Petition for 1) The Removal of The New Principal 2) The Well-Being of Our Students and Effective Communication from School Administration



I believe a good school shd be considerate on the holistic development of children and good communication to the families involved.

Yee Huai Phang (Johor Bahru, 2024-06-11)


I m signing of because of the lack of ethnically and professional in handling the cases mentioned as above

Margaret Chai pey chyi (Johor bahru, 2024-06-11)


I absolutely support this petition, as what many parents and students have commented, I feel like this principal is genuinely not suitable to be the principal for this school. Personally, as a student of this school, I feel like the school has been slowly but surely falling apart. I am not sure if it is just a coincidence, but many amazing teachers have left the school right after this new principal joined.

I would like to point out the food hygiene in the canteens. I had noticed that there was a large swarm of flies in one of the food containers, but none of the workers there cared until a teacher told them off. I was disgusted by the amount of care that was put into the foods. Plus, isn't the food supposed to be 'healthy'? I feel like most of the food being sold is very oily and contains a lot of fat.

I would also like to talk about our assembly periods. During the first assembly when the new principal was introduced, she immediately scolded us for not singing the national song. She put the blame on not a few, but all the students, even though a lot of us were actually singing the song. Proceeding to walk around like some sort of boss and acting so highly and treating us students as some sort of insects to step on, proceeding to degrade us and call us bad names. I do understand that we must respect the principal, but why can we not receive the respect back? Scold us all you want, but if you do not show us respect then please do not ask us to show you respect.

Lastly, I feel like the restriction of languages is absolutely ridiculous. What if some students really can't speak English? Scolding us for speaking our mother tongue is basically scolding our parents for teaching us how to speak that language. I clearly remember one of the sentences that she mentioned in our assembly, which was 'If you speak Chinese in the hallway, I will speak to you in Tamil'. Generally, I feel like I wouldn't mind, but please respect our language as our parents were the one who taught us it. I don't think any students will go scolding the principal for speaking Tamil, so why should she scold us?

In the end, I genuinely hope this petition will work out smoothly and this issue with the new principal will be solved.

unknown (Johor, 2024-06-11)


The new principal is so ugly we need a prettier one thanks.

Tory Lanez (Houston, 2024-06-11)


Poor supervision!Disorder!

Chris Ho (Johor, 2024-06-11)


Disagree the unreasonable new rules from this principle.

Sit Cing Ea (Johor Bahru, 2024-06-11)


I am not satisfied with the new principal's school management policy.

chin fong teng (kota tinggi, 2024-06-11)


My child frequently complained about the poor school management. I was also very disappointed with the new principal.

wong koh chung (kota tinggi, 2024-06-11)


Her behavior has severely disrupted the normal operations of the school and has negatively affected the emotional well-being and healthy development of the students. We urge you to take this matter seriously and address it promptly.

Elohn Go (81100, 2024-06-11)


I’m sign here to feedback the new principal‘, her behavior has severely impacted the normal operations of the school and the emotional well-being of the students. Please address this issue seriously.

Tammy Koay (81110, 2024-06-11)


我是international upper secondary的学生,这个新校长一来就给了我们一个非常不好的印象,他没有做到一个最基本,最简单,每个老师甚至是校长必备的尊重,只会肆无忌惮的践踏学生们的自尊。有一次他发现到厕所里面有人写他的坏话,他找不到人就来到周会找我们来发泄,直骂我们是懦夫,就算那个人的行为非常的不好,但他也有必要考虑一下,为什么其他校长一来的时候都没被说,只有他来才会被说,想必如果每个校长都遇到这个的话,他们不但会找出那位学生好好的跟他交流,甚至他们还会再反省一下,不像这位校长只会通过辱骂来发泄自己的情绪和满足自己的虚荣心。一来就篡改了一堆学校不该篡改的规则,本来这些规则放在那里好好的,该改的他不改,不该改的他偏要来改,难道他是想要证明他来过这间学校的痕迹吗?一来到学校肯定没人会认识他这个新校长,但是他可不觉得自己没那么无名,他只觉得是我们这群人没眼光而破口大骂,如果像他这种人也可以当校长的话,那我觉得这间学校一定会垮。因此,我非常支持这次的抗议。

Go Wen Xuan (Johor, 2024-06-11)


Sign for better real school management

Zhe Pin Tay (Masai, 2024-06-12)


The principal's formal style isn't suitable for managing a private school, Real school isn't a government school!

