fuelled by popular but thoughtless motivations.

Ginny Brown (Perth, 2021-03-01)


Stop the silencing of women. Why would you want to stop women speaking about their own experiences? How can you justify that? You might as well let all criminals go free because their accusers were just "being hateful". Women are human beings.

Amanda Freeman (Brighton and Hove, 2021-03-01)


Academic freedom is vital.

Leni Johnson (Newcastle, 2021-03-01)


Women's rights are being diminished so much what about their rights.

Robyn Bainbridge (Perth, 2021-03-01)


I'm signing because I am very concerned about the constant and escalating attacks on free speech in my country's universities. Freedom of speech is the hallmark of a free country - we must guard it as a matter of urgency.

Rosalind Hecker (Sydney, 2021-03-01)


I support the right of women to discuss how gender ideology impacts directly on our lives. I also support the University of Melbourne in this important defence of academic freedom.

Deborah Morrow (Belfast, 2021-03-01)


Because I believe in free speech for all!

Catia Varudo (Melbourne, 2021-03-01)


Women fought for women’s spaces because men denied them. Single sex spaces are a vital resource to allow women to live safely & comfortably in public. To deny the rights of women to share their experiences however they want, is to force more regulation on women. This is regressive & oppressive and must be challenged.

Alex Dunlop (Arundel, 2021-03-01)


I'm signing to support those who would ask questions and gather evidence on any issue without fear. I also support the need for women's voices to be heard about who gets access to their spaces.

Pam Sedgwick (London, 2021-03-01)


This is PC idiocy. It’s time to fight back against these hysterical dimwits determined to destroy our society.

Craig Wood (Mount Duneed, 2021-03-01)


I was looking at doing a Masters in Anthropology, but the hostile and dangerous environment in academia towards gender critical women has put me off.

Clare Crestani (Bath, 2021-03-01)


Free speech is a necessary part of a democracy.

Kathryn Hawkins (Springsure, 2021-03-01)


I’m signing because freedom of critical thought and discussion is essential to a healthy society.

Kelly Mills (Bathurst, 2021-03-01)


I am fed up with the on going dribble about the rights of fictional characters! There are male and female, the rest are mental issues. The on going appeasement to these head cases is destroying our society, the on going censorship of our voices because it might make someone cry ! Frankly I don’t care about the feelings of those that pertain to be something they are not, it’s their issue not mine

Stephen Turner (Adelaide, 2021-03-01)


Sick of all the b,,,s,,, that they are trying to push.

Brad Westhead (Myers Flat, 2021-03-01)


Because women are being bullied into silence.

Paula Gosney (Auckland, 2021-03-01)


It’s appalling that women are being vilified for speaking out on the erasure of their rights especially for single sex spaces.

Sandra Cox (London, 2021-03-01)


I'm signing because freedom of speech is becoming a rare commodity in Australia and pragmatic common sense disappearing.

Leisa Cooper (Branxholm, 2021-03-01)


Holly Lawford Smith did nothing wrong. Women have been affected by laws and policies prioritising gender identity over biological sex. She is right to want to collect data on this.

Joanna Pinkiewicz (Launceston, 2021-03-01)


I am a woman, first and foremost. I don’t identify as a woman. My biological sex is female. I AM simply a woman. Only women; adult human females menstruate, can be impregnated, gestate a foetus, give birth and breast feed, no matter what other gender they may identify as (and there are now hundreds to choose from.) These are irrefutable facts.

If I don’t have the freedom to say all of this how can I fight to retain and stop the erasure of my SEX based rights to privacy, dignity and safety away from the male gaze and from predatory males who would do me harm? How can I fight to be held in equal standing to men in law if men are allowed to legally identify as women and co-opt their way into my SEX class? How can I fight SEX discrimination when SEX is no longer recognised in law because it has been replace by GENDER identity?

How can any woman in Australia fight their reproductive and maternity rights if they’re no longer recognised as a SEX class, but as some “default to men” position in law, wherein men who identify as women are considered to be more oppressed than women, and whose gender based rights are prioritised above women’s SEX based rights?

A PERSON (man, woman or child) doesn’t get pregnant and give birth. Only a woman: an adult human female can get pregnant and give birth. It’s not necessary to use “gender neutral” terminology when legislating about issues that only relate to WOMEN and MOTHERS, no matter how those women or mothers self identify their gender. We don’t force everyone to speak in sign language and refer to ourselves as a “non-deaf person” because a minority of people are deaf. So why are we erasing women’s sex based rights and the language used to describe them and identify their needs because of a tiny minority who identify as another gender?

