

Верю в справедливость международного суда!

Никита Севрук (Минск, 2020-09-05)


Because I can’t help feeling dangerous live in this country. The dictator and the military doing what they want. There is no more institute of human rights here we’re praying for help

Anna Benedictova (Minsk, 2020-09-05)


Не могу терпеть этот 26-летний беспредел

Александр Телего (норильск, 2020-09-05)


I’m signing, because
I am madly in love with Belarus. My grandmother is from Minsk. The situation in my native Belarus terrifies me, I am afraid for our people. All actions of Lukasheko against the people should be criminalized. We are for a world without lies, we are for Peace. Long live Belarus.

Vasilina Petrova (Moscow , 2020-09-05)


Lukashenko is a criminal who illegaly seized power. The law is nothing to him. The perp should be in jail. No one us allowed to break the law.

Hanna Penkrat (Minsk, 2020-09-05)


I’m signing because I want to support Belarusians and restore the fairness and fairness of the elections

Marina Bobrova (Krasnodar, 2020-09-05)


I was born and raised in Minsk, Belarus and I love my Motherland. My heart goes out to the people of Belarus who suffered greatly from brutal aggression of lukashenko dictatorship. It's impossible to forget!

Yevgeniy Fedorov (Boulder, 2020-09-05)


i am apart of free people of belarus and against dicatorship, tortures and want to know where is our missed

Siarhei Ilyeuski (Brest, 2020-09-05)


I’m signing it because I can’t understand how can mr. lukashenko lie about the results of the election, how can mr. lukashenko shoot and kill peaceful people (who don’t even have guns, and do everything peacefully), how can mr. lukashenko be a president of Belarus for 26 years with all of this blood on his hands from the beginning (we still remember deaths of heroes Zaharenko, Gonchar, Krasovskiy and others), how can mr. lukashenko keep the whole nation in fear, how can mr. lukashenko beat students (who are the future of the nation), how? I want justice for mr. lukashenko and his crazy/rabid dogs and the whole system he built (corrupt judges, police officers, prosecutors, members of election commissions who falsified the results and help him keep the “power”)

Mikita Matusevich (Santa Clara, 2020-09-05)


Because I want to live in my country knowing that I don't need to be afraid to express my own opinion. I want to realise that State forces are mainly interested in protecting my rights and safety, rather than violating those. People want to have justice in sake of the whole nation and victims

Veranika Shalkevich (Minsk, 2020-09-05)


Я против насилия в отношении мирного населения.

Alena Nowak (Wernigerode, 2020-09-05)


I love Belarus

Evgeniy Baranov (Moscow, 2020-09-05)


Je signe parce que je suis biélorusse et voudrais la libération mon pays de Loucachenko et de sa dictature.

Ala Palles (Marseille , 2020-09-05)


I saw brutal detentions and beatings of civilians by security forces

Uladzislau Kazlouski (Brest, 2020-09-05)


Because I am enough of what is happening to my country and mu people.

Артём Голуб (Minsk, 2020-09-05)


I sign this petition because I am against violence, beatings, torture and destruction of the population in the country of Belarus, of which I am a citizen. To hold the guilty to account. Stop the violence machine. To recognize the current government as illegitimate and criminal.

Elena Kaczmarek (Wronki, 2020-09-05)


I'm segning this apel because of my legal rights and interests have been violated

Natallia SUSHKO (Minsk, 2020-09-05)


I’m belarussian and violence must be punished

Evgeniia Makukha (Mytishchi, 2020-09-05)


My family suffered from the repression in the country. I can no longer and do not want to look at the arbitrariness.

Kazlou Aliaksei (Minsk, 2020-09-05)


I’m signing this petition because I care about my people.

Ekaterina Alexandrova (Boulder, CO, 2020-09-05)


I’m signing because I am for fair elections

Валерия Волкова (Санкт-Петербург , 2020-09-05)


Я хочу жить в свободной стране без лукашенко.

Василий Костюченко (Орша, 2020-09-05)


Жыве Беларусь!

Elizaveta Prihodovskaya (Zhlobin, 2020-09-05)


I´m a German anti-fascist and eternally grateful to the peoples of the former Soveiet Union for our liberation. Today again the people of Belarus have to fight against a brutal terror regime. It is our duty to sow solidarity.

Manfred Feldmann (4600, 2020-09-05)


I love my country and wish peace and democracy

Alina Haidashova (Gomel, 2020-09-05)


We must show support for democracy always.

Gillian Woodward (Flitwick, 2020-09-05)


Хватит беззакония и произвола. Мы беларусы хотим Мира и Справедливости! Жыве Беларусь!!!

Zhvaleuski Siarhei (Grodno, 2020-09-05)


Я не признаю действующего президента легетимным, считаю, что выборы были сфальсифицорованы. Я требую отпустить всех политзаключенных и привлечь к уголовной ответственности силовые структуры и Лукашенко А.Г.

Valeryia Piatnitskaya (Минск, 2020-09-05)


Belarus freedom

Maria Repnikova (Minsk, 2020-09-05)


Давно пора

Кирилл Спиридонов (Москва, 2020-09-05)


All these cruel actions must be stopped.

Maryia Kurachova (minsk, 2020-09-05)


I’m signing this petition because Alexander Lukashenko should be punished and go to a jail, as his police and military forces, who tortured and killed innocent people in Belarus in May-September ‘20.

Tanya Vasilieva (Minsk, 2020-09-05)


I signing because I respect the Belarusian people and I am for the development of peace on the planet!

Larysa Ponomarenko (Kyiv , 2020-09-05)


Because human rights are totally denied, people get caught, tortured and punished without any reason. The president elected himself having faked the bulletins. People did not select him, he selected himself.

Kanstantsin Aliakseyenka (Minsk, 2020-09-05)


Because I am tied of endless arbitrariness

V V (Minsk, 2020-09-05)

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