Hui Min Ng (Johor Bahru, 2024-06-12)


As a ex student at real school, it's sad to see things go this way. I hope this petition Is able to make a change in the schools environment. Hopefully this reaches the school administration and change for the better good of students

Brandon How (Johor Bahru, 2024-06-13)


I insist my kid have a good atmosphere for learning, and school should have a good communication with parents.

Yukina (johor bahru, 2024-06-13)


I fully support this petition as a concerned parent. After reading the comments made by students and parents alike, I am deeply troubled by the current state of our school under the new principal's leadership. The departure of many excellent teachers shortly after her arrival seems too significant to be mere coincidence.

The food hygiene in the canteens is alarming. Reports of a large swarm of flies in a food container, which staff ignored until a teacher intervened, highlight a serious neglect of student health and safety. The food is expensive, and while the school has reintroduced cheaper meal options by reducing the portions, I hope they can also lower the subscription meal prices to reflect this change.

There are also issues with the swimming pool and toilet facilities. The swimming pool toilet floor is always wet and should be monitored to prevent accidents from slipping and falling. This neglect of basic maintenance is concerning and needs immediate attention.

Finally, the insistence on being called "doctor" by students is concerning. As someone with a doctorate, I understand the value of the title, but it should not be used to create a barrier between educators and students. The principal should not feel superior in status. Respect is earned through actions and interactions, not titles. It is crucial for the principal to build a rapport with students and staff based on mutual respect and understanding.

As someone who has recently taken on the principal role, it is important to focus on changes that enhance the school environment rather than implementing drastic measures that complicate daily operations. Policies such as those related to uniforms and sports clothes should be thoughtfully considered to avoid unnecessary disruption. The goal should be to foster a positive and supportive school atmosphere that benefits both students and staff.

I sincerely hope this petition will bring about the necessary changes and address these issues with the new principal.

Mike (Johor, 2024-06-14)


Regarding the cafeteria changes: After the school switched to a new cafeteria operator, prices increased, and the food choices decreased. Initially, the hope was that children would have access to healthier food options instead of snacks and drinks. However, the outcome hasn’t been better; there have been two instances of gastrointestinal discomfort due to unhygienic food. In less than two weeks into Term 3, I’m now being asked to prepare meals myself because he is unwilling to spend long hours waiting in line for food I don’t want to eat.

#2 Concerning the pick-up point: The pick-up point is extremely hot. Its design, like a low-lying basin, results in poor ventilation. Children can’t stay there for more than 5 minutes without breaking into a sweat. Additionally, they’re trapped inside, inhaling car exhaust fumes. The ceiling fan isn’t effective; installing a wall fan for lateral airflow would be beneficial.Ventilation problems have led to an increase in illnesses among previously healthy children over the past year. Frequent cases of colds, coughs, flu, gastroenteritis, and fevers have been observed.

#3 Regarding the fluctuating teaching staff and student behavior: Despite the increasing student population each semester, the teaching staff turnover remains high, leading to inconsistent quality. Students’ academic performance and everyday social interactions and behavior haven’t received adequate supervision and education.

Choosing an International School: We enrolled our child in an international school with the hope of providing them with a better education. We value an open learning environment where students can excel academically, participate in sports, and develop other talents. I believe most of us are willing to pay higher tuition fees if the school genuinely invests in qualified teaching staff (both academic and extracurricular coaches), infrastructure, and hygiene. Repeated claims of budget constraints should not hinder the retention of excellent educators or prevent hiring quality coaches for extracurricular activities.

CC Chong (JB, 2024-06-21)


On the 19th of last month, my child did something wrong at school, a early school student went directly to the principal's office without the teacher's understanding and handling, and without communicating with the parents. What does this mean? At the end the teacher called me to inform me that the case was closed after the matter was resolved, was to inform me that such a thing happened. Shouldn't early school students be paid more attention to? Shouldn't there be CCTV? I still can't get over this. I'm already looking for a new school and will leave as soon as I find one I like. My daughter was indeed wrong, but she was also wrongly accused..Please allow me to be rude! What the hell!

Chai Evon (Jb, 2024-07-01)

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