Women and girls make up 50% of the population and we must be able to speak about our sex based needs and rights, the discrimination we’re subjected to, the abuses, the violence and the coercion. We must be able to discuss our HUMAN rights. Our voices must be allowed to be heard in this so called democracy. SEX MATTERS the most to women because it is the basis upon which we have been oppressed, abused, tortured and murdered for millennia. For example, little girls aren’t subjected to female genital mutilation because of what they wear or how they identify. Their genitals are butchered purely because they are female and in order to oppress their sexuality. Women don’t suffer PTSD following a traumatic birth because of what they wear or how they identify. It’s because they are women, the SEX that gives birth to (and has given birth to) every single human on the planet.

If a university lecturer does not have the freedom to discuss the current erasure of women’s SEX based rights by Gender Identity Ideology in Australia, what chance does any other woman in Australia have? Does the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression exist in Australia anymore?

The head needs to be cut off this toxic totalitarian snake within our society now, before it’s allowed to reach every corner and it’s too late to stop it.

Sal Robins (Perth, 2021-03-01)


Women's rights activists are being bullied, threatened with violence, and silenced.

April Malone (Jacksonville, 2021-03-01)


You are being totally biased towards Dr Holly Lawford-Smith

Vicky Dedda (Cronulla, 2021-03-01)


I am disgusted by the cowardly and bullying behaviour of the faculty in particular and the academic staff who signed the petition. Their fascist behaviour is completely unacceptable

Elizabeth Johnson (Melbourne, 2021-03-01)


The constant brow-beating of women who want to talk about or tell stories about concerns related protecting single-sex spaces and services is outrageous. The meaningless word 'transphobia' (as it is used in baseless situations) is thrown around and is often linked to pressure that a woman loses her job or in worst case needs security guards to go to work. All staff who signed the letter against Holly Lawford-Smith should be investigted by the University of Melbourne as they seem to be breeching the rules and policies of the University.

Jacqu McLaren (Gottmadingen, 2021-03-01)


I support academic freedom

Marie Scott (Cootamundra, 2021-03-01)


Our free speech is being taken away

MARY CURRAN (Cressy, 2021-03-01)


I believe in free speech and that is something we don’t have in Melbourne no more brainwashing as university please they are places of learning or are supposed to be.

Judy Turner (Gladstone Park, 2021-03-01)


I'm signing because l am flabbergasted with the action taken by so-called "professional academics" at Melbourne University. I thought that bullying was something naughty children did? Obviously not.

Clare Chiarizia (Sandringham, 2021-03-01)


Protect womens and girls space amd stop our erasure from society!

Norafiah Lever (Perth, 2021-03-01)


Women will not be silenced

Amelia Carey (Perth, 2021-03-01)


Without free speech and debate our Australian universities are no better than CCP controlled universities. We need our academics to respect and promote democratic values.

Tori Nem (Rouse Hill, 2021-03-01)


I'm signing because women have rights too and shouldn't be ignored

Jenny Schutz (Croydon, 2021-03-01)


Freedom of speech religion etc is a right for us all not just the left communists.

Peter Buckland (MOREE (NSW), 2021-03-01)


I’m signing because women should be allowed to defend their sex based rights without fear of punishment.

Barbara Bell (Melbourne, 2021-03-01)


I believe Women are women and Men are men...

Robert Milne (Portland, 2021-03-01)


Freedom to express oneself, especially in universities which are supposed to be the home of debate, is important. When censorship takes over, rational debate disappears and it is impossible to figure out the world.

Amy Williams (West Midlands, 2021-03-01)


It is not transphobic to speak up for women and girls rights.

Eileen Kinner (Belfast, 2021-03-01)


I support Dr Holly Lawford-Smith’s right to highlight any threat to the safety of women and children due to recently introduced legislation.
It seems very straight forward. Women fought hard for private places, safe from predatory, bullying men and now those hard won rights will be withdrawn under the veil of inclusivity of male bodied people professing to be female.
Not all men assault women or children but women need private places to be protected from those who would. It is that simple.
When did we decide to ignore women? When did we decide to ignore biological science? Why are we acquiescing to the desires of men over women...again?
Please do not give into mindless, dangerous group think. Please maintain your rigorous scientific standards and protect Dr Lawford-Smith’s right to express her opinion on this issue that is vitally important human females and also girls. Please.

