I'm signing because im a skater frim Spain(14 years old) and I went to go.(Pontevedra, 2019-10-08)
Don't remodel the stalin plaza(Torrevieja, 2019-10-08)
The Plaza is a wonderful place(Heidenheim an der Brenz, 2019-10-08)
This spot is an amazing part of skateboard history along with an amazing place for tourist to kick and watch skating while taking in the beauty view of Prague(Dallas, 2019-10-08)
Because I used to live there and this place really amazed me. It should stay the way it is.(ho chi minh, 2019-10-09)
I'm signing because I support the melting point of various cultures and a place that became a home of different groups of urban culture. I want that this place stays open for everyone so that everyone can enjoy the beauty and the spirit of the Stalin Plaza(Milton Keynes, 2019-10-09)
to save the plaza(san benedetto del tronto, 2019-10-09)
Because its the best street place in CZ!(Planá, 2019-10-09)
Skateboarding needs Places like Stalin Plaza, its legendary for us and no Skater in this world wants to see it destroyed(Schutterwald, 2019-10-09)
I want to save this place!(Warsaw, 2019-10-09)
I want to save a beautiful space for skateboarders and creatives(Bristol, 2019-10-09)
I don't want the stain plaza to move or be built on, please leave it untouched(Maidenhead, 2019-10-09)
Stalin plaza is one of the most iconic skateboard locations IN THE WORLD! it attracts more skateboarders than tourist, it be a historic shame to close this to the youth of Prague(Preston, 2019-10-09)
I want, I like Stalin(Praha, 2019-10-09)
I love skateboarding. Stalin forever!(Prague, 2019-10-09)
This place is interesting by the skateboarders. Pure history. Super nice place where miller's of skateboarders went every years(Granada, 2019-10-09)
Save the plaza! It’s history and significance to skateboarding is unmatchable!(Kansas City, 2019-10-09)
Save this historic site and legendary skate spot(Thurmont, 2019-10-09)
Itd the best place to skate since i was born(Warsaw, 2019-10-09)
I'm signing this because i don't want this legendary spot to be destroyed.(Slavonski Brod, 2019-10-09)
Support Stalin, I’ll make it out there one day!!(90620, 2019-10-10)
because stalin plaza is a great place to hang out, skate and more. It is one of the best skateparks too.(Prague, 2019-10-10)
Because i love stalin plaza ❤️(Lyon, 2019-10-10)
Skateboarding(Brooklyn, 2019-10-10)
Used to skated this spot. By thr tome it became a instant for skatebording in europe. Do you really want to let die a place of culture. Do a kickflip !!(Darmstadt, 2019-10-10)
Cause of skate history of the spit(Lisboa, 2019-10-10)
Best skate spot ever I visit this country just for this spot.(Denver, 2019-10-10)
This is Super important !!(Bodø, 2019-10-10)
Wisited Praha and skatet the Letna, international space.(Bodø, 2019-10-10)
This place has a great historical part of skateboarding and as a user of this area it brings such a great community together from all over the world. Skateboarding needs places like this to be restored and not to be demolished or removed forever(Birmingham, 2019-10-11)
I have visited and enjoyed the plaza, I respect its history. I strongly oppose it's closure or redevelopment.(York, 2019-10-11)
Unesco World heritage(Basel, 2019-10-12)
I want to help guys and I like the view from stalinplaza(Uzhgorod, 2019-10-13)
The probably best skate spot in Prague with lot of history in it(Frýdek Místek, 2019-10-14)
Because I love this place and it brought me closer to my little brother(Auckland, 2019-10-14)
I'm signing because it's a great place to skate and meet up with friends!(Prague, 2019-10-14)
I’m a skater.(Baltimore, 2019-10-15)
skateboarding community support!!(Belo Horizonte, 2019-10-15)
Je to moje oblibene misto v praze(Bangor, 2019-10-18)
Hlasím se abychom zachránili stalin!!!(Kladno, 2019-10-18)
I'm signing this petition because this space is so unique for skateboarding. It's perfect and there's no where else in the world that is as good as this place. I went there in 2012 and I want to go back when I can afford to. I would travel half way around the world to skate Stalin square.This square brings tourism to your city, gives your youth and a worldwide community a safe space to go skateboarding. You have a very unique space in your city and it would be shame if were to change.
(Sydney, 2019-10-20)
Stalin je jedno z nejvíce og spotů(Kadaň, 2019-10-20)
I am signing because this spot has brought me happiness and I want everyone else to experience such a magical place.(Glasgow, 2019-10-21)
I'm a skater and i skated this year at stalin plaza and i loved it and want to come back i hope i can(Merano, 2019-10-21)
Save the historical plaza as it is, a meeting place for youth and skaters(Praha, 2019-10-24)
I am a skateboarder and legendary places like this has to stay alive!(Zufikon, 2019-10-24)
I love skateboarding and Prague community need this place.(Brno, 2019-10-25)
Stalin Plaza is an importent place for the skateboard culture, and one of the best places for skateboarding in the world. I have fond memories from my visit there in 2005.(Gothenburg, 2019-10-26)
Because this place is amazing contribution to cultural diversity and exchange with people from all over the world. It is unique.(Berlin, 2019-10-29)
Public needs plazas(The Hague, 2019-11-01)
I never visited the Praha and the plaza is the biggest reasons why i want to visit it one time (for Skateboarding)(Regensburg, 2019-11-04)
Forever letna, forever Stalin plaza(Bangalore, 2019-11-07)
I’m signing because I spent 3 years of my life enjoying this beautiful place, surrounded by hundreds of people of all ages and ethnicities doing just the same ! Heritage is not just past but also present !(Milano, 2019-11-07)
Dont change what is already working perfectly for the youth of the city and country.(Prague, 2019-11-07)
Respect skateboarding.bless(Chattanooga tn, 2019-11-08)
Stalin is important and culturally extremely significant to this city and country. Removing it for another building will just prove our greed as humans and wipe out all the cultural and historical context it holds.(Pragye, 2019-11-08)
FOR STALIN FOR VODKA(Baku, 2019-11-10)
I stayed in Prague 3 months and I loved Stalin Plaza. It’s the only point where young people can staysave it!
(novi ligure, 2019-11-10)
This place is unique(Domašov u Šternberka, 2019-11-12)
I live skating!(Prague, 2019-11-15)
because stalin plaza is an important place for skateboarding culture and must continue existing(Paris, 2020-04-22)
I support the use of this plaza for everybody, particularly the skateboarders! Thank you, love from SF(San Francisco, 2020-04-30)
Because I would fight for the best outdoor spot in Prague where the top music is played during the summer.(Prague, 2020-06-09)
I love skating(Appleton, 2020-08-03)
It s a beautiful place to visit and a icona for skateboarding i skate that spot 3 years ago(Biella, 2020-08-03)
Skating connects people.(Stockholm, 2020-08-04)
Podepisuji, protože s názory uveřejněnými v Petici souhlasíma ztotožnuji se
(Husinec, 2020-12-05)