Lisa Owen (Warrnambool, 2021-03-01)


I stand with women

Jay Williams (San Antonio TX, 2021-03-01)


It’s not hate to speak the truth

Tessa Singh (Carlisle, 2021-03-01)


biological reality is not hAtE sPeEcH :)))

Daria Kepler (Moscow, 2021-03-01)


Academics must be allowed to research any topic without interference by anyone, and governing bodies should stop being influenced by third parties. They should stand up to bullying and threats and uphold academic freedom.

Sarah Clarke (London, 2021-03-01)


I'm signing because I think it's time the silent majority raised our voices against this leftist BS that is being feed to us.

Terry Price (Townsville, 2021-03-01)


Freedom of speech matters. Women's rights matter.
The freedom for women to speak freely matters.

Carolefreedom of speech matters Shepherd (London, 2021-03-01)


If there cannot be free speech and debate of ideas, laws and public policy at the university level then where else in a democratic society can that happen?

Lynne Robertson (Ridgley, 2021-03-01)


The amount of homophobia and misogyny supported by liberals and TRA is just astonishing for a group claiming that they fight for LGBT/women rights. Straight people and men legit usurped movements meant for gay people and women, ironically

Chari Chariya (arkhangelsk, 2021-03-01)


It is important for people to be able to support women's rights.

Sharon Midcap (Altea, 2021-03-01)


For my 6 daughters.

Alina Fitzgerald (Emerald, 2021-03-01)


Australia is in the grip of a transgenderists psychosis which has permeated all institutions but nowhere more damaging than in our Universities. Universities use to uphold the concepts of free and fearless inquiry in the pursuit of knowledge. This is no longer the case and we have to fight back against this pernicious attack on academic freedom and free speech.

Isla MacGregor (Tasmania, 2021-03-01)


A woman is an adult human female. You cannot harass, coerce, oppress, sideline, discriminate against, insult, assault or fire from their jobs enough female academics in the world to make that statement not true.

Melinda Liszewski (Brisbane, 2021-03-01)


I totally agree with ‘Free Speech’.

Meg Fisher (Gladstone, 2021-03-01)


Women can and will speak out loud about male interference. Banning the "freedom" for women to report abuse is abuse.

Dolores Lorette (Sydney, 2021-03-01)


Women are adult human females not a feeling a man can have.

Heidi Blunden (Canberra, 2021-03-01)


I lived and worked in Australia and my closest relatives live there some work in universities. The capture of institutions by the trans lobby is shameful.

Alison Wren (Bristol, 2021-03-01)


I sign for free speech & all freedom of expression. Those Chinese money dependent academics & Uni’s should be sacked, replaced or closed down. If they cannot survive without Chinese money they must close as they are unviable. Support Oz & freedom & not Left wing socialism.

John Metcalf (Melbourne, 2021-03-01)


Since childhood, I have been subject to horrific abuse from transwomen (aka, men in lipstick) and I was targeted because of my SEX not my gender identity. Therefore, I recognise easily the importance of Dr Lawford-Smith's work in this area. Only extremists and cowards are against free speech.

Lucy Hann (Norwich, 2021-03-01)


Freedom of speech is important. It is not hateful to tell the truth or to want to raise and discuss difficult issues.
It is hateful to hound someone for speaking out just because you don't agree with them.

Denise Kilpatrick (Sheffield, 2021-03-01)


I'm signing because I believe that universities are in the business of encouraging critical thinking and rational discourse. If they can't handle that then they should shut up shop.

Jane Bloore (Dunedin, 2021-03-01)


The witchhunt against Dr Lawford-Smith is an extraordinary attack on a feminist academic. I support the freedom of expression of feminists in universities. I taught at this university for 25 years and I am very shocked at what is taking place.

Sheila Jeffreys (Portsmouth, 2021-03-01)


Dr. Holly Lawford-Smith has been censored and defamed, and abusers should be brought to Court

Maria Jose Binetti (buenos aires, 2021-03-01)


Holly Lawford-Smith is doing important work in support of lesbians, heterosexual women fleeing violence, women in prisons and poverty and women who have been raped. These arethe women who most need separate and safe spaces.

Susan Hawthorne (Mission Beach, 2021-03-01)


Holly Lawford-Smith is a brave and eloquent spokeswoman for many of us.

Marcia Matthews (Hopedale, 2021-03-01)


Men can never become women.

M Osner (Leeds, 2021-03-01)

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